A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

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A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

Unread postby Milicar Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:27 am

Good evening everyone,

I just joined a new guild this past weekend. I was part of their alt run over the weekend and I was a bit disappointed by my performance. I did some reading up (this site is great!) and swapped a few talents around.
I ran an LFR Tuesday night partially to get a replacement trinket (which I got!) and to get some new logs to pour over.

I wasnt happy with what I saw there either. So I made a few more tweaks and beat on the training dummy at the shrine for 5 minutes. Here is the log:
http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/2fh ... &source=20
And here is my Armory:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... car/simple

Any advice or suggestions are welcome. If I am being majorly stupid feel free to let me know...along with a hint or two on how to fix it plz.

Thanks in advance for your time!

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Re: A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

Unread postby Chev Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:43 am

You didn't have your water elemental out at all.

I would change to using the Invocation talent and aim to keep the Invokers buff up 95-100%. Invokers energy is only good if there is a lot of constant damage (of which there is none on a training dummy) or you are really struggling to keep the invocation buff.

You also missed 4 Brain Freeze proc's. You need to get these off ASAP.

Also, try to save Alter Time for when your Expanded Mind is up as this proced right after you used alter time causing you to cut the buff short.

Your bomb up time was good at 95% but as this is a training dummy, with no movement or mechanics, it should be higher. Don't forget you can refresh your bomb at 1.5 seconds without clipping the explosion of the previous bomb.

You may want to consider reforging / gemming to Mastery as you are current 54.6% Haste full raid buffed. Haste does add more DPS after 50% because of your bombs and water elemental but none of your other spells benefit after 50% (GCD cap) so Mastery will help your spells hit harder.
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Re: A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

Unread postby Milicar Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:45 pm

Hmmmm Elemental...brb
/goes and puts bag on over my head

Ok. better.

Heh actually, he was up but I think I had him on passive. I will have to test this again making sure he is on active this time.

I was using the Invocation talent, but keeping track of that and the bomb was giving me fits. I decided to go with the passive for a bit until I got the bomb down nice and smooth. The earlier fights I had logged had my bomb time in the low 80% range. So I am making a focused effort to keep the bomb up time higher. Once the bomb gets second nature I will go back to invocation.

Alter time is one of the more interesting cooldowns in the game. I'm sad they are taking it away.

Good advice on the mastery too. Ill go look into swapping it around.

Thank you for the feedback Chevchelious!

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Re: A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

Unread postby Chev Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:19 pm

Glad I could help.

When I was Frost (now Arcane), I put the pet attack command into my Frostbolt macro so it would always attack, even on passive but this limited things with fights like Nazgrim where you want your pet to stay on the boss at all times while you focus adds or if your group stops for defensive stance.
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Re: A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

Unread postby macca Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:14 pm

Heh actually, he was up but I think I had him on passive. I will have to test this again making sure he is on active this time.
lol i did that on Garrosh progress kill and forever earn't the name "passive Stemm" :D
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Re: A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

Unread postby Milicar Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:02 pm

Here is the weird part. I too have the /petattack command macroed into my frostbolt spell.

Is there some weird bug that would prevent the log from picking up pet damage? Even if he was on passive he should have started attacking eventually.

Ill try it again and make sure he is indeed attacking this time. Definitely something I need to keep an eye on.

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Re: A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

Unread postby Milicar Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:54 pm

Ok. I did another 5 minute test on the dummy.


I was sure to watch my pet, he did attack, just it looks like he showed up as a separate line on the parse. that would also explain the 30k difference between my recount and what the parsed logs show.

I accidentally hit my windows key as my bomb wore off at one point, so that took me a second to recast it. I know that killed my bomb uptime, but gaps like that arent too different from what you would find in a movement fight.

I understand that different classes/specs will perform differently in different kinds of fights. So there isnt one set answer, but taking into consideration my gear (4 piece bonus, cloak, gem, Immy trinket, etc) what kind of damage should I be expecting? All of my gear is normal modes, no heroic pieces. 561ilvl. Just ballpark.

Or in other words, how low would it have to be before you were questioning if someone was awake at the keyboard or not? Conversely, how high would it have to be before you consider someone an overachiever?

I want to squeeze out every bit of damage that I can, but I want to remain realistic as well.

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Re: A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

Unread postby Komma Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:09 pm

The pet did attack in your original log: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/2fh ... &source=23" target="_blank

There's a bug that sometimes detaches your pet damage from your character damage. Most rank chasers make sure to resummon their pet before each fight.

Usually dummy logs are not worth too much analysis. Actual raid combat where you have to perform your rotation while coping with mechanics is where flaws in your play show up. :)
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Re: A little check-up. Any advice is welcome

Unread postby Milicar Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:19 pm

Thank you for that info about the bug with the elemental. I thought I was having a stroke or something when it was pointed out that my elemental wasnt attacking.

I knew that about dummies due to the lack of mechanics, buffs, debuffs, etc. However i feel they are good for general trends in damage. At the very least if i was missing any big steps in my rotation it would be showing up there as well even if the numbers arent the same.

Unfortunately, I wont be able to run a log in a raid situation again until Sunday. I was hoping to do some fixing between now and then if necessary.


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