582 Frost Mage - A little help with stats

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582 Frost Mage - A little help with stats

Unread postby jade Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:15 pm

Hey guys! Just asking a quick "am I doing this right" type of question about stats and stat weights. I recently decided to go for a higher haste breakpoint than what I was at before (14242, now upped to 15832 based on the new recommendation on Akraen's visual frost guide, which I'm really hoping I understood correctly).

I used the following stat weights to get there:

My armory is http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... 8/advanced" target="_blank
And my AMR profile is http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/gear/usa/eredar/jad%C3%A8" target="_blank
(if you need any other links just ask!)

Really just want to make sure I'm not missing out on stats somewhere and that I entered the weights correctly. It was based on a post or two I saw so I'm not 100% sure I did it perfectly. Also any recommendations for more optimal gemming/reforging/etc are totally appreciated, since I know sometimes AMR suggestions are a bit off. Currently working on heroic seigecrafter progression, if that helps at all.

Thanks guys!
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Re: 582 Frost Mage - A little help with stats

Unread postby Skil Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:57 am

In the frost section of these forums, Drjayfisto posted a detailed write-up on this HBP, and his suggested weights were:

Haste (to 15832) > Mastery = Crit (to 20%) > Crit (above 20%) > Haste (above 15832). This received Akraen's seal of approval.

In your AMR setup, I see you've set stat priorities the same way we were told when using 14242 Haste, which was:

Haste (to 14242) > Mastery > Haste (above 14242) > Crit

Hope this helps!

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