Mage Legendary Ring !

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Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby StoneDog0055 Wed May 17, 2017 12:35 am

Looks like they added the talents for the mage ring in this last patch.

Soul of the Archmage (New) Gain one of the following talents based on your specialization:
Arcane: Temporal Flux
Fire: Flame On
Frost: Frozen Touch

Looks like we'll be able to get both Frozen Touch and Splitting Ice now if needed. 2PT19 + 4PT20 with bracers and a ring seems like it'll be the set up to beat.

To me this ring seems nuts. With all the orbs we'll be casting in 7.2.5 due to the T20 set we'll be casting a ton of IL's.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby subtlexgaming Wed May 17, 2017 2:11 am

Yeah I am interested to see tests done to see how good it really is.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Texhex Wed May 17, 2017 9:02 am

looks like the ring got some secondary stats now. but it seems only half of what normal epic rings with that ilevel got.

so basically compared to another legendary you give up alot of itemstats aswell. will be interesting to see, if the FT talent will compensate that statloss + legendary effect of another item. i doubt it tbh. i think the ring will be only good for arcane. but afaikthey were planning to buff (?) FT because they said its underwhelming compared to splitting ice for ST.

Sims and logs will show (or not show) the power of the ring.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby StoneDog0055 Wed May 17, 2017 9:38 am

The stats of the ring are just showing the base level (iLvL 910 for 101 toons). The ring should have comparable stat budget to both of our other ring options just split across 3 stats.

The question will be if getting 4.8% more fingers of frost charges (40% more of a 12% base) is better then a second or third hero.

Keep in mind that we will be casting a lot more frozen orbs come 7.2.5. On the PTR for me, it was off cooldown before Ebonbolt constantly .... roughly a 35-40s CD with the new 4 Peice.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Texhex Wed May 17, 2017 10:33 am

then the ring might be actually good, cause the FT Talent competes only against other legendary effects.

If you think about it, the hands legendary effect is nearly the same as FT. it generates IL. the question is, which one generates more over time :P
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby haze Wed May 17, 2017 10:48 am

I'd imagine the ring would as the gloves require IV active to generate the FoF and our Thermal Void extension of IV is going to be pretty nerfed afaik
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby StoneDog0055 Wed May 17, 2017 11:03 am

With the IV nerf I think gloves are dead. It only lasts me 40s on average on the PTR and feels impossible to even roll it into the next Orb.

So at 40s of uptime that's 4 extra IL every 2-3 minutes.... not much at all :(

Add to that the 2P 19 with the 8% proc for Brain Freeze has an amazing synergy with our T20. The iLvL difference to give up 2P T19 would be massive.

It looks like bracers will still be BIS but now it'll be with an offset piece. On-farm or if you hero at the start I can see Shard still being nuts (unless blizz tries to change it again). Even Sephuz's with the constant haste can be good ..... hell Prydaz is usable if you need the HP. Or maybe the new ring will be OP
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Texhex Wed May 17, 2017 1:14 pm

i guess best is to try and get all legendaries now for one spec. that way you can snipe the ring the moment it goes live.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby subtlexgaming Wed May 17, 2017 3:52 pm

i guess best is to try and get all legendaries now for one spec. that way you can snipe the ring the moment it goes live.
I should have all frost and all fire legendaries by the time patch goes live(frost bracers, fire belt). Are you saying if I stay in frost or fire spec, I am guarantee to get the new ring as my next legendary?
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Texhex Wed May 17, 2017 4:01 pm

atm you always get a legendary based on your lootspec, which also includes the shared ones like sephuz or shard.

the moment you got all from your spec you will then get one from your other specs, but i think that goes live with 7.2.5. currently you wouldnt get any legendaries.

but the ring will again be a shared one. if you, for example, got all legendaries for fire (including sephuz etc) the new ring would be the only legendary that would be elligible for your lootspec fire, hence the moment a legendary drops it would be the ring.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby subtlexgaming Thu May 18, 2017 3:29 pm

atm you always get a legendary based on your lootspec, which also includes the shared ones like sephuz or shard.

the moment you got all from your spec you will then get one from your other specs, but i think that goes live with 7.2.5. currently you wouldnt get any legendaries.

but the ring will again be a shared one. if you, for example, got all legendaries for fire (including sephuz etc) the new ring would be the only legendary that would be elligible for your lootspec fire, hence the moment a legendary drops it would be the ring.
Thanks for that. So I'll make sure to stay frost lootspec once I get bracers if we found out that ring is good and gets buffed stats. I imagine, if they buff the stats and or buff Frozen Touch it could become really good.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby kaqau Fri May 19, 2017 7:50 am

atm you always get a legendary based on your lootspec, which also includes the shared ones like sephuz or shard.

the moment you got all from your spec you will then get one from your other specs, but i think that goes live with 7.2.5. currently you wouldnt get any legendaries.

but the ring will again be a shared one. if you, for example, got all legendaries for fire (including sephuz etc) the new ring would be the only legendary that would be elligible for your lootspec fire, hence the moment a legendary drops it would be the ring.
Thanks for that. So I'll make sure to stay frost lootspec once I get bracers if we found out that ring is good and gets buffed stats. I imagine, if they buff the stats and or buff Frozen Touch it could become really good.
It is still good right now, since we wont use the hands anymore and shard is good on situations
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Zulandia Fri May 19, 2017 9:28 pm

It is still good right now, since we wont use the hands anymore and shard is good on situations
In it's current state it is a dps loss over using a ToS ring. I would not quantify that as good.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby kaqau Sat May 20, 2017 7:32 am

It is still good right now, since we wont use the hands anymore and shard is good on situations
In it's current state it is a dps loss over using a ToS ring. I would not quantify that as good.
Well thats only been tested on a dummy standing still with 1 target. FoF gets more value with more than 1 target buddy.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Norrinir Sun May 21, 2017 12:02 am

It's slightly better than ToS ring on cleave, not really worth the legendary slot.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Xinder Sun May 21, 2017 6:29 pm

I was watching a youtuber video and he brought up the idea that maybe this ring would be outside the two lego restriction to make it easier to balance under the assumption everyone has it. Instead of it ending up in the pool of utility/worthless legos no one uses. If it's basically free does that see it get use?
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Lahrast Sun May 21, 2017 7:13 pm

I was watching a youtuber video and he brought up the idea that maybe this ring would be outside the two lego restriction to make it easier to balance under the assumption everyone has it. Instead of it ending up in the pool of utility/worthless legos no one uses. If it's basically free does that see it get use?
it was just a tooltip error that it was missing the "unique equipped legendary (2)" marker

in it's current form it'll be garbage, just like all legendary additions after 7.1
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Xinder Mon May 22, 2017 1:09 am

I was watching a youtuber video and he brought up the idea that maybe this ring would be outside the two lego restriction to make it easier to balance under the assumption everyone has it. Instead of it ending up in the pool of utility/worthless legos no one uses. If it's basically free does that see it get use?
it was just a tooltip error that it was missing the "unique equipped legendary (2)" marker

in it's current form it'll be garbage, just like all legendary additions after 7.1
I mean, if they keep it as part of the same restrictions, then yeah. It's garbage.
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby kaqau Mon May 22, 2017 10:29 am

Yea I totally thought these rings would come out in Argus where we would use 3 legendarys since it would make the most sense
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Re: Mage Legendary Ring !

Unread postby Texhex Tue May 23, 2017 1:47 pm

even with 3 legendary slots i might not use that ring as 3rd slot

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