[7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby maynord Thu Apr 27, 2017 8:45 pm

I just got a 885 stat-stick with crit and a socket on it. I was wondering if it is better than my current trinkets. I have a 895 whispers and a 905 metronome. I don't know how to sim myself, so some input would be nice

Profile: https://www.wowprogress.com/character/eu/outland/Zlimex" target="_blank
Check out this link, it's a 7.2-updated google spreadsheet of trinket comparisons from sims.

Basically, whispers + metronome are both far ahead of an 885 crit stat stick (Brinewater Slime - Crit), you'd need an 920+ crit stat stick to replace the metronome and an 895 whispers is always very powerful
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Zlimex Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:19 pm

I just got a 885 stat-stick with crit and a socket on it. I was wondering if it is better than my current trinkets. I have a 895 whispers and a 905 metronome. I don't know how to sim myself, so some input would be nice

Profile: https://www.wowprogress.com/character/eu/outland/Zlimex" target="_blank
Check out this link, it's a 7.2-updated google spreadsheet of trinket comparisons from sims.

Basically, whispers + metronome are both far ahead of an 885 crit stat stick (Brinewater Slime - Crit), you'd need an 920+ crit stat stick to replace the metronome and an 895 whispers is always very powerful

That spredsheet doesn't seem very accurate. Makes no sense that urn rates better than trinkets like chrono shard and infernal writ. I guess it's simmed without any legendaries, but in real life you most likely have a mana generating legendary, which makes mastery much worse.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Shitbird Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:19 pm

Where can I find a rotation guide for arcane?

I have been fire and frost this expansion but since I have all the "good" legendaries for those specs, I recently set my loot spec to arcane to start collecting arcane legendaries. I got the armwraps so now I'm wanting to play around with arcane for fun but I can't seem to find a good source for learning the actual gameplay.
Someone pls
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Jumbik Tue May 02, 2017 10:47 am

Where can I find a rotation guide for arcane?

I have been fire and frost this expansion but since I have all the "good" legendaries for those specs, I recently set my loot spec to arcane to start collecting arcane legendaries. I got the armwraps so now I'm wanting to play around with arcane for fun but I can't seem to find a good source for learning the actual gameplay.
Someone pls
You can check the Icy veins guide.

https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/arcane-ma ... -abilities" target="_blank
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Tipsey Tue May 02, 2017 4:05 pm

Another thing you can do for rotational help is sim your character. After you have run the sim, scroll down to where it says Action Priority list and click that tab. A bunch of stuff will pop up and scroll down to the bottom of that and there is another tab you can click called "Sample sequence table".

From this you can gather a lot of information, like when the sim suggests using evocation, when they cast arcane missiles and rop etc.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Zlimex Thu May 04, 2017 6:59 pm

Have anyone tried simming the Temporal Flux talent with BiS legendaries? My thought for it simming so bad I guess is because with so much haste on arcane blast, you lose mana much faster. But with the legendary legs, mana isn't really a issue anymore.

I will atleast play around with it some to see how it performs. Any feedback would be nice
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby maynord Sat May 06, 2017 12:42 am

I tried simming it with multiple combos (Kilt, GS, Rhonins, Shard), even simmed TF with permutations of WoP, Amp, Resonance, CU, Erosion, and UM, and it consistently came out significantly behind builds using OP.

I really don't know how TF got through as a replacement, I know it's less fun than Quickening but it is simply numerically subpar in both PvP and PvE. It needs a flat damage % increase on AB or blanket cast time reduc across all spells to be worth it IMO, changing it from 5% / charge to something larger will just make it more awkward to manage our mana.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby maynord Sat May 06, 2017 8:14 pm

I've been hammering away at a target dummy today cuz I was bored, and I've been toying around with "infinite" burn phases. At 909 w/ Rhonin's + GS, WoP + Rune + Supernova + Erosion + OP, I can average 780-800k DPS over 6+ minute pure burn phases (time until I have to barrage basically - I only tried this 3 times so far). In one test I was in a burn phase for 10 minutes... EDIT: I should also mention that I used MoA on cooldown to get as much mana back as possible. Because I wasn't specced into Amplification I didn't always have to bank AMs for TotM / Whispers / Rune procs etc.

