Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Mageski Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:53 pm

Had two trials and someone from our 14/14n group with us last week so only did through spoils and then swapped to reg to finish.

Thok N: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/re ... #boss=1599" target="_blank

Yep, love this build. Looooove it.
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Verraine Fri Jul 25, 2014 11:29 pm

Had two trials and someone from our 14/14n group with us last week so only did through spoils and then swapped to reg to finish.

Thok N: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/re ... #boss=1599" target="_blank

Yep, love this build. Looooove it.
Which build in particular? The Mastery = Crit until the shatter cap?
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Skil Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:40 am

Verraine: Since I didn't see any exact AMR values, I improvised. I don't know if the exact decimal points are important, but the way I understand it is if the value is lower for a particular stat, it'll prioritize the other stats first. I could be wrong, but looking at the suggested reforging/enchanting/gems it suggested, I seemed to achieved the intended stats. Basically, I took Drjayfisto's comment in the above thread and plugged them into AMR:

"Haste (until 15832) > Mastery = Crit (until 20%) > Crit (over 20%) > Haste (over 15832)"
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Mageski Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:49 pm

Had two trials and someone from our 14/14n group with us last week so only did through spoils and then swapped to reg to finish.

Thok N: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/re ... #boss=1599" target="_blank

Yep, love this build. Looooove it.
Which build in particular? The Mastery = Crit until the shatter cap?
Hit > Haste (15832) > Mastery = Crit to 28% > Crit past 28%
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Verraine Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:40 pm

Had two trials and someone from our 14/14n group with us last week so only did through spoils and then swapped to reg to finish.

Thok N: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/re ... #boss=1599" target="_blank

Yep, love this build. Looooove it.
Which build in particular? The Mastery = Crit until the shatter cap?
Hit > Haste (15832) > Mastery = Crit to 28% > Crit past 28%
I switched as well, and I also noticed an improvement.
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby macca Wed Jul 30, 2014 5:40 pm

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... m/advanced" target="_blank

uuummm guys im confused, im going for the 15832 haste build, my char is a Troll, could some one please up load a screen shot of AMR "edit weights" with the correct values for my char?, im not the brightest spark :D and just seeing a screen shot that i could look at would be nice xD
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Skil Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:57 am

Macca, I posted one a few replies ago, take a look as it seems to give me the intended weights for all stats. The only thing I'd confirm however, is if this exact build applies to you at the moment, as the original post by Drjayfisto mentions it's for 584-589, so I'm not entirely sure if it fully applies at lower levels. I might be wrong, but I'd assume the 15832 HBP is still viable, but perhaps you might benefit more from:

Haste to 15832 > Mastery > Crit > Haste above 15832

Instead of:

Haste to 15832 > Mastery = Crit > Haste above 15832

If that's the case, then you could use my screenshot as a starting point, and in AMR, instead of using the same weight for Crit and Mastery, simply set a Crit to a slightly lower number than Mastery, but higher than Haste above 15832.

Hope this helps!
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby durrtygoodz Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:00 am

The only thing I'd confirm however, is if this exact build applies to you at the moment, as the original post by Drjayfisto mentions it's for 584-589, so I'm not entirely sure if it fully applies at lower levels
I first started talking about 15832 for frost many months ago, before 4/4. I was around 578 ilvl when I had rank 1 on both TFP and spoils, the TFP parse a good 50k ahead for a few weeks and stayed r1 for 2-3 months before the 4/4 patch. So you can absolutely use this haste at lower gear levels.

Unfortunately when I was talking about it nobody really believed me that it was a good way to go :P Im just seen as a mental patient who comes out with "incorrect theories" that everyone starts doing after some time anyways.
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Skil Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:40 am

Wasn't Einstein considered a mad-scientist until his theories proved to be accurate? :D

Thanks for confirming the HBP, Durrtygoodz, but do the remaining stat priorities also apply at lower levels too, or is there no need to weigh Crit/Mastery the same and instead add into Mastery as a priority then Crit at a lower rate, until you reach 584-ish ilvl?
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Komma Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:52 am

I haven't run the sims yet, but I believe that at lower gear levels (<580), 15832 haste will compromise a little bit of your single target damage. One of the main reasons why haste ~= mastery at 588 is because you have more than 20K mastery at that gear level.
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby durrtygoodz Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:54 am

