at least for GS the legendary head wins against the bracer when compared to a 915+socket helm/905+socket t19 legs, this could however drastically change if you take cleave in to account. the leg helm can(!!) cleave reeally good if the timing is nice .. but it's rather difficult or impossible to time imoIt's possible. Norrinir created the default T20_Frost_Mythic profile simming all possible gear combinations from T19/T20 (all base mythic item level 905 for t19, 930 for t20) and the highest was using shoulders/legs from t19 tier.Thanks alot for this.
For me, my (semi bad) 2pc + 4pc still sims better than my legendary helm + offpiece. I don't know if this is the best place to ask, but is titanforged 2pc from tier 19 gonna be the best all tier? (I have 915 helm and 905 cloak).
i'm currently at a loss to be honest