[Arcane] Help me with my logs

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[Arcane] Help me with my logs

Unread postby ThePICT Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:15 am

Hi, I have been playing WoW since Vanilla and have played just about every class in a raid setting. For WoD I am planning on playing my Mage as my main. I have been using Altered-Time.com for all of my mage information. Right now my gear isn't perfectly gemmed or enchanted, but I am not asking for help on that. All I would like is for someone to tell me how I can improve on certain aspects of my dps rotation. Right now my biggest struggle is CD usage, I use all my CDs at the same time. For altered time I try to do 2 waves of AM and AB with a ABr to finish before its done. Again, I am not looking for ways to optimize my gear, just my logs. Thanks for any help.

I am Flache

This is a partial SOO10N and a Flex 2
http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/d2 ... et="_blank

This is a Flex 3 -Malk

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Re: [Arcane] Help me with my logs

Unread postby Soggs Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:38 am

Taking the Iron Juggernaut from the first log:

- Your bomb uptime is good with more than 95%
- You lack RoP for the first few seconds of the fight, you should put down your Rune(s) at ~5s of the pull count down.
- In general RoP uptime could be a bit higher try to aim for 95% or more.
- I can say nothing about mana management, since the log lacks advanced combat logging

About your CDs: You seem to have AP and AT in a macro. Add Berserking (your racial) and Mana Gem (with the loose mana glyph) to it. Try to focus on capturing your PBoI proc. AM stacks are nice but not that important. Straight casting AB during AT is also somewhat viable. Try to get a count how many casts you can do before AT runs out, remember that and use it as guideline when to cast ABar in future ATs.
Shoot me a pm if you want me to elaborate on my crazy thoughts. I sometimes lose track of what I actually meant to say.

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Re: [Arcane] Help me with my logs

Unread postby ThePICT Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:53 am

This is just what I needed. Thank you.

On occasion, usually on pull, I would pop CDs and get my 4 stacks of AC but have the bad luck of no AM procs. What do I do in the situation that I have all CDs up, including AT but no AM procs? Is that when I continue to spam AB?

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