I'm not really sure what to think? I was kind of hoping the reward for infinite burn would be higher DPS, but it's not anything higher over the cookie cutter spec, except better target switching or movement with extra AMs, maybe. It's also not really compatible with an AoE rotation. But it's a nice change of scene from the usual talents and I'm gonna give it a go in a heroic clear or something.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby seoh Sun May 07, 2017 12:55 am

Perhaps try again with amplification? I remember the math on WoP being really bad when some people discussed it in 7.1. It was something like 2-3 more missiles proc at the cost of AF mana (and MoA damage). You might see better results. I do like trying to work around MoA+RoP on cd, but that can be tricky if you're min/maxing depending on AM procs.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby maynord Mon May 08, 2017 11:18 am

Perhaps try again with amplification? I remember the math on WoP being really bad when some people discussed it in 7.1. It was something like 2-3 more missiles proc at the cost of AF mana (and MoA damage). You might see better results. I do like trying to work around MoA+RoP on cd, but that can be tricky if you're min/maxing depending on AM procs.
Yeah that's a good idea, I'll try it again soon when I get more time, and I'll run the sims again (I'll keep GS in both cases even though I know the second evo charge isn't simmed well).

WoP is such a weird talent, they should really change its scaling to make it less punishing at lower mana (e.g. a minimum of 2-3% increase), but yeah I'm too optimistic I think
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Zlimex Tue May 16, 2017 11:36 pm

So the new legendary ring give us Temporal Flux...that has to be insane, right? The 20% more haste on arcaneblast combined with Overpowered? Guessing that will surpass the TW ring.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby maynord Wed May 17, 2017 9:00 am

The problem with TF is that it only affects Arcane Blast, i.e. the only spell which actually drains your mana. Pure haste can increase your overall DPS, namely during AP, but faster ABs simply speeds up your burn phase -- it doesn't directly increase the total damage you do during your burn phase. Total burn phase damage is dependent on your mana, crit, AM proc chance, and vers. To add insult to injury, the cast time buff scales with # of charges, so during conserve phases you're barely even feeling the effects of faster ABs.

This is the fundamental issue with TF and why it desperately needs to be reworked, and why I personally would be extremely surprised to see if this legendary sims well. Level 100 talents should absolutely change playstyles, but if TF equivalently reduced the mana cost of Arcane Blast it would be a LOT more powerful, and IMO quite fun to play with.

If we assume we're saving one legendary slot for a mana legendary, I would rather take Cord/Shard as my DPS legendary. These two legendaries synergise extremely well, mainly with Rune of Power and/or Overpowered.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby seoh Wed May 17, 2017 9:07 am

Sims are already out on ptr stuff and the ring isn't very good. Currently it has too few stats to make it better than most other options. However, it was also simmed with faux stats from Shard, and it performed the best. Here is the image, credits to Searix I believe from the discord. I'd expect some tuning on the stats, but we'll see.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Naustis Wed May 17, 2017 4:54 pm

I can belive that TF lege ring is worth only 11k dps more than non lege ring :) I don't really belive those sims.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby seoh Wed May 17, 2017 10:39 pm

If you've found a problem with the sims for ptr, be sure to contact the research team on the discord so they can make the necessary corrections.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Zulandia Wed May 17, 2017 11:31 pm

I can belive that TF lege ring is worth only 11k dps more than non lege ring :) I don't really belive those sims.
Rings make up a huge portion of our secondary stat allocation and it has like a third of the stats it should have.
If you've found a problem with the sims for ptr, be sure to contact the research team on the discord so they can make the necessary corrections.
See above, not a sim issue it is understatted to the extreme in game.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby seoh Thu May 18, 2017 3:11 am

See above, not a sim issue it is understatted to the extreme in game.
Yeah I have no issue with the sims, for the record. I understand why the new ring is under-tuned. I was trying to be polite about the distrust of the sims.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby Naustis Thu May 18, 2017 5:22 pm

Ugh, but Arcane simc is broken from the very start of Legion. Arcane on simc is entering conserve phase with around 60% mana which is huge lose to dps. This is even more severe when you are using TF.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby davesignal Tue May 23, 2017 8:49 pm

I just ran a sim with Gravity Spiral and Shard that had me start a burn phase at 20% mana and evocate away my last four seconds of AP as a result. So, uh, yeah, something of an issue.
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Re: [7.2] Arcane Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendar

Unread postby maynord Wed May 24, 2017 8:59 pm

New Legendary on the way!
Mantle of the First Kirin Tor
Item Level 910
Binds when picked up
Unique-Equipped: Legion Legendary (1)
242 Armor
+1,786 Intellect
+2,680 Stamina
+689 Critical Strike (5.51% at L101)
+597 Haste (5.24% at L101)
Equip: Arcane Barrage has a 15% chance per Arcane Charge consumed to launch an Arcane Orb in front of you.
I actually really like it, seems like it could have great synergy with Kilt, especially on fights where you have more than one mob

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