When did you begin playing a mage?

Anything mage specific not covered by any of the other subforums, like raid instance guides for mages.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Crabmodem Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:02 pm

This post actually saddens me because it is how I feel about my rogue. I'd play him(Maybe even main spec at the moment) but I'm looking at months of LFR for the cape :(
My hunter is my second oldest toon outside of the mage. I have him to 90 but I just can't bring myself to get him that cloak either
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Genjuro Tue Jun 03, 2014 3:23 pm

Started out raiding as a Rogue in T11, played a Blood DK on the side, rerolled to Holy Pally in T12, took a break during T13 and eventually found myself rerolling a Mage in T14 just for kicks. I've played every class/role in the game to some degree at this point, and I'm pretty much locked in to Mage as my main class.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Millennia Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:18 pm

When i began taking raiding seriously, right around T8.

i played a balanced druid for half the tier then swapped.
been a mage ever since, and unless my guild asks it of me, i have no intention of ever maining anything other than a mage again =D
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Shadoworx Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:26 pm

After exiting the obligatory hunter phase of my WoW life, I chose mage around 2009. When I think fantasy, I think hurling projectiles that would consume 5000% of my body heat to fire.

It was the constant domination of dps meters that kept me playing, whether that be my innate skill or the rumours that I was playing an OP class were true. I like to think myself as a very good mage, but I've never been able to commit to a hardcore heroic raid schedule to run myself an acid test.

Also, since T14 I have refused to acknowledge Fire as a spec. It has betrayed me more than a gold digging spouse, and I have always hated how limp and noodle-y its AoE felt. Even at 571 I still can't bear to pay the 2k it'll cost to reforge and regem everything.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby nathyiel Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:26 am

Who am I ?

Nathyiel start her existence on Marécage de Zangar(EU) as Blood Elf at the opening of ICC gate. Just in time for defeating the Lich King then to kill Cho'Gall but the guild transfer to Sargeras(EU) because of the smaller size of the Horde at this time. Since then I have killed all and every boss, some on HL.

I began as a beautiful Blood Elf but a switch to goblin as soon as they appear Now, I make my joy explode everywhere 0.0 I'm an huge fan of horde because I don't like the softness of Alliance.

As a Frost hardcore player, the only time I play another spec was for Madness even if I switched back as soon as pre-6.0 come in-line.

I'm a rebel frost goblin because I refuse to play Akraen's style XD I only use Frost Bomb except when I have no choice. But I have stopped WoW, six months ago.

But now, fear the return of Nathyiel !
*nyark nyark*
my twitter : @nathyiel
my armory : Nathyiel (DalaranEU)
Frost rocks on cleave but Fire reigns on AoE. Where is Arcane ?
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby ZomgDPS Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:04 pm

Re: When did you begin playing a mage?
If I remember correctly, I rolled my first mage in the beta patch 4 (or was it patch 6?) of vanilla beta. I'm not sure if I can remember it more precisely, but I remember it was 1 patch or so before the first set of mage talents were introduced into the game. Iirc, priests and warriors also had their talents released in the same patch.
In contrast, I think I had to wait till almost the end of vanilla beta to see my warlock talents.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby alia Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:54 pm

I started playing a mage sometime before ZG was released in vanilla. I remember going over to a friend's house and he was like "dude you have to see this" and showed me his Hunter and what not in WoW. It was pretty cool. I had played WC3 but hadn't gotten WoW because college and no money. Anyway, I was interested in the Mage class because I've always been interested in the magic/mystic play style and the Mage seemed to be a great fit. Spoiler alert: I was pretty disappointed when I discovered the Wand played almost zero role on play style (back then you were somewhat expected to spend some time during the fight wanding, whatever). Anyway, the name, "Alia," is a reference to the Dune series and if you've read it, it probably makes sense. Since then, I've leveled other characters to max level (a Druid, Warlock and later a DK) as well as a smattering of alts (Warrior, Priest [shadow], rogue) but the Mage is just amazing. Being a human with DAT REP BONUS and a mage with the ability to teleport all around the world just makes a lot of the grindy parts of this game much easier. Add in slow fall and our ridiculous CC abilities and it's hard to trade these things for another lesser class.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about this forum. I hope it takes off.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby ZomgDPS Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:40 pm

I started playing a mage sometime before ZG was released in vanilla. I remember go...
Welcome to the forums Alia! I remember you from the Intelligent Mage Forums (as well as other places) all that time ago (even if you do not remember me :P), those were some pretty good forums. What happened to them??

