Help - Gearing

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Help - Gearing

Unread postby Frozenrift Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:08 pm


As the subject stats, I would like a bit of assistance with Gearing my Frost Mage.

Currently I am trying to a mixture build having hit the middle haste cap and pushing towards the 15k. However I seem to be having a bit of an issue with Hit Ratings (in that im over alot of under alot). Using AMR is all well and good however it states to remove a lot of Int/Haste gems which I dont want to do!.

So can you please just have a nosey over my gear and push me in to the right direction

Thanks :)

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Re: Help - Gearing

Unread postby Chev Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:03 pm

If you don't want to change your Gems when using AMR, lock them so it wont suggest that they are changed, it will them recommend other reforges that can be done to lower your hit rating.

With that said, when locking the gems, AMR recommends reforges and enchant changes that will lower your hit but Mastery will only be raised 1.5% from current values. If you allow gems to be changed as well, then Mastery can be increased by 6%. Since after you reach the 14242 Haste soft cap, Mastery is what you want to start stacking.
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Re: Help - Gearing

Unread postby durrtygoodz Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:05 pm

it states to remove a lot of Int/Haste gems which I dont want to do!.
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Re: Help - Gearing

Unread postby Tiaitchsi Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:15 pm


With AMR, you can optimize your gear extremly well.
Just by using the default AMR build, you'll climb down much closer to the hit cap, while gaining lots of mastery in exchange for some int and crit.
Using AMR is all well and good however it states to remove a lot of Int/Haste gems which I dont want to do!
Why would you not? You'll lose 560 int and gain 1642 mastery, which is a great exchange.
If you feel uncomfortable with it, you should start playing a Hunter instead, since they use pure agi gems in (almost) all sockets.

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