[7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby britt2376 Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:29 pm

Would you suggest I just use Firestarter until I can get to the 65% crit needed for this build?....i'm at 55% crit atm and not sure if i'm gimping myself....i'm guessing my dps will be suboptimal using it at this crit level or maybe not?....thanks :)
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby Preheet Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:09 pm

Yeah I'd probably stick to Firestarter until you reach around 65%~ Crit. Like I said the best way to tell if you've reached that "break point" is to take Pyromaniac and Kindling and get your Stat weights. As soon as Crit falls from being top priority, you know you're good (usually around 65-66%)
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby britt2376 Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:28 pm

Yeah I figured that lol....I just simmed myself and Firestarter simmed higher and crit is my best stat lol
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby Sarat0ga Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:23 am

I started using pyromaniac and find it add a fun part on our rotation, so thank you PREHEET for this guide.

I also notice that when out of combustion sometime:
Fireball (heating up)-> Fireball (Fireblast on cast) ->Pyro ->proc=pyro ->proc=pyro

and beeing able to chain like 2-4 pyro in a row ending with an heating up proc then restart with a
Fireball (Fireblast on cast)->pyro-> no proc=Fireball (Fireblast on cast)

Am I wrong to think we should try to to "double-pyro" with this talent? Anyone tried to make a weak aura to distinguish a pyromaniac proc from a Fireball+Pyro crit?
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby Xerci Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:43 pm

By any chance can you post a weak aura for Pyromaniac so you can tell when it procs?
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby Preheet Fri Feb 02, 2018 12:09 am

By any chance can you post a weak aura for Pyromaniac so you can tell when it procs?
Responded to you in you're thread :)
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby Alevdon Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:03 pm

Are there any mythic plus dungeons you targeted specifically to pick up heavy crit gear for your non-tier slots? I'm at ilvl 955 and I'm barely over 50% crit. I could pick up a little more through some re-gemming, but mastery is so good outside of ST it make me hesitant.
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby Preheet Sat Feb 03, 2018 7:34 am

Are there any mythic plus dungeons you targeted specifically to pick up heavy crit gear for your non-tier slots? I'm at ilvl 955 and I'm barely over 50% crit. I could pick up a little more through some re-gemming, but mastery is so good outside of ST it make me hesitant.
Your best bet is to find Crit heavy off-pieces, things like neck, rings, belt, boots, etc. I tend to use Helm & Shoulders as my non tier pieces as I have heavy crit items I can wear instead of tier, but there is no "best item", it all comes down to your sims tbh.

To give you an example.. the only reason I'm wearing my off-piece helm & shoulders is because they are the only crit heavy "non-tier" items I have, and swapping them out would lead me to be under the 65% crit threshold that I tend to follow
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby sonnci Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:54 pm


I checked warcraftlogs single targets fights. Myth+Heroic. All fire mage who is on top, use maximum 9-10k crit, and some run less crit (3-4-5 k) and firestarter. You wrote 66% crit is best but they us 40-45%. Why all top player in logs not use your percentages?
Thank for your reply
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby Kimbustion Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:44 pm

Hey maybe you can help me out, played fire mage for a LOOONG time. Always enjoyed it no matter what nerf came to it. I love the crit build due to the playstyle. Just came back (left right before antorus drop) I had decent gear to run heroic. What I am confused about is now with the 3% buff we just got all of the sudden I am simming only 300k dps...that seems very weak. I am at 59% crit, any suggestions as I try to go for 4-piece to keep me competitive enough to not get booted?
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby Sarat0ga Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:49 am

There are several build that can be competitive. It depends mostly on firestarter/pyromaniac and belt/ring for second legendary. The playstyle is not the same, and the crit built seems to be the most enjoyable, provided you have enough crit to reach 60-65%, but haste build with the belt may be easier to get and more efficient.

There is something really wrong if you sim 300K :) Could you provide an armory link or anything that shows your stuff to have a look?
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Re: [7.3 - 7.3.5 Crit Build Guide]

Unread postby Kyosh Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:20 am

Just started looking in to this build recently.
I'm assuming we don't use the belt and run with shard or gloves instead.

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