My raid DPS

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My raid DPS

Unread postby Yonaz Sat Sep 08, 2018 7:34 pm

So, I decided to play Frost this expansion, since Fire isn't even close to being good. I'm new to frost, haven't played it in years so I probably fail alot on my rotation and such, but I felt I did way to low DPS then my fellow mages. I actually did lower then a fellow mage with 5 iLvl below me. Can someone that has time check my logs and see what I do wrong? :( ... &source=26
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby Yonaz Sat Sep 08, 2018 7:40 pm

I just simed, and Frost sim 9,3K and Fire 8.6K :(
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby Badus Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:08 am

Somethings I noticed
You mostly dont use Ice Lance after an instant flurry, you should always.
You should never hard cast flurry unless you got the azerite perk which you dont.

You used blizzard after the frozen orb, because you skilled Freezing Rain, even with the talent I would just use it while adds are active otherwise it will be a dps lose.

You used Icy Veins once! Your cooldown, you just used it during bloodlust at the 4 minute mark. You could have used it at the beginning and maybe even once again before the bloodlust window and then still be able to use it in the bloodlust window, since you skilled thermal void.
Icy Veins should always be on cooldown or maybe on hold for 30s because of a bloodlust.
Also if you dont play with glacial spike, Lonely Winter is the stronger talent.
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby Yonaz Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:41 pm

I respecced today, went 1-2-1-3-1-3-1. My DPS got a big higher, and feels much better, but I still miss something I believe. I know I'm bad at using Icy Veins, trying to remember to :)

Last nights logs: ... &source=12
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby ascottishpenguin Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:05 pm ... )/12-Yonaz

Always use this to find out what you can be improving from fight to fight. As they say in guide, try to improve ONE thing at a time. For example I am now focusing on improving my downtime and ABC on each fight - focus on this once you have yr rotation nailed.

For now, an easy thing to improve on straight away that is simple is your brain proc usage. You are using nearly all without casting Frostbolt/Ebonbolt beforehand - whenever you get a BF proc (as you are running Thermal Void) ALWAYS go Frostbolt > Brain Freeze > Ice Lance. Of course if Ebonbolt if off CD use it immediately using the same rotation (EB > BF > IL)

Finally, on Zul you should be going Splitting Ice and not Comet Storm for easy extra damage. If you aren't already (and you want to run comet storm) make sure you are using the pet freeze ability IMMEDIATELY AFTER casting comet storm to ensure your whole Comet Storm benefits from shatter (only adds - the freeze does not work on bosses). You ideally want to cast Frozen Orb/Comet Storm/Pet freeze on crawgs.

Hope this helps - all of this info is given on Icy Veins/this forum by far more experienced and better players than myself, who I can't thank enough for these guides and helping noobs such as I improve.
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby raidshadow Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 pm

This is to comment on your first post, which has the CORRECT spec. I highly suggest sticking with the first spec for single target fights. Some things I noticed you were doing.

1) You were casting a lot of ice lances that were not proced. You should only be casting ice lance if it is proced unless you are moving. Even in that case, you should use shimmer to move instead of physically moving if possible.

2) You always cast flurry when it proced. You should hold more often so you have flurry for glacial spike. GS->flurry(instant)->ice lance for free cirt.

3) When use your frozen orb, you have a habbit of just dumping ice lances when they are proced. I would suggest dumping them after you have cast an frostbolt. So Frostbolt -> ice lance -> frost bolt -> ice lance.

4) You are not using ebon bolt? You are speced it but didn't cast it the whole fight? Ebon bolt can be used almost on cool down within the 5 frost bolt -> glacial spike -> flurry -> ice lance combo. You can use ebon bolt in two major ways.
- No brain freeze. If you have 5 icicle but no brain freeze, you can cast ebon bolt before you glacial spike so that you can get your flurry for your glacial spike.
- Have brain freeze and want to wombo combo. If you have a flurry proced, and a ebon bolt, when you have 4 icicle you can do this. Ebon -> flurry -> glacial spike -> flurry -> icelance
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby nickseng Thu Sep 13, 2018 5:36 am

Please don't weave Frostbolt with IL. You're just gonna increase your chance to munch a FoF or BF.
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby Yllasera Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:31 pm

OK my big concern with this hardcasting into Brain Freeze thing is that it doesn't work. It's more unreliable than people seem to think. I'm trying to do this on a traget dummy, standing still, at max range, and it still misses sometimes. Impossible to pull it off 100% of the time in raid... If this is the cornerstone of a Glacial Spike build, then I am leaning towards Ray of Frost, or will maybe try an entirely different spec.
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby Yonaz Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:29 pm

Do I allways stack Crit, no matter iLvl? I just got a gear with +15 iLvl, but I will loose 118 crit rating..
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby nickseng Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:28 am

OK my big concern with this hardcasting into Brain Freeze thing is that it doesn't work. It's more unreliable than people seem to think. I'm trying to do this on a traget dummy, standing still, at max range, and it still misses sometimes. Impossible to pull it off 100% of the time in raid... If this is the cornerstone of a Glacial Spike build, then I am leaning towards Ray of Frost, or will maybe try an entirely different spec.
I wouldn't say impossible. We've been doing this combo since Legion, consistently. Are you spamming your flurry cast fast enough? Do you have a castbar to monitor when you can begin queueing flurry?
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby Yllasera Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:53 pm

I wouldn't say impossible. We've been doing this combo since Legion, consistently.
It's the low crit that breaks this tactics. I assure you, I know how to get carpal tunnel from Flurry, but even if the hard cast lands on time the crit is not guaranteed. Which is a big dps loss.
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby nickseng Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:17 am

I wouldn't say impossible. We've been doing this combo since Legion, consistently.
It's the low crit that breaks this tactics. I assure you, I know how to get carpal tunnel from Flurry, but even if the hard cast lands on time the crit is not guaranteed. Which is a big dps loss.
That;s a different thing. You're still shattering, you're just not critting.

Your post had me thinking you're not shattering because of range or lag or whatnot.
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Re: My raid DPS

Unread postby Shinshia Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:12 am

I am also having some issues with my raid DPS if anyone has a moment to give me some pointers. I was fire in Legion and am trying to get the hang of frost, but I really feel like I have to be missing something. I'm newer to frost and would appreciate any help. Here are a few links from logs. I did look at wow analyzer, is it really just the downtime from movement? Is there some sort of combo or rotation I'm not doing? Thanks in advance. ... jm#fight=3

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