Frost change 7.2.5

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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Eyliria Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:36 pm

Have they said anything about new legendaries?

The only thing I caught on yesterday's 7.2.5 Q&A was the 940->970 jump (through questline... looking forward to doing that... so many times)

Also, I think it bears mentioning that while while crosstiering has usually worked within the same expansion, we've never had legendary combos competing directly with tier sets.

Hell, tier sets have as many pieces as they do on this expansion *BECAUSE* of legendaries (so that you can still wear 2 legendaries AND your 4pc). To allow people to 2pc+4pc seems to run entirely contrary to that.

I'm sure it will be possible, at least at first, simply because there's no easy way to prevent players from doing it without having an equally negative impact... BUT, I won't be in the least surprised if a few months down the line they made crosstiering completely incompatible.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Beave Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:56 pm

If you thought the bracers/ring combo was good for frost before, wait until you realize that means you can 4+2pc wearing them. I honestly expect there will be come outcry and that will be changed at some point because the massively predominant best legendary pieces for many specs are in tier slots. Frost (and fire if you count the bracers/belt) get lucky that their best pieces sit in non-tier spots.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Arandomperson Mon May 01, 2017 6:46 am

Actually even without the 6tier combo ring+wrists will be bis for frost because of the changes to thermal void which mean you will stay in Icy veins a lot less than before
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby sawbossnl Mon May 08, 2017 4:51 pm

Actually even without the 6tier combo ring+wrists will be bis for frost because of the changes to thermal void which mean you will stay in Icy veins a lot less than before
This only apply if you bloodlust on pull or am i wrong :)
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Texhex Wed May 10, 2017 9:15 am

seems like they are nerfing our T19 2set from 10 to 8% with 7.2.5.
so far 7.2.5 was rather just a taking than giving from mage POV. everything they changed weakened frost mage. If this continues we could end up useless again.

other underperforming mage specs didnt get any sort of love yet either.
but there is still time, lets hope for the best.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Kasc Wed May 10, 2017 2:06 pm

other underperforming mage specs didnt get any sort of love yet either.
but there is still time, lets hope for the best.
If Blizz makes me spec switch for a 3rd time after (practically) promising that relative power would stay the same throughout I think I will a flip a table. Hopefully my desk. Maybe then I would have the motivation to stop playing.

I kid, I'm being hyperbolic here. There's a hint of truth to it though.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Bucky Wed May 10, 2017 5:02 pm

Have they said anything about new legendaries?
As the most recent PTR (24076), wowhead has datamined some legendary rings. So far, it seems that these rings omit secondary stats for giving you an extra talent.

For example, the druid legendary ring gives Soul of Forest for all 4 specs. Allowing druids to pick a second talent from that row.

In terms of mages, I'm not sure how well that would actually work out. It's a substantial loss in secondary stats but if it allowed you to pick up say Splitting Ice with Frozen Touch that could be incredibly OP.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Texhex Wed May 10, 2017 6:20 pm

It's a substantial loss in secondary stats but if it allowed you to pick up say Splitting Ice with Frozen Touch that could be incredibly OP.
i dont know how much exactly, but in my napkin math the secondary stats of a ring ( around 3k for 900 ilevel) should be far more worth than frozen touch. also you give up another legendary effect for the ring.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Xinder Wed May 10, 2017 6:22 pm

Have they said anything about new legendaries?
As the most recent PTR (24076), wowhead has datamined some legendary rings. So far, it seems that these rings omit secondary stats for giving you an extra talent.

For example, the druid legendary ring gives Soul of Forest for all 4 specs. Allowing druids to pick a second talent from that row.

In terms of mages, I'm not sure how well that would actually work out. It's a substantial loss in secondary stats but if it allowed you to pick up say Splitting Ice with Frozen Touch that could be incredibly OP.
Or get back Shimmer and Ice Floes for progression? That kind of utility coming back could MAYBE be worth it.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Preheat Wed May 10, 2017 9:03 pm

Have they said anything about new legendaries?
As the most recent PTR (24076), wowhead has datamined some legendary rings. So far, it seems that these rings omit secondary stats for giving you an extra talent.

