Time to change to arcane?

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Time to change to arcane?

Unread postby Crabmodem Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:28 am

My Armory http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... m/advanced

I'm wondering if it is time for me to look at arcane.
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Re: Time to change to arcane?

Unread postby durrtygoodz Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:12 am

I don't get what you're asking. "time to go arcane"? There's no specific, magically point in which to change spec. If you wanna play arcane go for it.
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Re: Time to change to arcane?

Unread postby Berlinia Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:50 am

Exactly what Durrty sais. Do what you like, it's gonna provide the best dps.
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Re: Time to change to arcane?

Unread postby Frosted Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:18 pm

Really the question need more foundation before anyone can give you more than a "maybe, maybe not."

What are your personal goals? How does your raid run? 25m, 10m? What type of goals does your raid have, and how does your DPS plug into that?

There isn't any reason to feel like it's time to switch unless you feel Frost is no longer going to accomplish the goals you set out for yourself.
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Re: Time to change to arcane?

Unread postby Crabmodem Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:30 pm

I don't get what you're asking. "time to go arcane"? There's no specific, magically point in which to change spec. If you wanna play arcane go for it.
The reason i asked is if my gear ilvl is high enough because I know fire and arcane needs to reach minimum bench marks to be effective, ie: crit or mastery.
Exactly what Durrty sais. Do what you like, it's gonna provide the best dps.
Not always. When I have raided with fire mages in qual ilvl I blow their DPS out of the water.
Really the question need more foundation before anyone can give you more than a "maybe, maybe not."

What are your personal goals? How does your raid run? 25m, 10m? What type of goals does your raid have, and how does your DPS plug into that?

There isn't any reason to feel like it's time to switch unless you feel Frost is no longer going to accomplish the goals you set out for yourself.

Right now we are doing ten man normal, but looking to try some hard mode stuff soon.
My goals are to do as much DPS as I can to help the guild reach our goals of clearing SoO and move forward to SoO 10man hard mode. My DPs is second or third int he guild. The only people out DPSing me are the two hunters who out gear me by 10 ilvls. I'mjust trying to squeeze every last bit out of the sec and class to help the guild.
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Re: Time to change to arcane?

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:50 pm

I would stay frost in your gear. Not enough gear for Fire, and Arcane is rather messy if you're new to a heroic boss. It's mostly a farm spec IMO, because the mobility is so low and when something goes wrong in the fight your damage will hurt a lot more than when playing fire or frost.
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Re: Time to change to arcane?

Unread postby Crabmodem Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:04 pm

I would stay frost in your gear. Not enough gear for Fire, and Arcane is rather messy if you're new to a heroic boss. It's mostly a farm spec IMO, because the mobility is so low and when something goes wrong in the fight your damage will hurt a lot more than when playing fire or frost.
Thanks. That is what I was kinda thinking.
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Re: Time to change to arcane?

Unread postby Hyber Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:43 am

Dutchmagoz's advice is very good. Arcane is easier during farm bosses since you get to know the fights quite easily.
Frost will give you the flexibility of moving around for new tactics and reactions to new mechanics. Much more versatile and your rotation will just feel more natural - so you can focus on downing the boss.

Disparity between specs are at a low right now. Depends on how your guild handles each fight vs what stage are you at for kill times vs roles you play vs cleave/aoe/single target fight...etc.

Play what you like! We're at a good place for spec balance. Minus Fire's crit scaling issue..

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