Frost mage need help

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Frost mage need help

Unread postby Souldream Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:15 am

Hello guys! Can you help me improve my DPS? ... C/advanced ... details/3/
Any advise might be helpful!
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Re: Frost mage need help

Unread postby Niphyr Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:34 am

Just having a quick look over the logs you posted and your uptimes could be improved. On Malkorok even though you died towards the end you still had uptimes low enough for them to be worth focusing on fixing.
  • Invoker's Energy (level 90 talent) was 72.9%
  • Living bomb uptime was 85.9% (missed a bit on the pull)
  • Synapse springs (engi buff) was only cast 3 times. You can macro this to frost orb too if you keep forgetting it as they're both a 1 minute cooldown.
  • You received 32 Brain Freeze procs and only cast 24 Frostfire Bolts. Consume these as a priority that's a decent DPS loss.
  • You received 22 Fingers of Frost procs and cast 29 ice lances. That's 7 non FoF ice lances and essentially wasted GCDs presuming you weren't casting them while moving.
  • You only cast Alter Time once on the pull, you should have cast it a second time when you hit potions and Icy Veins etc the second time 3 minutes in.
So the main thing is to watch your buffs and uptimes really. Keep Invoker's Energy as close to 100% as possible, Living Bomb as close to 100% as possible. Be sure to AT with your second set of 3 minute cooldowns and try to keep on top if your proc usage, consuming as many Brain Freeze procs as you can as a priority, followed by FoF procs.

[edit] On another note, stop dying. You seem to die in a lot of the fights and death is by far the biggest DPS loss of them all. Stay alive as a priority. I noticed you have Cauterize which is OK, Greater Invis is good once you're comfortable with the mechanics. Utilize Ice Block and Ice Barrier as much as possible and keep an eye on your DBM/BigWigs timers. Stay Alive!
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Re: Frost mage need help

Unread postby Souldream Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:34 am

Thank you for answer! Not the best logs for showing. It was a test raid with new guild and with new tactics on bosses, usually I don't die at all. I'll try to use all your advices! Any advice for gear/gemming/reforging?
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Re: Frost mage need help

Unread postby Niphyr Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:50 pm

Ah, goodluck with the new guild!

Gemming and enchanting looks fine. 14242 is the haste breakpoint most people aim for but with your gear you might be able to look higher - you can read more about some of the gearing options in this thread.

Gear wise, try to pick up the galakras boots if you can to drop some hit, once you kill garrosh using his helm/offhand and tier gloves would let you drop some more hit while keeping decent haste/mastery levels as well, or the bracers from spoils... that said most stats are fairly similar for frost so it's not the end of the world which ones you end up with especially this late in the tier.

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