I will add any new to the list. If possible provide a link to official forum. For issue like "damage is too low", it summarize that the damage from this specific spell feel too low compared at other spell/proc. It's a balance issue, not a "please buff the spec".
Please indicate :
- the problem
- a quick description
- for bugs, if it have been reported in-game/on official forum
- The perk don't work if the spell cast during/just before it's activation is a Frostbolt.
- don't work if the hit box is too big (brakenspore, tectus, etc)
- behavior - see : http://altered-time.com/forum/viewtopic ... read#p7858" target="_blank
- Line of Sight problem - see : http://altered-time.com/forum/viewtopic ... read#p7902" target="_blank
- It disappear after changing zone, need to be summoned again.
- Invisibility - when using invisibility, the pet keep attacking and breaking invisibility instantly.
- it lost the water Jet ability when droping from Stadium to Arena in Kargath fight (it seem to bug every time there's a phase change during the fight)
- the Spell Alert UI only show the first stack.
- The spell ignore Haste and Mastery.
- Area of Effect is too small, even slowed mob rarely take full effect.
- path problem/stopped by tiny terrain bump/etc.
- Orb are too quick after the first hit - would be better if it stick to the target its first hit.