[7.3] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

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Re: 7.2.5 - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Lahrast Fri Jul 07, 2017 3:06 am

Thanks alot for this.

For me, my (semi bad) 2pc + 4pc still sims better than my legendary helm + offpiece. I don't know if this is the best place to ask, but is titanforged 2pc from tier 19 gonna be the best all tier? (I have 915 helm and 905 cloak).
It's possible. Norrinir created the default T20_Frost_Mythic profile simming all possible gear combinations from T19/T20 (all base mythic item level 905 for t19, 930 for t20) and the highest was using shoulders/legs from t19 tier.
at least for GS the legendary head wins against the bracer when compared to a 915+socket helm/905+socket t19 legs, this could however drastically change if you take cleave in to account. the leg helm can(!!) cleave reeally good if the timing is nice .. but it's rather difficult or impossible to time imo
i'm currently at a loss to be honest
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Nibbler Sun Jul 09, 2017 3:28 pm

Can someone tell me the mage frost bis list for ToS?
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby StoneDog0055 Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:15 am

Unfourtantly due to TF, BiS lists have gone out the window.

The two most common TV set-ups right now are:

- 2PT19 + 4PT20 with Bracers/shard
- 4PT20 with Helm/Shard
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Glynny Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:48 pm

[11/07/2017 - Added legendary profiles (big thanks to Norrinir for the help!)
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Nibbler Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:59 pm

Unfourtantly due to TF, BiS lists have gone out the window.

The two most common TV set-ups right now are:

- 2PT19 + 4PT20 with Bracers/shard
- 4PT20 with Helm/Shard
The most 2pt19 i've seen is trousers and back, is that right?
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby 3lorian Wed Jul 12, 2017 6:07 pm

Thank you for the leggo numbers!!!

My only question is this

Is the shard/bracer combo including a 2/4 combo?
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Glynny Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:44 am

Thank you for the leggo numbers!!!

My only question is this

Is the shard/bracer combo including a 2/4 combo?
Anything that does not have a tier legendary (Vashj Gloves, Ice Time Shoulder etc) will have t19 2pc.
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Glynny Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:46 am

Unfourtantly due to TF, BiS lists have gone out the window.

The two most common TV set-ups right now are:

- 2PT19 + 4PT20 with Bracers/shard
- 4PT20 with Helm/Shard
The most 2pt19 i've seen is trousers and back, is that right?

Pants and shoulders are the highest simming combo at base mythic item level, but titanforging may change this in your case. You should sim yourself.
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:26 pm

Stickied! Thanks a lot for the effort that went into it.
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Boya Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:48 am

Glynny is it possible for you to check or do you know how to optimal use the Owl trinket? I have 2 frozen veins relics on weapon so the the trinket doesnt line up good with IV at all. My 3rd Owl only gets like 5 seconds of IV. So is it worth holding IV for 10-20 secs or should i just use both IV and Owl on cd?
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Syntek Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:11 am

Hey guys. From what I see here and my own sims there really don't seem to be a reason to waste $25 for a racechange to make my undead into troll/orc. Is that true or is the extra damage CD very useful in a lot of fights despite not showing up hard in the sims?
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Frantik Mon Jul 24, 2017 11:03 am

Hey guys. From what I see here and my own sims there really don't seem to be a reason to waste $25 for a racechange to make my undead into troll/orc. Is that true or is the extra damage CD very useful in a lot of fights despite not showing up hard in the sims?
race changing for the dps gain only was never worth it (unless you re part of a cutting edge group M+ or raiding wise).
Racials contribute only a minor portion of your overall damage(for troll/dwarf) which is negligible most of the times
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Pytson Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:24 pm

Guys I have short question about legendary bracers buff. Do you casting "raw" ice lance (without fingers of frost proc) when you got 6 stacks legendary bracers buff and it's going to expire? Is it worth casting that one low dmg ice lance instead building 6 stacks again? Or you just doesn't track that buff at all?
Sorry for my poor english.
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Xinder Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:38 pm

Guys I have short question about legendary bracers buff. Do you casting "raw" ice lance (without fingers of frost proc) when you got 6 stacks legendary bracers buff and it's going to expire? Is it worth casting that one low dmg ice lance instead building 6 stacks again? Or you just doesn't track that buff at all?
Sorry for my poor english.
I still track the buff but it's not necessary to do what you're describing. Just think of the buff as a nice to have and as long as you're doing your rotation correctly you'll have a high uptime on the buff.
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Nibbler Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:47 pm

I get my legendary brazzers today so one question: I must keep 6 stacks up in entire fight, even if i dotn got flurry or ice lance proc ready?
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Xinder Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:20 pm

I get my legendary brazzers today so one question: I must keep 6 stacks up in entire fight, even if i dotn got flurry or ice lance proc ready?
The post above yours is my answer to someone else who asked the same thing.....

You do not want to cast unempowered Ice lances just for the sake of keeping up the buff. It's a helpful dps increase when you do have procs and are using empowered ice lances but you shouldn't be using unempowered ones just for the sake of the buff.
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Nibbler Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:13 am

I get my legendary brazzers today so one question: I must keep 6 stacks up in entire fight, even if i dotn got flurry or ice lance proc ready?
The post above yours is my answer to someone else who asked the same thing.....

You do not want to cast unempowered Ice lances just for the sake of keeping up the buff. It's a helpful dps increase when you do have procs and are using empowered ice lances but you shouldn't be using unempowered ones just for the sake of the buff.
Thx and sorry didnt see the post above mine :oops:
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Kot Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:16 pm

What should I do when I have proc BF and Orb is ready?
1. If I cast FB>Flurry>IL I can take another proc BF which won't reduce CD of Orb
2. If I cast Orb>FB>Flurry>IL I lose proc FoF
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby broedrost Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:09 am

What should I do when I have proc BF and Orb is ready?
1. If I cast FB>Flurry>IL I can take another proc BF which won't reduce CD of Orb
2. If I cast Orb>FB>Flurry>IL I lose proc FoF
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Re: [7.2.5] TV - Talents, Relics, Stats, Racials & More!

Unread postby Cablok Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:51 am

Are the sims for shard of exodar showing two lusts over the fight duration or three?

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