Frost rotation question!

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Frost rotation question!

Unread postby Madkai Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:34 pm

Frost mage rotation is a big tema in my guild atm.

I wonder how you other frost mages are doing youre rotation.

Basically what im doing,Is using Frostbolt as a filler,But FFB before Icelance.But I always keep one Icelance procc for the dmg increase and getting more Icicle DMG.I have seen that alot of other people are just doing FFB and smash out their 2 Ice lance proccs.

But keeping 1 icelance procc at all times,Will increase Icile dmg,Or Im I very wrong?
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Re: Frost rotation question!

Unread postby nathyiel Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:57 pm

Icicle do damage even if there's no Ice Lance cast.
When you launch 6 Frostbolt/Frostfire bolt, it will create 6 icicles. When the 6th will be created, the 1st will be launch automatically. So there no damage lost. In short, Icicle is just delayed damage.

Building Icicle then launch them with IL feel good because it give some kind of burst.

I suggest you to read a few post here to check on other information because this question have been discussed and explained in our guide here.

PS : this post should be replaced in the "POst Question" part of the forum.
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Re: Frost rotation question!

Unread postby Komma Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:00 am

Thanks to Trelane's theorycrafting, we believe that keeping 1 ice lance proc is not worth it. You risk munching FoFs if you hold onto a charge - whenever you cast frostbolt+FFB, if both proc FoF you munch a 3rd charge. The gain is also minimal at best.

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Re: Frost rotation question!

Unread postby Lak Thu Aug 21, 2014 4:59 pm

Hi, I'm borrowing this thread a bit as I've been searching this forum for a basic guide without luck.
My question is simple: Whats the normal rotation for frost?
If we skip trinkets and cds and based on Kommas post above it should be:
1. Keep LB up
2. Cast FFB as soon as BF procs, regardless if you have 0, 1 or 2 FoF procs.
3. Cast IL as soon as FoF procs, i.e.: Don't wait for a BF proc, just send them away.
4. Cast Frostbolt

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Re: Frost rotation question!

Unread postby Tiaitchsi Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:45 am

Hi, I'm borrowing this thread a bit as I've been searching this forum for a basic guide without luck.
My question is simple: Whats the normal rotation for frost?
If we skip trinkets and cds and based on Kommas post above it should be:
1. Keep LB up
2. Cast FFB as soon as BF procs, regardless if you have 0, 1 or 2 FoF procs.
3. Cast IL as soon as FoF procs, i.e.: Don't wait for a BF proc, just send them away.
4. Cast Frostbolt

The rotation I'm following is:
1. Keep LB up
2. Cast FFB on BF procs unless you have 2 charges of FoF or if you have a Frozen Orb spinning
3. Cast IL when FoF is up
4. Fill with FB

I'm not 100% sure why people are waiting for FoF procs to cast FFB, since FoF has no effect on FFB.
Also, my average hits with IL on a fight was at 226k, while FFB had an average of 191k.
That's why I feel that IL > FFB (at 2 stacks of FoF).
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Re: Frost rotation question!

Unread postby khelben Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:52 pm

Some players delay, or did delay, in using 1 FoF proc because of the T16 2P bonus. I am pretty sure I read here, though, that doing so is pointless, since the DPS you gain is offset (or negated) by the possibility of munching FoF procs.

No one credible, I don't think, ever delayed using FFB/BF until they had FoF procs.

Edit: Here is the thread:

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