RoP vs IF

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RoP vs IF

Unread postby z0nkey Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:52 pm

Moderator note: moved to Q&A

With checking Warcraft logs and talking to various high tier Fire mages in US realms RoP and IF seem to boil down to personal preference more often than not.

The general consensus that I've noticed is for fast fights (ex: Mythic+, LFR, etc) RoP can be a lot more efficient for the extremely high burst damage during a short fight.

IF seems to be a lot more viable for fights that require a lot more movement and more sustained damage for longer duration fights.

Is this how you guys see it too? I'm always swapping back and forth between the two to see which ones work better personally.

Any tips insight on this would be great.
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Re: RoP vs IF

Unread postby lidorine Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:15 am

i use IF because i'm lazy af, sims 20k lower than rop on st, but it's soo much simpler
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Re: RoP vs IF

Unread postby ezekielyo Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:11 pm

With checking Warcraft logs and talking to various high tier Fire mages in US realms RoP and IF seem to boil down to personal preference more often than not.

The general consensus that I've noticed is for fast fights (ex: Mythic+, LFR, etc) RoP can be a lot more efficient for the extremely high burst damage during a short fight.

IF seems to be a lot more viable for fights that require a lot more movement and more sustained damage for longer duration fights.

Is this how you guys see it too? I'm always swapping back and forth between the two to see which ones work better personally.

Any tips insight on this would be great.
RoP is higher dps if you can stand in it for the entire duration. Tos has so much movement/soaking that timing your RoP is more of a pain in the arse then anything else. You end up delaying cds to try to find RoP windows which can lead to dps losses anyway.

If you can utilize RoP timings, RoP is better, otherwise use IF

I use IF for everything because i can't be bothered with RoP anymore. But that's a personal bias ;)
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Re: RoP vs IF

Unread postby MagickWizzard Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:18 am

Keep in mind there's a survivorship bias on those WarcraftLogs rankings

If everything coincidentally happens to line up when you're using Incanter's Flow, it's about on par with Rune of Power

When you look at top logs, you're only looking at top parses, so you won't see all the times that choosing Incanter's Flow resulted in a huge DPS loss

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