Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Arandomperson Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:54 am

why are you wearing gloves. they are terrible now. I think they are actually the worst legendary for frost atm. Sephuz is top for sure so use that. think about it like this, if you get 4 procs out of sephuz you basically have shard. Not quite but close. and in some fights you can get more so
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Pandako Mon Jun 26, 2017 3:43 pm

Thanks for the suggestion Arandomperson

Today i will get my essence to upgrade a second legendary, I'm going to give a shot to Sephuz + bracers :)
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Xinder Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:47 pm

Thanks for the suggestion Arandomperson

Today i will get my essence to upgrade a second legendary, I'm going to give a shot to Sephuz + bracers :)
Do you have the TW ring as well? Despite what he said, TW is still going to generally be better over most fights, especially if you lust on pull, than a sephuz would. Not saying don't update Sephuz 3rd, but if you have the TW ring and Bracers, those should be the first two upgraded, imo.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Arandomperson Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:26 am

He said 2 posts earlier he does not have shard and is looking for a replacement till he gets it.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Pandako Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:34 am

yeah, my goal is Shard (TW) + Bracers, but sadly i dont have the shard, so I'm going with bracers + Sephuz, and when (if some day) I loot the shard I will change :)

My doubt was if in my current state was better Sephuz or the gloves, but yesterday I tried Sepuzh and I am gald with it, so I updrated it to 970.

Thanks you both :)
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Trost Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:22 am

Hi guys,
I do not know if this question has already been asked but do we have a list of spell who trigger Sephuz ?
I just read that Glacial spike trigger it but as TV is their any spell in our rotation who trigger it ? (Where I read it)
If not, Should we bother to trigger it ? Or Sephuz is just there for the stats ?
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Xinder Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:44 pm

Hi guys,
I do not know if this question has already been asked but do we have a list of spell who trigger Sephuz ?
I just read that Glacial spike trigger it but as TV is their any spell in our rotation who trigger it ? (Where I read it)
If not, Should we bother to trigger it ? Or Sephuz is just there for the stats ?
Interrupting and if you can frost nova or pet nova an add or group of adds would also proc it. Also if you use the legendary shoulders the explosion after frozen orb finishes does a nova like effect and if the mob is frozen in place by the effect then you also proc sephuz.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby blackgandolf Wed Jun 28, 2017 4:42 pm

I think they fixed the Ice Time proccing sephuz this patch.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Drozzy Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:10 pm

Ice Time used to proc sephuz even when it did not freeze the target. As in, Ice Time procced sephuz on bosses who are immune to freeze effects. If Ice Time freezes targets with the frost nova it releases, it should still proc sephuz.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Xinder Wed Jun 28, 2017 11:01 pm

I think they fixed the Ice Time proccing sephuz this patch.
Right, they did. Which is why in my explanation about it I specifically called out the nova part having to take effect for it to proc Sephuz.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby wizardsnz Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:17 am

guys opener and rotation change with 2pc?
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Rouedkaross Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:52 am

Hey guys, i have the Head and bracers leg atm but still no sign of Shard so i don't really have a choice. However when i loot Shard, should i go bracers + shard + 2p t19 or Head + Shard ?

I dropped Sephuz today, is it worth anything in M+ for exemple compared to Head+Bracers ?

In single target is Frozen Touch ahead of Splitting Ice ? (saw the logs and while people change for Unstable Magic, they don't bother switching SI to FT)

Hope you can help, thanks.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Xinder Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:22 am

Head + Shard is technically BIS assuming you can use shard. Bracers+Shard+ 2pT19 high ilvl is close in dmg to Head+Shard.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Rouedkaross Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:34 am

Ty for your input ! Any answer for the 2 other questions ?
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby sawbossnl Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:40 am

Head + Shard is technically BIS assuming you can use shard. Bracers+Shard+ 2pT19 high ilvl is close in dmg to Head+Shard.
I got all the legos for frost and all the bis for arcane aswell.
I was wondering is frost still top dps for tos ?

Or is it only top wen i got t20 4 set ?
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Xinder Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:29 am

Ty for your input ! Any answer for the 2 other questions ?
Sephuz is up to you for M+ adds. I don't like swapping gear in the dungeons so I don't bother with any of that and just keep my best legos for bosses and not try and game the mob pulls. That's just me though.

SI wins over FT if there's ever any chance you can cleave like 2 or 3 icelances. So unless it's really full single target all the time never adds, SI will win. Also SI still has a higher ceiling over FT if you get lucky and get lots of IL procs because of the SI buff to IL dmg.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Rhuan Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:34 pm

guys opener and rotation change with 2pc?
I'm also interested, no one still answered it.

I would also like to know if it is worth to cast the 2 istant blizzards when frozen orb is active to further reduce the cooldown of the orb.

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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Xinder Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:42 pm

guys opener and rotation change with 2pc?
I'm also interested, no one still answered it.

I would also like to know if it is worth to cast the 2 istant blizzards when frozen orb is active to further reduce the cooldown of the orb.

Don't have an answer to the first part as I've still been keeping my rotation the same and haven't really done anything to mess with that. If you cast FO before ebon, you munch the free shatter IL from the Ebonbolt > BF > IL opener. Not to mention the cast time of Ebonbolt in the FO buff window is taking up the time when you could be trying to put as much damage out while you still have the 20% crit dmg.

For your other question, you still don't cast blizzard unless there are adds up. Even with the instant cast option from the freezing rain trait. It's not as much reduction to FO as you would think and it invokes the GCD. So while you don't have a cast time, you have to wait for the GCD before you can cast something else which is 1.5s where you could instead be casting a frostbolt that can proc FoF/BF and if it procs BF then you just took 5 secs off of FO if you have the 4pc.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Rouedkaross Mon Jul 03, 2017 12:20 am

Hey !

Got Sentinel Medallion, how should i use it ? For now i just did a macro IV+trinket.
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Re: Guide to Thermally Voiding your Enemies in 7.2.5

Unread postby Trost Mon Jul 03, 2017 9:34 am

Hey !

Got Sentinel Medallion, how should i use it ? For now i just did a macro IV+trinket.
I use it after my opener.
I have the 2p T20 and after the opener : Precast Ebonbolt -> IV/berserk -> Flurry -> Shimmerlance -> Frozen Orb -> The Sentine Medallionl

I do not macro it with IV as this trinket come more often available than my IV. Just be sure to have a good bind on it and use it when you as focus on the same target. If you switch target the Owl will last less longer.
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