For example, the druid legendary ring gives Soul of Forest for all 4 specs. Allowing druids to pick a second talent from that row.

In terms of mages, I'm not sure how well that would actually work out. It's a substantial loss in secondary stats but if it allowed you to pick up say Splitting Ice with Frozen Touch that could be incredibly OP.
Or get back Shimmer and Ice Floes for progression? That kind of utility coming back could MAYBE be worth it.
So, essentially Norgannon's? Unlikely.

So far the theme seems to be passive damage increase talents. My guess is Incanter's Flow.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Burnthemall Thu May 11, 2017 11:41 am

Not gonna happen it would be so OP for mages to have two big dps increase talents. Imagine that you would have mirror images and the IF at the same time :)
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Texhex Thu May 11, 2017 3:35 pm

it needs to be a big dps talent, else its not worth wearing the ring at all. it must have at least the power of another legendary effect which is roughly around 3-4% dps increase + the lack of secondary stats, which is even bigger. i guess we speak here from a talent that gives around 8% damage to be worth equipping the ring.

splitting ice or frozen touch all dont give that much damage, so it must be something from the lvl45 row. even level 100 row talent might be not enough.

but the lvl 45 talents might be too powerful. so they might take a shitty talent which will make the ring useless
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby nirdana Thu May 11, 2017 4:10 pm

When they datamined previously added legendaries they also were "statless"
So i'm pretty sure it is gonna have normal stats as other items have.
And if the bonus should be simmilar to druid's it should be SI as deafult. You take it nearly in all cases so making it default will let choose between IN (maybe in pluses with little tuning) and FT which would make rotation less luckdependent.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Makz Thu May 11, 2017 5:54 pm

IF they learned from previous leggos, our ring should be either Tier 1, 2 or 5 choice, however given the current datamined rings I suspect this wont be the case.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby pyretics Thu May 11, 2017 6:05 pm

All these constant mage changes are really getting old. Can't we just have a patch without some massive overhaul that makes us question which spec we should invest in?
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Preheat Thu May 11, 2017 11:40 pm

Assuming that the ring remains statless and ends up giving Frozen Touch:

Sims run using my character with standary talents and no legendarys. No additional math to model the damage increase due to synergy between FT/SI simultaneously

So it looks like for my character the ring would end up being a dps loss compared to instead wearing an epic ring in it's place and no second legendary.

In the case that secondary stats are added and are at least comparable to my current epic rings, we instead look at a legendary worth about ~4% dps increase.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby ColdasIce Tue May 16, 2017 9:43 pm

The ring seems to have gotten a new iteration.
Looks... almost decent. Arcane might be the most interesting here?
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Preheat Tue May 16, 2017 10:10 pm


1500 stats is pretty low for a 940. You lose even more of the budget at 970 compared to another.

FT paired with another isn't strong enough to make this good for frost.

FO is a similar story, and since bracers are so important (and hat for AoE) there isn't much wiggle room

TF remains to be seen. OP TF would be a good combo but the stat budget might compromise the gain.

same sim/napkin math 2 target:
Last edited by Preheat on Tue May 16, 2017 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Makz Tue May 16, 2017 11:13 pm

if bracer still sims highest, wouldnt the question be, does the ring offset the Gloves, as if you are using bracer/new ring, then u can run 2/6 4/6 t19/20 too?
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Re: Frost change 7.2.5

Unread postby Enemu Tue May 16, 2017 11:39 pm

if bracer still sims highest, wouldnt the question be, does the ring offset the Gloves, as if you are using bracer/new ring, then u can run 2/6 4/6 t19/20 too?
Numbers need to back it up, but based on those sims my feelycraft says Shard is still gonna be better.

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