I would always go mastery as a priority, due to crit being so easy to have "enough" of. You don't need to do anything fancy with AMR to keep mastery and crit equal to 20% or 25% crit because for most people (at least, the people who are interested in reading this sort of stuff) are going to have enough crit left over anyway.
I haven't run the sims yet, but I believe that at lower gear levels (<580), 15832 haste will compromise a little bit of your single target damage. One of the main reasons why haste ~= mastery at 588 is because you have more than 20K mastery at that gear level.
From what I've seen you will lose ST damage at that breakpoint if you've gone "out of your way" to get there. What I mean is, for me at 586 ilvl, it's no effort for me to get there at all because I have more than enough on my gear to the point where I'm actually reforging out of it even at 15.8k.

But for someone who does need to gem and enchant for it, there's a small loss, as I experienced with doing full 14/14 with the build pre-580.

Also it's important to remember that stat weights are going to fluctuate for every encounter, every gear level, and even whether it's progress or going for ranks. I'd try to not get confused by the 1-2k stat optimisation unless you're in a position to go for the ranked parses.
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Komma Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:05 am

Pretty much exactly what durrtygoodz just said! Thanks for elaborating.
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Skil Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:33 am

Thank you very much for this!
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Huunu Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:27 pm

So whats the haste breaking point as goblin (for LB) ?
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Huunu Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:33 pm

Minor nitpicking: Goblin NT BP is 15255, not 15254. ( https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... a0E#gid=39" target="_blank and http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/haste/magearcane" target="_blank )

Just in case you somehow land exactly on 15254 and miss the breakpoint!

what is the goblin LB haste break point then Komma ?
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby durrtygoodz Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:43 pm

what is the goblin LB haste break point then Komma ?
You can find it on the spreadsheet, but with 5% raid haste and frost armour the BPs are 9007 and 18351.
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby macca Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:46 pm

Macca, I posted one a few replies ago, take a look as it seems to give me the intended weights for all stats. The only thing I'd confirm however, is if this exact build applies to you at the moment, as the original post by Drjayfisto mentions it's for 584-589, so I'm not entirely sure if it fully applies at lower levels. I might be wrong, but I'd assume the 15832 HBP is still viable, but perhaps you might benefit more from:

Haste to 15832 > Mastery > Crit > Haste above 15832

Instead of:

Haste to 15832 > Mastery = Crit > Haste above 15832

If that's the case, then you could use my screenshot as a starting point, and in AMR, instead of using the same weight for Crit and Mastery, simply set a Crit to a slightly lower number than Mastery, but higher than Haste above 15832.

Hope this helps!
No it doesn't sorry, my issue is i don't know the correct numbers and location to enter the figures into AMR, i can enter the haste i want manually (15832), but for the rest of it before clicking save, im lost.
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby durrtygoodz Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:56 pm

No it doesn't sorry, my issue is i don't know the correct numbers and location to enter the figures into AMR, i can enter the haste i want manually (15832), but for the rest of it before clicking save, im lost.
Stat weights: http://i.imgur.com/P7P80GH.png" target="_blank
Do this: http://i.imgur.com/dwNy2Hq.png" target="_blank
To get this: http://i.imgur.com/7cREfOZ.png" target="_blank
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby macca Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:21 pm

No it doesn't sorry, my issue is i don't know the correct numbers and location to enter the figures into AMR, i can enter the haste i want manually (15832), but for the rest of it before clicking save, im lost.
Stat weights: http://i.imgur.com/P7P80GH.png" target="_blank
Do this: http://i.imgur.com/dwNy2Hq.png" target="_blank
To get this: http://i.imgur.com/7cREfOZ.png" target="_blank
Thanks durrtygoodz this is exactly what i was looking for, many thanks :D :D :D

One further question, is 15832 optimal for Nether Tempest only?, as i prefer using Living Bomb?.
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Re: Drjayfisto's Frost Gearing Philosophy

Unread postby Skil Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:11 am

Thanks durrtygoodz this is exactly what i was looking for, many thanks :D :D :D
One further question, is 15832 optimal for Nether Tempest only?, as i prefer using Living Bomb?.
Look at the original post, it says 15697 for LB. To optimize your DPS (and I assume you're on a TC forum because you want to), you will be swapping bombs depending on the encounter. Because of that, you're best to aim for 15832 so that you're Haste soft cap for both LB and NT.

Hope this helps!

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