Its good to see some old timers and familiar faces on these forums now as well. Guys like Nathyiel and Alia here are old school mages, and definitive members and standard fixtures of the mage community for a long time now. Its good to have them here since I believe a lot of the new mages could learn a lot from mages like these.

There is some serious potential here now. It is good to see.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Lissanna Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:55 pm

I made my mage at the end of Cataclysm, leveling in the new revamped leveling zones over a couple month span before MOP launched. I have been raiding full-time on my mage in progression raiding all of Mists of Pandaria.

I haven't decided whether to play mage or moonkin in the new Draenor expansion. I'll be testing both during Alpha/Beta, working with both communities, and then deciding what class to raid with from there.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Vexi Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:23 pm

I started playing my mage about a month ago!

Up until then she's just been a farming alt I leveled in Cata to support my shaman's professions. I love her tho, and being a female orc - which you don't see very often.

I am really enjoying the class a lot, but I am a healer at heart so doubt she will be my main for next expansion. However, I am going to try to get her in some alt runs or pug runs and maybe I will change my mind. We shall see :)
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby alia Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:46 am

I remember you from the Intelligent Mage Forums (as well as other places) all that time ago (even if you do not remember me :P), those were some pretty good forums. What happened to them??
Yeah I remember you, welcome :D As for those forums, they're still around but no longer WoW focused, basically just the core group of guys from old EJ days that sticks around and talks about life and whatever. I've got an RFI out for Alc for some of the history from the old forums for your other topic re a compendium of old posts, etc. on theorycrafting back in the early days. I'll let you know if I hear anything.

This place looks like it's ramping up - it could be good :D
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Prelimar Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:14 pm

well, it was 1977 or so... oh, you mean in WoW? i rolled a mage when i started playing during TBC, and i haven't looked back. i'm a one-character player. no other classes have ever appealed to me. /shrug
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Nekusar Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:41 am

Started playing my Mage in BC, took a break from it for Wrath and then back for Cata and Mop, if the changes they're currently making stick I think I'll be benching it for another Xpac and playing my Lock/Hunter/Boomy instead, bit annoying as I really like the majority of changes just not Rune of Power/Prismatic Crystal.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Luchtain Fri Jun 20, 2014 2:20 am

Started around AQ20/40. With a minor detour to Resto Druid in Naxx, and a pit of priesting here and there. Always come back to the mage though.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Teddymonster Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:03 pm

I started playing Mage since the release of WoW. I actually chose the Class because My brother and a few friends decided to do the leveling experience together and having a Rogue / Warrior / Priest in the group already they asked for me to roll with a ranged DPS so my choices were between Hunter / lock / Mage and ultimately I decided to roll with the mage because it interested me and I haven't looked back since.

As for my favorite fight to date. I'd have to say it was Hodir in Ulduar the DPS parses you could pull on Hodir especially as a haste loving Arcane mage were unreal and each attempt made you want to push yourself further just to see the numbers you could pull. lol.

I still love my mage and while I'm just returning to the game. It's good to be back on the class that I grew into this game with and hopefully some day pick up where I left off. :)
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby dragonray Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:20 am

My first ever toon was my mage, I created her in about May 2005 (hubby and I were given WoW as a birthday present) and have played her as my main toon since. I started on Durotan as they didn't have oceanics back then, and I am currently on Saurfang Horde side! :)

I decided to roll a mage as I wanted to be able to throw fireballs from my hands, and reading through the original notes about the case it said we had higher survivability with freezing etc (they failed to mention that you can only get hit once before dying!)

I was devastated when I told I wouldn't be able to throw fireballs with my hands in my first MC raid as they were immune to fire....so that was when I fell in love with my frost water elemental. I spent too many xpacs cursing Blizzard for forcing me to play every spec that I didn't want to -until now. I am loving frost being raid viable.

