[US][A] TooSimpleSometimesNaive@Vashj (3/14 H)

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[US][A] TooSimpleSometimesNaive@Vashj (3/14 H)

Unread postby zhengma Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:58 am




1. Be able to tell exactly where the name of the guild is quoted from. There is only one correct answer (and I will plea to the mod to remove any reply that reveals this answer). Those who can't tell need not apply. Optimally, quote a different part of that same speech when you send your application.

2. From our experience (and our astonishment), all of those who can meet requirement #1 coincidentally meet our expectation regarding experience, skill and gear. Still, please check the guild roster upon applying for the experience and item level of the top 15~20 characters in the guild, and make sure you're at roughly the same stage. The applications of those who are significantly below will still be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and those who are significantly above will be more than welcomed if capable of raiding with obedience to the RL and with patience to the rest of the raid.

3. Either dwelling in North America now, or capable of convincing us of that your network latency won't compromise your performance to the extent of burdening the rest of the raid.

4. Have no intention to quit WoW in foreseeable future, and be able to make most of the weekly guild run (see below).

5. Have YY installed and be willing to listen, if not speak, on it. If you meet Requirement #1, you should know what that is.

Raiding Schedule:

Currently we farm 10-man Normal SoO every Saturday, starting at 18:30~19:00 EST, and end when we kill Garrosh typically before midnight EST.

10-man Heroic SoO progression will start as early as mid-August, and we're aiming at downing Nazgrim before WoD launches.

We expect to start progression once Tier 17 comes out, depending on the schedule of our raiders (mostly students in real life).

Preferred Spec:

Currently, if taking all the toons of our regular raiders, main and alts alike, we have ten of the eleven classes and most of their PvE specs covered. That means the only preference we might have is Destruction (even better w/ Affliction off-spec). However, it also means that all qualified applicants are welcomed, regardless of spec. We're kind of full on tanks and healers at this moment, so DPS will have a higher chance to be admitted.

We treat all armor types equally, but DPS who wears Plate armor will have less competition on loots.

Still, if you don't see your spec on any of our 540+ characters, throw an application, and we might admit you just for the sake of completeness and diversity!

What We Provide (that few other guilds can):

Raiding on a foreign realm with your compatriots in your native language.

The elitist attitude and encounter research common in your home country, combined with the laid-back atmosphere and devoid of (excessive) verbal abuse common on western realms.

How To Apply:

Send me a PM on OpenRaid forum consists of:
  • Demonstration that you meet Requirement #1 (see above);
  • Your BattleTag;
  • The link to the Armory of your main (I will check WoWProgress for the full list of your alts, make sure the list is up-to-date and not hidden from me);
  • A representative WoL/WCL entry;
  • Anything else you want us to know.
After the initial reviewing, I will add your BTag for further conversational interview.

Those who pass will be invited to our weekly raid for trial. No discrimination on loot distribution will be enforced on recruits, but you have to demonstrate equal or better performance (after ilvl being taken into account) and encounter knowledge to the rest of the raid.

Those who earn permanent spots in the guild raiding team will have the freedom to choose whether staying on his/her own realm or do a realm transfer. Request to reimburse for the $25 transfer fee will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. US-Vashj is currently merged with US-Frostwolf, transferring to either realm will do.

Thanks for your consideration! PM me if you have any further questions.
Last edited by zhengma on Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [US][A] TooSimpleSometimesNaive@Vashj (2/14 H)

Unread postby Komma Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:46 am

I just wanted to say that your guild's name is hilarious, knowing and having watched the origin of where it was coined.
Admin of Altered Time.

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