[Tier 22] Talents, Racials, Weapons Enchants, Azerite, Potions & Foods!

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[Tier 22] Talents, Racials, Weapons Enchants, Azerite, Potions & Foods!

Unread postby Glynny Tue Nov 28, 2017 7:44 pm


Like before, there have been sim dump threads originally created by Frosted. I have started doing these now instead of Frosted. Below are a bunch of sims I've ran for T22.

I also created a Github repository with all the Simc files, HTML files & batch files used to make this all possible. Feel free to check them out here: https://github.com/Glynnyx/Simc-Files any updates to this thread can be tracked there.

The abbreviations for the Azerite trains can all be found in this script here: https://repl.it/@zulandia/Mage-Azerite-Traits

Without further ado, lets get to the Sims!

Table of contents:

  1. Single Target Talents
  2. Two Target Talents
  3. Four Target Talents
  4. Two Target Stat Weights
  5. Single Target Stat Weights
  6. Four Target Stat Weights
  7. Single Target Racials
  8. Two Target Racials
  9. Four TargetRacials
  10. Single Target Weapon Enchants
  11. Two Target Weapon Enchants
  12. Four Target Weapon Enchants
  13. Single Target Azerite Traits
  14. Two Target Azerite Traits
  15. Four Target Azerite Traits
  16. Single Target Potions
  17. Two Target Potions
  18. Four Target Potions
  19. Single Target Foods
  20. Two Target Foods
  21. Four Target Foods

Single Target Talents


Two Target Talents


Four Target Talents


Single Target Stat Weights


Two Target Stat Weights


Four Target Stat Weights


Single Target Racials


Two Target Racials


FourTarget Racials


Single Target Weapon Enchants


Two Target Weapon Enchants


Four Target Weapon Enchants


Single Target Azerite Traits


Two Target Azerite Traits


Four Target Azerite Traits


Single Target Potions


Two Target Potions


Four Target Potions


Single Target Foods


Two Target Foods


Four Target Foods

Last edited by Glynny on Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:08 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Cablok Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:36 am

how were the sims for sephuz done btw? w/proc or baseline?
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Glynny Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:04 pm

how were the sims for sephuz done btw? w/proc or baseline?
Just baseline no proc. If you were to add sephuz proc to these every sephuz profile would be top.
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Cablok Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:19 pm

Thanks for the reply and all the work you've done, very helpful since i bounce between all three specs on fights
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby alexs1mmo Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:17 am

Is anyone using sephuz over shard? Shard Sims well in a perfect world, and most fights will allow 3 heroism casts. In a real world, factoring mechanics, movement and player error... sephuz only Sims 50k less and there a few fights where it can be procced.. thoughts?
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby reid8470 Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:55 am

Is anyone using sephuz over shard? Shard Sims well in a perfect world, and most fights will allow 3 heroism casts. In a real world, factoring mechanics, movement and player error... sephuz only Sims 50k less and there a few fights where it can be procced.. thoughts?
Sephuz seems really nice on High Command, Hasabel, and Eonar, but Shard is likely preferable on the rest. Could maybe run Sephuz on Argus but it's a bit iffy.
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby styx666 Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:23 am

first of all, thank you very much for the awesome work!

Legendary discussion: Whell there are fights that lasts shorter than 5 minutes and you use lust in execute phase like first boss. I dont see the value of running shard on that boss because most likeley the boss dies before the 2nd lust has ended and you are not allowed to use the 2nd lust on a fresh iv.
Beeing doomed to run 2p4p (or having increadibly high offpieces) we don't really have many options to run in this scenario.
- Helm: Destroys 2p4p
- Belt: relatively weak
- Sephuz: basically a statstick when you cant procc it
- Prydaz: statstick + surviveability

which would be your choice ? you go for a different build ?
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Cablok Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:38 am

first of all, thank you very much for the awesome work!

Legendary discussion: Whell there are fights that lasts shorter than 5 minutes and you use lust in execute phase like first boss. I dont see the value of running shard on that boss because most likeley the boss dies before the 2nd lust has ended and you are not allowed to use the 2nd lust on a fresh iv.
Beeing doomed to run 2p4p (or having increadibly high offpieces) we don't really have many options to run in this scenario.
- Helm: Destroys 2p4p
- Belt: relatively weak
- Sephuz: basically a statstick when you cant procc it
- Prydaz: statstick + surviveability

which would be your choice ? you go for a different build ?
the helm plus shard is REALLY close to shard/bracers with 2pc/4pc vs 4pc +helm
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby styx666 Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:53 am

whell the question was, what to wear instead of shard when you basically only get 1.5 lusts in 1 iv total. Shard+Head has the same problem :P
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Cablok Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:33 am

whell the question was, what to wear instead of shard when you basically only get 1.5 lusts in 1 iv total. Shard+Head has the same problem :P
oh my bad lol, it seems like in that situation you would want to go the highest simming paired legendary that doesn't have shard? or use sephuz in place of shard if you can proc it
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Yokomo Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:24 pm

