Rotation question

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Rotation question

Unread postby imbadiknow Sat Dec 09, 2017 7:25 am

So I currently have t20. I basically spam fireball till get heating up proc then convert it to hotstreak with fire blast mid fireball cas then cast pyro as fireball cast ends. If both crit then im already casting fireball then fireball/pyro hits again. I believe this is right. Now with pyromaniac that is better with t21, do i still do the same thing?...or do I cast pyro when it hot streak see if it triggers pyro and instantly cast pyro over and over?
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Re: Rotation question

Unread postby broedrost Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:56 am

Pyromaniac has simmed better for entire legion but is very awkward to play, most fire mages dont :P reactive gameplay leaves way too much room for mistakes and it generally messes up alot
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Re: Rotation question

Unread postby Devlonir Mon Dec 11, 2017 11:53 am

So much what the poster above said. Just because it sims better does not make it the better choice. The sims assume perfect usage of the procs and that is usually not the case in real situations.
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Re: Rotation question

Unread postby nickseng Tue Dec 12, 2017 4:55 am

So much what the poster above said. Just because it sims better does not make it the better choice. The sims assume perfect usage of the procs and that is usually not the case in real situations.
They do not. The sims munches procs as well, and the result you see is the average over many many iterations.
Posts: 37
Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:59 pm

Re: Rotation question

Unread postby Devlonir Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:07 pm

So much what the poster above said. Just because it sims better does not make it the better choice. The sims assume perfect usage of the procs and that is usually not the case in real situations.
They do not. The sims munches procs as well, and the result you see is the average over many many iterations.
Still, I have personally never experienced seeing the increase mentioned in sims that the more stable other options show.

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