[WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

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[WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Sun Nov 16, 2014 6:42 pm

Here is the news Frost issues & bugs topic.
I will add any new to the list. If possible provide a link to official forum. For issue like "damage is too low", it summarize that the damage from this specific spell feel too low compared at other spell/proc. It's a balance issue, not a "please buff the spec".

Please indicate :
  • the problem
  • a quick description
  • for bugs, if it have been reported in-game/on official forum
Enhanced Frostbolt - bug
  • The perk don't work if the spell cast during/just before it's activation is a Frostbolt.
Splitting Ice glyph - bug
  • don't work if the hit box is too big (brakenspore, tectus, etc)
Water Elemental - bug Brain Freeze - issue
  • the Spell Alert UI only show the first stack.
Comet Storm - issue
  • The spell ignore Haste and Mastery.
  • Area of Effect is too small, even slowed mob rarely take full effect.
Frozen Orb - bug
  • path problem/stopped by tiny terrain bump/etc.
  • Orb are too quick after the first hit - would be better if it stick to the target its first hit.
Last edited by nathyiel on Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:24 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby oomy Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:36 pm

Comet storm has been like that for ages. The damage is just horrible and has been since forever in the beta.

Haven't noticed the splitting ice glyph bug myself yet.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Caledur Sun Nov 16, 2014 11:17 pm

Not sure if it's intended, but Water Elemental's http://www.wowhead.com/spell=33395 and http://www.wowhead.com/spell=135029 do not work with http://www.wowhead.com/spell=152087.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby aycheff Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:32 am

Not sure if it's intended, but Water Elemental's http://www.wowhead.com/spell=33395 and http://www.wowhead.com/spell=135029 do not work with http://www.wowhead.com/spell=152087.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Mon Nov 17, 2014 1:31 am

Comet storm has been like that for ages. The damage is just horrible and has been since forever in the beta.

Haven't noticed the splitting ice glyph bug myself yet.
I just check, seem like it was corrected but if someone else can confirm.

From my understanding, Crystal have been change so Welly can't target it. Waterbolt never hit it. So it's intended.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Komma Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:15 am

Splitting Ice (glyph) - bug - (look corrected - need confirmation)
  • The range of the cleave effect is at 1 yard at most. (reported in-game)
The range of the cleave is 5 yards (added to mob size), and as far as I know it is not a bug.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby BioBall Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:22 am

Has anyone else noticed this with the Water Ele?

If you use Freeze while Water Jet is enabled to autocast in the window before Water Jet is cast, the Water Ele sits there doing nothing until Freeze comes off CD. Only when you let it cast WaterJet does it shake it off.

However, if you disable autocast for Water Jet while it's in the stuppor, it doesn't do anything at all.

Tried a reload ui, dismiss and resummon and spec switch without it fixing it.

Anyone else notice this?
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Ezzme Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:23 am

Has anyone else noticed this with the Water Ele?

If you use Freeze while Water Jet is enabled to autocast in the window before Water Jet is cast, the Water Ele sits there doing nothing until Freeze comes off CD. Only when you let it cast WaterJet does it shake it off.

However, if you disable autocast for Water Jet while it's in the stuppor, it doesn't do anything at all.

Tried a reload ui, dismiss and resummon and spec switch without it fixing it.

Anyone else notice this?
I've had the same issue as well. Happens very often and is really annoying when I'm running dungeons and losing a good amount of DPS due to this. Its been the case since 6.0 for me (my welly just overall seems worse, dismissing randomly, freeze not properly casting, etc...) not as severe then but ever since I got water jet I've essentially had my Welly doing nothing for about half of every fight. I've tried everything, macros, personally pressing the attack target button, turning on and off my ui, you name it. I'm doing world bosses tomorrow and starting raiding next week and would hate to be lacking in the meters cause of this.

