[WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby BasicBetch Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:03 pm

Splitting Ice seems to be having issues with larger bosses. Being that our Cleave seems to be balanced around this glyph - is this an issue that is confirmed/Blizzard is looking at? A good example was Brackenspore where the very large add on pretty much on top of the boss, but Ice Lance was not splitting.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:25 am

updated the OP.

@rygarius tweeted that the pet despawn after taking a fly should have been corrected.

I still have the issue in EU but the hotfix might only be there tomorrow.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Wilderness Fri Dec 05, 2014 1:30 am

The two of you who had the issue with icicles - are you by chance using wands as your MH? If so, and you right click on a target, the wand will start casting and that may have been what you thought was icicles.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:50 pm

The two of you who had the issue with icicles - are you by chance using wands as your MH? If so, and you right click on a target, the wand will start casting and that may have been what you thought was icicles.
The issues isn't with Icicle "only" but with the whole splitting ice. Ice Lance don't split too.
It's still better than a few weeks ago when it was only working if mob are on each other.

(And I'm using a Staff)
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Wilderness Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:49 am

Sorry I wasn't clear - my comment about icicles was just for the 2 people the last page who said that they had experienced icicles "auto-firing" when they targeted a new mob that they hadn't actually cast anything on yet (like pulling a boss). That's why I asked if they were using wands and accidentally right-clicked.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:21 pm

a quick update to confirm that Enhanced FB is still bugged.

Al those bug need to be recheck after the patch.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby gallamann Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:16 pm

Today I did LFR, and jumped down to Butcher, with the following consequences;

1) Water Elemental was still present, simply would not attack.
2) It removed Water Jet from my Pet Bar and put it back to Auto (it was hi-lited in pet spell book).
3) Mirrors did not attack.

Resolved 1 by re-summoning Water Elemental

Resolved 2 by opening Pet spell book, right clicking Water Jet to remove auto and then dragging Water Jet back to pet bar.

#3 I have no further info, they just stood there. Two minutes later I was able to pop Mirrors again and that time they did attack. Only difference was for 2nd time I had resolved the Water Elemental issues.

PS I did submit an in game bug report.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:31 am

Today I did LFR, and jumped down to Butcher, with the following consequences;

1) Water Elemental was still present, simply would not attack.
2) It removed Water Jet from my Pet Bar and put it back to Auto (it was hi-lited in pet spell book).
3) Mirrors did not attack.

Resolved 1 by re-summoning Water Elemental

Resolved 2 by opening Pet spell book, right clicking Water Jet to remove auto and then dragging Water Jet back to pet bar.

#3 I have no further info, they just stood there. Two minutes later I was able to pop Mirrors again and that time they did attack. Only difference was for 2nd time I had resolved the Water Elemental issues.

PS I did submit an in game bug report.
Interesting, it's in the same line that what I experienced on Kar'gath last week.

Did you use a macro to bind Water Jet ?
Did it happen only in the Butcher fight ?
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby thingy Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:53 pm

Yesterday I did a heroic shadow moon burial grounds and I had some icicles built up from the last worm trash mob before bonemaw. I moved into the boss area and targeted the boss and saw my icicles start firing into him which pulled him. I wasn't close enough to face pull either.

Edit: was using a staff
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby TLTeo Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:33 pm

Water Jet disappears from the pet bar and spellbook on Kargath when you get thrown into the stands. You have to resummon the pet for it to reappear and be usable again.

Has anyone else had this?
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:26 pm

Water Jet disappears from the pet bar and spellbook on Kargath when you get thrown into the stands. You have to resummon the pet for it to reappear and be usable again.

Has anyone else had this?
I have.

Did you report it?
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby gallamann Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:31 pm

Interesting, it's in the same line that what I experienced on Kar'gath last week.

Did you use a macro to bind Water Jet ?
Did it happen only in the Butcher fight ?
OK I did get ripped into stands on Kargath (it was LFR) so that probably explains Water Elemental issues.

No I did not use a macro to bind Water Jet. I just activate water jet half way thru a frost bolt cast.

