[6.0] Dutch's Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby wihajster Sat Oct 18, 2014 4:20 pm

Do u feel these changes in your dmg? I was doing test on dummies and my dmg was the same as it was yday.. so thats why Im asking if these nerf are live.

PS. now I can feel that they are live.. down from 21k to 17.5k dps
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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Buster Sat Oct 18, 2014 4:21 pm

Other than just stat priority, are there actual stat weights we can use to input into askmrrobot to get an accurate reading.
It is still currently using Int > Crit > Haste > Multi > Mastery as it's default which is quite inaccurate now.
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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Laere Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:24 pm

Does combustion damage update with incanter's flow, or is it possible to snapshot it at high stacks to get a bigger combustion?
Combustion only cares about haste, nothing else. (And ignite ofcource)
Does this mean that during your opener you want to combust before your meta proc wears off as well?

Also does anyone here play frost, and have any numbers yet since the buffs today? I am curious if it's on par with fire or not.
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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby gameorg Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:49 pm

Iam pretty sure that frost is ahead of fire now and probably a little ahead of . Its like a 50% damage change since frost got buffed while fire got nerfed.

We did some testings, and the difference between frost and fire was there for sure pre nerf/buff, but it was no where close to 50% (Single Target). Fire is still good on multi target i think.

Iam still on fire spec, because atm i have no clue what spells and stats are now ideal after the buff, since they buffed everything differently.
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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Kerbs Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:29 pm

Things are relatively close at 90, its at 100 T17 where fire will really struggle unless it gets buffed back up again
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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Kerbs Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:39 pm

Are you sure Fire has been nerfed yet? Blizzard rep said server restart was required for class changes and i checked my tooltips they still read the same damage.
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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Garrod Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:53 am

Tooltips require an actual patch, so they don't reflect hotfixes until then.
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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Kerbs Sun Oct 19, 2014 1:47 am

Tooltips require an actual patch, so they don't reflect hotfixes until then.
So the nerf has gone through?

also BLizzard is using CASC now which supposedly can allow patching to the client live, my understanding from Blizzard rep though is that it hasn't been fully implemented
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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Sturmcantor Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:15 am

Tooltips require an actual patch, so they don't reflect hotfixes until then.
So the nerf has gone through?

also BLizzard is using CASC now which supposedly can allow patching to the client live, my understanding from Blizzard rep though is that it hasn't been fully implemented
Nerf is not live in US as of 20 minutes ago.
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Re: [6.0] Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Wilderness Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:35 pm

Nerf is not live in US as of 20 minutes ago.
I'm pretty confident that the nerfs are not yet live on US servers, unless they did a restart sometime this (Monday) morning. We raided last night and Frost was pretty low, then once I switched to Fire halfway through I easily topped the meters and had a couple high-ish (top 20) ranks - there's no way that would be possible if the nerfs were live. At this point I'm assuming they are waiting for the Tuesday reset to push them through.
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Re: [6.0] Dutch's Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby andy Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:17 am

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Re: [6.0] Dutch's Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Deadchiller Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:25 am

Do you think its worth enchanting crit to bracers/boots is worth doing instead of int and minorspeed/mastery? also haste or mastery to gloves? I was thinking crit>int also because i'm not using int gems either. I am using has 10haste,10crit gems for red sockets to hit the 20% haste cap. Also trying to decide if thok's ring is still worth keeping or using paragons+protectors ring.
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Re: [6.0] Dutch's Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby gameorg Fri Oct 24, 2014 4:20 pm

Do you think its worth enchanting crit to bracers/boots is worth doing instead of int and minorspeed/mastery? also haste or mastery to gloves? I was thinking crit>int also because i'm not using int gems either. I am using has 10haste,10crit gems for red sockets to hit the 20% haste cap. Also trying to decide if thok's ring is still worth keeping or using paragons+protectors ring.
Int for sure is not the optimal enchant - choose crit or mastery,which one is higher. Just use the stats weight from the other thread and make a calculation.

For boots i chose mastery + movement speed which is an exception since even though its not the highest dps increase i allways go with movement speed and mastery is our second stat anyway.
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Re: [6.0] Dutch's Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Velerion Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:31 pm

Is the 20% haste cap we're going for self buffed or raid buffed?
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Re: [6.0] Dutch's Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Mageski Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:37 pm

Is the 20% haste cap we're going for self buffed or raid buffed?
Raid buffed, though you probably want to be a bit over still. That level of haste means you have time to get two fireballs off (and your pyro) before your 2p falls off. The higher above you are, the easier that is.
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Re: [6.0] Dutch's Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:48 pm

Is the 20% haste cap we're going for self buffed or raid buffed?
Raid buffed, though you probably want to be a bit over still. That level of haste means you have time to get two fireballs off (and your pyro) before your 2p falls off. The higher above you are, the easier that is.
Bolded part is very true. I originally wanted to post haste to 25%, but decided against it since it's technically wrong. 20% means if you don't queue every spell up perfectly you'll miss the opportunity. Going like 22-25% haste is a lot safer.
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Re: [6.0] Dutch's Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Komma Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:25 am

Keep in mind that 2T16 itself is a haste buff as well.
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Re: [6.0] Dutch's Fire FAQ & mini guide for level 90!

Unread postby Velerion Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:53 am

Yeah I suppose I should have clarified having the 5 piece up as well. About 22% is where I'm at and haven't been having trouble squeezing two in.

Also, it seems newer enchants have been buffed. I'm guessing 25 mastery beats 15 crit on gloves for example?

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