Is it better to use a 200 secondary stat Gem than a 200 int Gem? When i watch the stats Weights it is better to use it. Isn't it?
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby snafu Mon Dec 11, 2017 2:03 am

anywhere to get the stat weights of the void and light crucible talents? Trying to put all the info in to the addon. Thanks
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Herus Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:07 am

anywhere to get the stat weights of the void and light crucible talents? Trying to put all the info in to the addon. Thanks
You can find that pinned in the mage discord, here's a link. It was posted by Frosted.
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby chitwndan Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:08 am

I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I can't decipher many of the legendaries that are listed in the guide above.

For example what is Shard_CmS_Helm? Can you help me decipher the code?
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Cames Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:22 am

Shard of Exodar Ring and the Shattered Fragments of Sindrigosa Helm (it casts CoMet Storm).
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby fungames22 Fri Jan 19, 2018 2:53 am

Is there a Ray of Frost build with Chronos Shard?
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Caladia Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:00 pm

first of all, thank you very much for the awesome work!

Legendary discussion: Whell there are fights that lasts shorter than 5 minutes and you use lust in execute phase like first boss. I dont see the value of running shard on that boss because most likeley the boss dies before the 2nd lust has ended and you are not allowed to use the 2nd lust on a fresh iv.
Beeing doomed to run 2p4p (or having increadibly high offpieces) we don't really have many options to run in this scenario.
- Helm: Destroys 2p4p
- Belt: relatively weak
- Sephuz: basically a statstick when you cant procc it
- Prydaz: statstick + surviveability

which would be your choice ? you go for a different build ?
This is my problem, and it stems from how long do we hang on to 2pc t20? I see it's contributing 3-4% dps if I look at my logs through wowanalyzer. How much stats do I need to gain to make up for that 3-4% dps. Since I started my mage late, I didn't get lucky with wf/tf procs from t20, so they're base ilvl of 915.

I have helm or Sephuz to swap to if I can't get full use of my own TW from Shard. I've been swapping to Sephuz since the stats are basically identical and I gain 2% Haste from the passive effect for now.
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Re: [7.3.2] Talents, Racials, Relics, Legendaries & More!

Unread postby Sozin Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:27 pm

i have a conundrum on my hands regarding relics, currently in ebonchill i have:

rime of the spirit realm 965:
let it go
master of shadows
obsidian lance

miniturized cosmic beacon 960:
orbital strike
refractive shell
obsidian lance

cruelty of dantalionax 975:
let it go
refractive shell
frozen veins

my issue is i have a heroic baseline Thu'rayn lash from varimathras as an arcane relic and the crucible was kind to me with this one and gave me refractive shell and let it go (it has obsidian lance as it's baseline trait), i'm curious if i should lose 15 ilvls on my current arcane relic (3 on weapon) with only the baseline trait being different or just leave things as is and wait for a higher ilvl arcane relic to take this spot (dunno if i will get this lucky with crucible traits again however).

sims aren't helping cos they show pretty much an equal value, just want some feedback from others what they would do.
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Re: [BFA Pre Patch] Talents, Racials, Legendaries, Enchants, Stats & More!

Unread postby Eyliria Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:41 pm

Until about yesterday, all I'd seen regarding BFA Frost was that we'd be going Glacial Spike for ST and Bone Chilling was making a come back because of the loss of the ebonchill traits.

The updates to this post seem to indicate otherwise, with TV / Lonely Winter still being the best choices for those talents.

Did something change recently for this to happen?
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Re: [BFA Pre Patch] Talents, Racials, Legendaries, Enchants, Stats & More!

Unread postby Julia Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:12 am

Until about yesterday, all I'd seen regarding BFA Frost was that we'd be going Glacial Spike for ST and Bone Chilling was making a come back because of the loss of the ebonchill traits.

The updates to this post seem to indicate otherwise, with TV / Lonely Winter still being the best choices for those talents.

Did something change recently for this to happen?
As mentioned on reply to my own post, this thread is simmed on prepatch. It keeps in mind your legendaries, high stat values and tier bonusses where as my post is aimed at actual BfA, giving a rough idea of Uldir and preraid.

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