Simcraft trinket comparisons!

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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Eraze Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:40 am

Tooltip is definitely showing 175 Int now for Sandman's Pouch. Couldn't resist since they'd gone down to 15k on our server.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Resshin Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:15 am

I learned of this in-game.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Eraze Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:36 pm

Where did you learn that it has been buffed? Also, the Insignia of Dominance, in the armory it shows it gives intellect, while at the vendor it gives versatility. Bugged? Or different item?
You'd want the one that gives Versatility + the Int proc.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby skiz Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:21 pm

Looks like Sandman's Pouch got buffed. Gives 175 int now instead of 117. Also, Coplands was buffed too.
Copelans on use was nerfed again. Seem to be 1100 spellpower before modifiers.

Edit: Looking for a trinket change list... redoing some sims /calcs :<
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Stressball Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:04 pm

It's actually been that way for a while, tool tip was just never changed. So yesterday's hot fix was just a buff to the passive crit.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Resshin Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:37 pm

Coplands gives 1210 for me.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Frosted Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:49 pm

Coplands gives 1210 for me.
You have AI on you.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:19 pm

List is now updated again.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Ayreal Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:41 am

Are the normal mode trinkets not included because they're just lower dps than all of the ones on the list?
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby wolfman Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:14 am

Not sure if this was mentioned elsewhere, but for Copelands is it better to use every 2 min CD or wait for icy veins at 3? Lining up with PC, FO, and IV gets tricky with all different CD's.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Frosted Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:00 pm

Not sure if this was mentioned elsewhere, but for Copelands is it better to use every 2 min CD or wait for icy veins at 3? Lining up with PC, FO, and IV gets tricky with all different CD's.
Every 2 minutes. Especially strong if you are running MI.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby minimemage Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:37 pm

Is there any info about the actual values of the on use for CC? Tooltip says +1467 sp, but the current spell ID says +870 sp." target="_blank

Which value is used in the sims?
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Frosted Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:38 pm

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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Kittenn Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:39 am

Not sure if this was mentioned elsewhere, but for Copelands is it better to use every 2 min CD or wait for icy veins at 3? Lining up with PC, FO, and IV gets tricky with all different CD's.
Every 2 minutes. Especially strong if you are running MI.
Is this the same with TV? Do I still use the trinket every 2 minutes lining up with MI? Or save for IV?
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby jimme Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:58 am

In conjuction with MI, I feel that Fleshrender's Meathook might be the best hc dungeon trinket. 20 seconds of haste for the mirrors. Both on a 2 min on-use CD.

Does that make sense or am I feeling this worng? :)
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby gameorg Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:20 am

Maybe this information is usefull for some of you (for me it would have been like 2 weeks ago):

Healers are rolling on our trinkets too. Both caster trinkets seem to be BiS for Heal Palas and Monks and Druids so better prepare your twink with inscription to get the DMF to lvl 3 asap.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Koffeh Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:01 pm

I got a normal version of shards with a socket yesterday and I'm unsure what other trinket to use with it. I have a choice between Coag Blood, Stage 1 DMF trinket or the 660 conquest one. Any advice?
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Wilderness Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:23 pm

I got a normal version of shards with a socket yesterday and I'm unsure what other trinket to use with it. I have a choice between Coag Blood, Stage 1 DMF trinket or the 660 conquest one. Any advice?
From the thread on talents/weights/etc: ... s_all.html" target="_blank

That's the list of all possible obtainable trinket combinations. I glanced quickly, so you should double check, but it looks like the DMF_1 trinket would be your best option.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:43 pm

I got a normal version of shards with a socket yesterday and I'm unsure what other trinket to use with it. I have a choice between Coag Blood, Stage 1 DMF trinket or the 660 conquest one. Any advice?

List updated again, now with highmaul only.
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Re: Simcraft trinket comparisons!

Unread postby Piecez Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:13 pm

Sorry if this is the incorrect place to ask but I was wondering, and it seemed fitting.

Scenario: Trinkets being used are CClarity/Shards(Heroic)

In the opener, lets say a hard one with lust/veins/crystal/MI, which trinket do you pop first in your rotation? My own logic would dictate CClarity since you're probably already close to GCD capping with lust, and lust+shard obviously puts you a bit over the GCD cap, and the increased spell power seems more beneficial than 1500 haste when bursting into Crystal with veins, but I figure it couldn't hurt to ask.

Does this answer change when lets say, talent choice is swapped to TV over PC?

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