I have only recently considered the thought of changing toons to a boomkin - but whenever I actively think about making changes and doing what it needed, I freak out slightly. My mage has so much history and sentimental value I am not sure I could ever really play any other class.

So..that's my story :)
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Aowyn Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:28 am

I started playing WoW creating a mage somewhere around Wrath, without other class in mind. I learned of the game with one of my friends, with whom I played Warcraft 3 and Dota with. May favorite unit in War3 was the Sorceress (Slow, Invi, Poly) and, in Dota, it was Lina; if there was the possibility of being an elven mage, I'd certainly be, and a pyromancer.

My friends created a female blood elf paladin mage and a male tauren warrior, which we spent a long time trying to get together ("Where are you?" "I don't know!" "Wait, is it another continent???"). We finally met in Ashenvale and proceeded to quest together through dungeons, Strangletorn Vale and so on until Outland, when they stopped due to RL demands. At Hellfire Peninsula, a blood elf mage was by herself, seemingly all alone.

I started to dabble in Frost, out of curiosity. As I was questing, a 63-ish Alliance paladin descent from the heavens (literally, flying mounts...) to smite down that horde mage. Despite the surprise element, that mage killed the attacker by casting Frostbolts... and nothing more. Kiting at its simplest. I learned the basics of mage PvP with Frost and stayed as one for a long time, not knowing Arcane yet.

I only came to know what Arcane was about as I started experimenting PvE builds, stumbling into Arcane and without knowing what to expect from it. Turned out, the spec was extremely pleasant to me and gave that empowering feeling in PvP that you can kill even a healer. This spec pushed me to refine my abilities, as it always seemed to give me something new that I could improve.

I still miss that playstyle that Arcane had, and remembering the origins of my mage always makes me want to give Fire another try. Both are also rich in flavor, from War3 and Dota, as well as the scholarly aspect of the class. She never stopped being my main.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby tahua Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:15 pm

This thread caused me to register! Bringing back some lovely memories of when I started, in what was a completely different game at the time...

It all started in late Vanilla when a friend of mine introduced me to WoW.. id never heard of it,or even played an mmoprg before... so it was a completely new experience. I rolled a Tauren Hunter and for a month or so walked around Kalimdor not knowing what the hell I was doing, wearing cloth (hunters used to have mana right!) and smacking things with an axe.... My friend, who was a mage, seemed to be killing things much easier than me, and had some cool blue items which 'looked' really smart.... my mind was made up... I was going to be a mage.

So I rolled an undead female mage, called her Incendo and went about my way levelling to 60... it was a long and ardeous task in those days, there were no mounts until lvl 40 and an epic mount seemed to be a world away and the cost alone was prohibitive, gold wasn't easy to come by way back when. My memories of late vanilla are hazy, I was in some Zul'Gurub 25 man runs, doing the first few bosses and thinking I was brilliant with some crafted blues I strove to craft... (looking back they were crap). Then I remember day long AV's prior to the opening of the dark portal. I was naive in those days and probably wasn't much good, but it was bloody good fun.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby grizzlebees Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:34 am

My gnome mage was my first toon when I picked up the game back at the tail end of vanilla. It has been and always will be my main.

I tend to gravitate towards the wizard-esque class in every game I play that has something in that vein. Don't really know why but I always have. Ranged casting classes just always make more sense to me. I remember when leveling my druid alt way back in the olden days, everyone said to level as Feral. I hated every minute of it. I have never gotten the hang of melee classes at all.
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Re: When did you begin playing a mage?

Unread postby Xtenz Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:15 pm

I started with the mage in Vanilla, not long after the BWL patch. Why? I don't even know, it just seemed like the coolest thing in the world at the time. I mean, fling spells all day? Who wouldn't want to do that.

Little did I know that in the end game, it was spam frost bolt, frost bolt, frost bolt mixed with a little wanding. It was still pretty fun.

Over the years of raiding, I'd swap to tank or healer, but always kept the mage up to date until the time I return to maining it. Happened to be able to do that in ToT. Now I plan on sticking with it through WoD.
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