Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

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Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby hatsumi Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:07 pm

Hi all!
I check that: ... &spec=Fire" target="_blank
And I see that the best damage is obtained with this talent :roll:
If someone says that this talent is good on long battles or on fights, where there are adds - check out Trilliax

Why this talent is gaining such popularity?

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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby lidorine Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:23 pm

sometimes it sims higher with the bracers for me
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby Imaskar Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:37 pm

It often sims higher, because it is broken on sims. I asked Frosted, if it could be fixed, but he didn't reply (probably haven't seen it).
I (and many others) predicted that firestarter, occasional adds, mi, 2p and the belt, all go into nice combo to devalue crit and value haste. I did 99% on H Guldan in the first weeks, despite my guild's kills not being fast and clean.
Probably now stat budget allows it to function even better. Or maybe people are more free to experiment.
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby Afflik Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:16 pm

I've personally found it very useful on a lot of ST fights. I use it on Krosus because it essentially adds an extra combustion. It takes my guild about 14 seconds to get from 100% -> 90%, so I basically have a 28 second Combustion during Heroism, and with my second Combustion I can use my second Heroism and Second pot. It amplifies the burst damage for Fire, which is what you need to take advantage of to do well.

Additionally, I've used it for Mythic Star Augur because my guild has been using Heroism at the start of the Fire Phase. If I used Combustion on the pull for my burst, I would then have to sit on it for about 20 seconds and wait for Heroism for the fire phase. By speccing into Firestarter and popping it when the boss enters Frost phase, I'm able to have it just coming back up when we pop Heroism at 60%, so it makes the timing of my cooldowns line up with Heroism well.

Basically, on most fights it adds an extra combustion, and if you Hero on pull it gives you a 25-30 second Combustion with Heroism which allows you to spike like crazy. I personally can spike to 1.6-1.8 million, and that was before I got Whispers.
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby magictricks Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:54 pm

i did actually say this back in January. ... 389#p31389" target="_blank
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby infero91 Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:37 pm

This is exciting! A new way to increase our single target on shorter fights.... How do you handle using your cooldowns off the bat? Surely you wouldn't want to use phoenix's outside of combust, would you, maybe one? So use all fireblasts, then start chaining fightball + pyros until 90%?
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby broedrost Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:24 pm

i did actually say this back in January. ... 389#p31389" target="_blank
when fire was still viable :roll: 8-)
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby magictricks Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:50 am

This is exciting! A new way to increase our single target on shorter fights.... How do you handle using your cooldowns off the bat? Surely you wouldn't want to use phoenix's outside of combust, would you, maybe one? So use all fireblasts, then start chaining fightball + pyros until 90%?

PF actually gets almost no benefit from combustion at all, it's totally inconsequential if you use PF outside of combustion if you are able to generate max Pyros during combustion.

ideally now with 14 second combustion you wanna open with fireball, MI, FB, fireball, pyro, pyro, PF, pyro, fireball, FB, pyro, and from here chain FB pyro using FB every time you are about to cap at 3. then as soon as you get to 90% pop combustion.

Obviously you wanna use bracer proc as soon as it's up and if you have meteor it's probably better to pop it right after mi.
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby Afflik Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:39 pm

There is no reason to save PF for Combustion when having Firestarter is essentially having Combustion up. I just treat the first 10% as if I had Combustion up and go through my normal rotation, and when the boss gets to 90% I pop combustion during my next cast.

Ideally casting a Bracers proc Pyro @90% is your best option, so you can cast it and pop combustion at the tail end of the cast.
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby lidorine Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:14 pm

with firestarter + belt and bracers, crit becomes the worst stat for me by far
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby Snowwhite Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:44 pm

That really sounds awesome! Will surely try out the talent in the next raid. Opens new ways indeed :)
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby Xentros Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:34 pm

Firestarter has always been highest ST talent on mythic raiding content. Simply because the bosses live longer making this talent better than it already is. I would also use this talent on some heroic bosses in nighthold.

Your opener with firestarter is pre-pot, then hard cast pyroblast which will garuantee a crit, followed by a fireblast, pyro (hot streak), ONE charge of phoenix flames, and ONE additional fireblast (because these regenerate fast with flame on talent, you'll want to use 2 right off the bat. They will be back up for your combustion at -90%). Then just fireball/pyro (hot streak) spam until 90%.

This works well because you have a very high chance of proccing your bracers with non stop hot streaks going off. 50+% of the time you'll get a bracer pyro within the 91+%. And a lot of the time you can save another bracer buff for an in-the-air combustion.

SO, at 90% you combustion, with all your instas coming off cooldown soon. Use all those within combustion and you've basically kept Pyretic Incantation up for a long, long time.

The other two choices in this talent tier are mediocre at best no matter what.
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby Imaskar Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:41 pm

Simply because the bosses live longer making this talent better than it already is.
But they live shorter now?
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Re: Firestarter is BIS on ST ?!

Unread postby Celcior Tue May 02, 2017 5:13 pm

Simply because the bosses live longer making this talent better than it already is.
But they live shorter now?
He is saying that they live longer on mythic difficulty than the other difficulties which increases the value of fire starter.

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