[Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby Azo Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:39 am

They are all basically asking me how to reforge/gem. I'm not complaining about people being confused, I'm wondering why I can't seem to get the message to be clear.
Because you've told everyone that the softcap is ~14K.
New Recommendation: Get 15832 haste for +7 tick to NT (even when you don't use NT on fights, this is such an inconsequential loss by stepping up to the next breakpoint)
You don't mention changed softcap softcap (from GCD to FB) but extra tick on NT which makes the reader believe it's for padding or even that it a single target DPS increase using NT due to extra ticks. Reading your post witihout thinking you wil get the impression that the softcap for haste is ~14K but you should go for ~15,8K for extra ticks on NT. Which doesn't make sense since you also told everyone LB is best ST.

If you add that FB reach GCD at ~15,8K during certain hasterpocs you would reduce the ammount of conufsion. I'm no psychologyst but I think it would work alright.
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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby Mageski Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:17 pm

Just to clarify the haste breakpoints in a short paragraph:

14242-15687 Haste is considered currently to be equivalent in terms of single target DPS, depending on your gear level, etc. Given that fact, many people choose to go ever so slightly higher in order to gain a large multi-target advantage when using Nether Tempest while sacrificing almost nothing from their single target.
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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby Mehby Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:01 pm

Just to clarify the haste breakpoints in a short paragraph:

14242-15687 Haste is considered currently to be equivalent in terms of single target DPS, depending on your gear level, etc. Given that fact, many people choose to go ever so slightly higher in order to gain a large multi-target advantage when using Nether Tempest while sacrificing almost nothing from their single target.
Thanks for replying to my thread on the WoW Forum, Mageski. I went ahead and switched to the 15832 build and it has helped my DPS immensely!
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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby Kira Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:12 am

I wonder about one thing. http://scr.hu/240k/geyqw" target="_blank
Should i replace all orange gems 80int/160haste for 160exp/160haste, and with that customization gain almost 9% of mastery after reforging? But i will lose something like ~850 SP, which im not sure if it is good move.
Is mrRobot right?
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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby Chev Thu Sep 11, 2014 3:54 pm

I wonder about one thing. http://scr.hu/240k/geyqw" target="_blank
Should i replace all orange gems 80int/160haste for 160exp/160haste, and with that customization gain almost 9% of mastery after reforging? But i will lose something like ~850 SP, which im not sure if it is good move.
Is mrRobot right?
This question should have been posted in the "Post Questions & Ask for help" section (http://altered-time.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=17" target="_blank).

Yes. AMR is correct.
You haven't posted any other details about your character, but for a 574 Frost mage, 1 point in Spell Power is worth about 1.3 points in Mastery. As such, a gain of 1095 (3.65%) or more points in Mastery is stronger than the 849 points in Spell Power being removed. 1% of Mastery = 300 points, so 8.73 * 300 = 2619 points of Mastery, well over double what you are losing in Spell Power.
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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby Nixx Mon Sep 15, 2014 5:05 pm

For the mixed build AMR weight, is crit really 1 or are you doing something similar to how H2P handles hit? What I mean is that they artificially lower the value of hit below what it actually is when producing BiS lists, since Shadow is usually swimming in it and if they didn't, it would produce strange results. Since Shatter cap is so low, I feel like that's what crit being 1 really means, but hell if I know. I just came back to my mage. Just curious because it's resulting in AMR telling me to use gear 13 ilvls lower, which has generally always been a wrong choice for classes I've played this expansion.
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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby durrtygoodz Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:50 pm

The stat weights are mostly for reforging rather than comparing and selecting items. Setting it to 1 just puts it to the lowest prio. General rule for frost is to take the higher ilvl item, since our stats are close anyway and having a heroic item with crit+hit is much better than a normal item with haste+mastery.
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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby Nixx Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:21 pm

Alright, that all makes sense. While I'd never suggest using it to overturn the results of good simming and raid testing, napkin math for secondary stats relative to each other was definitely off enough to have me wondering.
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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby Pyroviis Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:04 am

If I'm focused on Garrosh primarily, would it make sense to switch to a straight Mastery build vs the mixture or haste build? We have everything on farm, including Garrosh, I just want my damage to be better on him specifically.

From what I understand, mastery is king in single target, and Garrosh is (almost completely) single target. It seems like it would make sense, but I figured I'd ask you guys since you're better than me :P
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Re: [Advanced][ilvl 540-582] Visual Frost Guide 5.4

Unread postby Frosted Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:41 pm

If I'm focused on Garrosh primarily, would it make sense to switch to a straight Mastery build vs the mixture or haste build? We have everything on farm, including Garrosh, I just want my damage to be better on him specifically.

From what I understand, mastery is king in single target, and Garrosh is (almost completely) single target. It seems like it would make sense, but I figured I'd ask you guys since you're better than me :P
No. Mastery is not better for single target.

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