State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby BasicBetch Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:25 am

If you do go upstairs for Kargath - I would go Fire.

Brackenspore I played around with Fire for Mythic - but my gear is so optimized for frost that even with the craptastic AoE on Splitting ICE my frost is much stronger.

Mythic Tectus - Fire hands down.

Mythic Twin Ogron - This fight goes either way. Fire or Frost.

From what I've seen of Mythic Imperator VoDs - you could potentially pull of Fire since there's significantly more AoE.

Really the biggest issue Fire has is the gear that Highmaul provides favors frost drastically.
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby Idyar Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:05 pm

Er...the simc files I used are kinda tailored to my folders, but essentially they just do 27 copies and adjust talents/glyphs. They're ugly and not really suited for public use. :oops:
Hey no problem Komma ill mess around with them. Thanks for all you do! It is appreciated.

Here is my first try at getting all the talents sorted for the automation tool thing in simc in case anyone else wants to mess around with them.


Code: Select all

3332111 name=LB_MI_K 3332121 name=LB_RoP_K 3332131 name=LB_IF_K 3332112 name=LB_MI_PC 3332122 name=LB_RoP_PC 3332132 name=LB_IF_PC 3332113 name=LB_MI_M 3332123 name=LB_RoP_M 3332133 name=LB_IF_M 3332211 name=UM_MI_K 3332221 name=UM_RoP_K 3332231 name=UM_IF_K 3332212 name=UM_MI_PC 3332222 name=UM_RoP_PC 3332232 name=UM_IF_PC 3332213 name=UM_MI_M 3332223 name=UM_RoP_M 3332233 name=UM_IF_M 3332311 name=BW_MI_K 3332321 name=BW_RoP_K 3332331 name=BW_IF_K 3332312 name=BW_MI_PC 3332322 name=BW_RoP_PC 3332332 name=BW_IF_PC 3332313 name=BW_MI_M 3332323 name=BW_RoP_M 3332333 name=BW_IF_M

Code: Select all

3332111 name=FB_MI_TV 3332121 name=FB_RoP_TV 3332131 name=FB_IF_TV 3332112 name=FB_MI_PC 3332122 name=FB_RoP_PC 3332132 name=FB_IF_PC 3332113 name=FB_MI_CS 3332123 name=FB_RoP_CS 3332133 name=FB_IF_CS 3332211 name=UM_MI_TV 3332221 name=UM_RoP_TV 3332231 name=UM_IF_TV 3332212 name=UM_MI_PC 3332222 name=UM_RoP_PC 3332232 name=UM_IF_PC 3332213 name=UM_MI_CS 3332223 name=UM_RoP_CS 3332233 name=UM_IF_CS 3332311 name=IN_MI_TV 3332321 name=IN_RoP_TV 3332331 name=IN_IF_TV 3332312 name=IN_MI_PC 3332322 name=IN_RoP_PC 3332332 name=IN_IF_PC 3332313 name=IN_MI_CS 3332323 name=IN_RoP_CS 3332333 name=IN_IF_CS
Haven't done arcane yet and am working on getting some general sets together. Again thanks for all you do!
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby Resshin Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:01 pm

Fire definitely viable on Mythic Kargath haha: ... class=Mage" target="_blank

No doubt viable, but I don't think I've seen another mage with that much crit 0_0. You're actually well over 40% crit buffed.
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby Garrod Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:25 pm

Just short of 43% raid buffed by about .2% ... d/advanced Fire for Mythic Raiding
<Side Project> 7/7 Mythic Highmaul 5/10 Mythic Blackrock Foundry
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby Berlinia Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:42 pm

I guess Fire shines on that fight because of Favor of the Crowd?
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby DJG Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:47 pm

The dps is mostly the AOE in the Ranks not on the Boss.
So for every AOE situation Fire is King.

Even on Margok Mythic, Fire is in a great shape because of Phase 1 and 3 with replication Adds und Phase 4 (Mythic Phase).
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby gameorg Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:27 pm

nothing new that fire is good in aoe. We already know that from tectus.
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby Latonius Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:38 pm

I cannot wait until BRF is open and I can start transitioning into Fire/Arcane.

The mechanics for Frost are so annoying. Dumb pet and cooldowns.
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby Festen Sun Dec 21, 2014 12:59 pm

I cannot wait until BRF is open and I can start transitioning into Fire/Arcane.

The mechanics for Frost are so annoying. Dumb pet and cooldowns.
IMO, frost will be still better than Arcane because there's no single target fights. Fire will be better than frost with the gear upgrade.
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby Latonius Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:27 am

I cannot wait until BRF is open and I can start transitioning into Fire/Arcane.

The mechanics for Frost are so annoying. Dumb pet and cooldowns.
IMO, frost will be still better than Arcane because there's no single target fights. Fire will be better than frost with the gear upgrade.
What about movement?
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Re: State of the Specs (Dec 8, pre-Mythic Highmaul)

Unread postby Festen Mon Dec 22, 2014 12:48 pm

I cannot wait until BRF is open and I can start transitioning into Fire/Arcane.

The mechanics for Frost are so annoying. Dumb pet and cooldowns.
IMO, frost will be still better than Arcane because there's no single target fights. Fire will be better than frost with the gear upgrade.
What about movement?
Some people on this forum may be better placed to reply but the few fights I've done on the beta were full of movement. So I personnally will stay frost, at least at the beginning.

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