Yes only on Butcher.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Corazu Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:26 pm

Water Jet disappears from the pet bar and spellbook on Kargath when you get thrown into the stands. You have to resummon the pet for it to reappear and be usable again.

Has anyone else had this?
I have.

I no longer do the stands on Kargath. :P (although not for this reason)
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby TLTeo Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:24 am

Water Jet disappears from the pet bar and spellbook on Kargath when you get thrown into the stands. You have to resummon the pet for it to reappear and be usable again.

Has anyone else had this?
I have.

Did you report it?
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Arelly Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:14 pm

Here are some stuff that i have seen,

1- Icy Lance cleave does not hit. I was doing twin ogrons last night, i asked the tanks to put one boss on top of the other. no cleave happened. I tryed using Prismatic Crystal and it did not cleave, even though it was right underneath the two bosses.

2- Frozen Orb may stop mid way. I think that if there is any irregularity on the ground it stops, if you cast it near a wall it will stop going foward just like it does when hits a mob. Had this problem with Tectus , casted Frozen Orb and it got stuck on a pillar that was not on the effect way, but i think it was on the dammage range

3- Pet, without the glyph, do not cast Water Jet/Freeze proprelly. I use a macro to cast it, i have to click it 2 or 3 times to finally he responds. As soon as i put the glyph he start to use it all right.

4- Pet, when it casts water jet, somethimes it stops casting. Did not managed to replicate this, just somethimes when doing bosses it interrupt the casting as soon as the water jet hit the boss.

5- Pet on kargath goes haywire when going to the stands to the arena or arena to stands. One solution i found was when getting back to the arena, Ice flows+elemental when jumping down, reduces the waist of time, but that is suboptimal...

This is it. What you guys think ?
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby TLTeo Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:52 pm

3- Pet, without the glyph, do not cast Water Jet/Freeze proprelly. I use a macro to cast it, i have to click it 2 or 3 times to finally he responds. As soon as i put the glyph he start to use it all right.

4- Pet, when it casts water jet, somethimes it stops casting. Did not managed to replicate this, just somethimes when doing bosses it interrupt the casting as soon as the water jet hit the boss.
I haven't seen either of this, but i use Water Jet simply by keybinding it directly without any macros.
5- Pet on kargath goes haywire when going to the stands to the arena or arena to stands. One solution i found was when getting back to the arena, Ice flows+elemental when jumping down, reduces the waist of time, but that is suboptimal...
Yeah he bugs out if you go into the stands. Good idea with ice flows, previously i just resummoned him when i hit the ground.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:32 pm

2- Frozen Orb may stop mid way. I think that if there is any irregularity on the ground it stops, if you cast it near a wall it will stop going forward just like it does when hits a mob. Had this problem with Tectus , casted Frozen Orb and it got stuck on a pillar that was not on the effect way, but i think it was on the damage range
added to the list in Open post. I add this too :
Orb are too quick after the first hit - would be better if it stick to the target its first hit.
Did you report all of this ?
It's important to report bug with in-game tool as other way to report bug tend to be ignored. I can't post on US bug forum too.

All of those bug are easy to reproduce.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby gallamann Thu Dec 18, 2014 8:46 pm

Frozen Orb has always had pathing issues, much the same as Blink does. My biggest issue with Orb is convincing tanks to keep the mob(s) in the orb. A good spot to see pathing issue on FO, in garrison, facing fountain and looking towards profession building. The path to your left leading towards herb garden, right as it starts from the fountain area... could not get that to fly down path during invasions.
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby Arelly Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:21 pm

I did not reported it, not yet at least. Had to confirm that was really a bug.
Yeaa, blink sometimes fly you across the room, and sometimes just a couple of feet.
In the regards of the tank positioning, yea... It is terrible, my problem with PC is the same......
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Re: [WoD] Frost Issue & Bugs

Unread postby nathyiel Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:29 am

I quick update.

The Water Elemental bug also append during the fight against Nhallish (2nd boss of Burial Ground). It seem to be tied to phase changing/displacement. A little like how pet disappear after returning from a random dungeon.
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