which legendary should I use?

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which legendary should I use?

Unread postby Macdiva524 Wed May 24, 2017 2:42 am

I just got the shard of Exodar ring but also have the frost legendary bracers and gloves. Which should I equip? I with the ring have 30% crit 24% haste and 42% mastery with ilvl of 900. With the other set up with both the wrists and gloves I have 30% crit 20%haste and 35% mastery and ilvl of 898.
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Re: which legendary should I use?

Unread postby ColdasIce Wed May 24, 2017 6:15 am

I just got the shard of Exodar ring but also have the frost legendary bracers and gloves. Which should I equip? I with the ring have 30% crit 24% haste and 42% mastery with ilvl of 900. With the other set up with both the wrists and gloves I have 30% crit 20%haste and 35% mastery and ilvl of 898.
Check the top ranks and see which 2 legendaries come top each boss, and adapt to that. Personally, I'd probably use Shard/Wrists everywhere but Augur/Tichondrius, and even there after you get them on farm and can use lust early. You can also get creative and use the belt if you can consistently Blizzard enough ads. The wrists are somewhat "required" and it's the legendary you build around if you play TV, although a combo like Shard/Gloves is also great.

Just experiment for yourself, but if you can fully profit twice of lust+IV, there's a good chance Shard will be the 2nd legendary for that encounter.
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Re: which legendary should I use?

Unread postby Frostienips Wed May 24, 2017 10:32 am

I see alot of people wearing shard and bracers these days and i'd probably do the same if I had them.
Either way you are in a good spot for when 7.2.5 comes and have the option to switch out gloves for bracers.

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