I haven't seen anything recent on the issues most threads are from years ago with similar issues after patches and it being solved by re-applying the autocast which isn't working. He just sits there jittering as if he's trying to cast and only starts to attack again once Water Jet is off CD and even then that's not 100%.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:08 pm

Splitting Ice (glyph) - bug - (look corrected - need confirmation)
  • The range of the cleave effect is at 1 yard at most. (reported in-game)
The range of the cleave is 5 yards (added to mob size), and as far as I know it is not a bug.
There was a bug until recently. The bug changing the cleave distance to nothing. Mob should have to be on each other for IL to cleave.
Seem like it have been resolved in one of the many hotfix sunnday.

From malon testing (this night), the bug isn't here. It show a smaller range than before. But it's ok. I will edit the op later today.
I need to add Brain Freeze spell alerte only showing 1 charges.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Mon Nov 17, 2014 6:25 pm

Has anyone else noticed this with the Water Ele?

If you use Freeze while Water Jet is enabled to autocast in the window before Water Jet is cast, the Water Ele sits there doing nothing until Freeze comes off CD. Only when you let it cast WaterJet does it shake it off.

However, if you disable autocast for Water Jet while it's in the stuppor, it doesn't do anything at all.

Tried a reload ui, dismiss and resummon and spec switch without it fixing it.

Anyone else notice this?
Was it with or without Welly glyph ?
Did you make an in-game report ? Post on official forum ?
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Israfael Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:31 pm

Pet behaves weirdly while channeling Water Jet sometimes - it looks like as though there's only one codepath that assumes you use pet glyph by default, so pet moves with you sometimes (didn't figure out when and how).
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby TLTeo Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:46 am

I'm also getting that same WE behavior, not using the glyph. I filled a bug report already.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby oomy Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:24 am

Kind of an issue, only having 2 max stacks of fingers. Should revert it back to 3 as it was in the beta.

The amount of times i see a wasted proc is getting higher and higher
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby BioBall Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:09 am

I'm also getting that same WE behavior, not using the glyph. I filled a bug report already.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby hegys Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:08 am

Anyone noticed when the water elemental has blocked line of sight?
For example: UBRS trash in the cells before 1st boss - the tank kept them in the cell and i was attacking from outside but the welly didn't have LoS and just stays.
Don't remember this issue to happen in 5.x content.

Sorry for the bad English.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:00 pm

On Welly behaviour, can it be reproduced with the glyph too. Or was it an issue without the glyph only?

I will add later the LoS issue. I have see it with the glyph and in other situation. I haven't tested it without glyph.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby gillon Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:00 pm

I'm using glyph and I'm pretty sure that I've had that issue, both when using water jet and freeze. He just stands around with the blue glow animation on his hands without doing anything, thought I haven't found a way to reproduce the problem reliably.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby gallamann Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:37 pm

Welly just frickening goes on hiatus way too much. Constantly finding myself having to summon his ass because I zoned. And that dungeon in Spire, every single time you enter and finally land, summon Welly

Frostbolt is right next to useless in damage, some mobs when all I have is Frostbolt, take an eternity to die, whereas with a cooldown or a few procs, dead in no time.

Comet Storm needs a buff, Ice Nova completely destroys Comet Storm and that is a talent from the tier before Comet Storm!!!!! I do however LOVE the graphics of Comet Storm
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Imnick Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:25 pm

Yeah I love the look of Comet Storm, but it really is just weaker than Ice Nova
Despite having a longer cooldown
and no way to save the charges

Rather than just a mechanical numbers buff though I'd love it if they just attached some kind of scaling mechanic to the cooldown though, as it is mostly just versatility that makes Comet Storm stronger.
Make it so that consuming Fingers of Frost reduces its cooldown by 2 seconds, or consecutive multistrikes have a chance to reset it, or something.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Magiclol Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:10 pm

I'm using glyph and I'm pretty sure that I've had that issue, both when using water jet and freeze. He just stands around with the blue glow animation on his hands without doing anything, thought I haven't found a way to reproduce the problem reliably.
I have reproduced that same effect when trying to cast freeze while mounted

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