Dropping item levels for tier?

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Dropping item levels for tier?

Unread postby Resshin Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:38 am

It is definitely worth dropping 685 mythic Highmaul gear for two/four piece, right? I am mainly asking for fire/arcane.
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Re: Dropping item levels for tier?

Unread postby Komma Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:57 am

Disclaimer: Completely biased thoughts after messing around with sims. No evidence backing at all. Assuming you're talking about heroic 680 tier:

Fire 2T17: Probably yes.
Fire 4T17: Maaaaybe yes. I probably won't.
Arcane 2T17: Probably no.
Arcane 4T17: Probably yes.

EDIT: This is considering 6.1 with the Fire 4T17 nerf. The pre-nerf version is definitely worth giving up mythic pieces for, especially poorly itemized slots.
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Re: Dropping item levels for tier?

Unread postby DJG Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:50 pm


This results are similar to mine, so yes it is worth droping Mythic HM ilvl for set.
And for Fire 4pc is better then arcane 4pc.
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Re: Dropping item levels for tier?

Unread postby Valounette Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:25 pm

I have mythic highmaul 685 legs and chest... and it was a gain to replace them with NORMAL set pieces (665 and 671 wf) when simming for Arcane. 300 DPS increase.

After simming, I hit dummies for a couple of hours and see no noticable difference between the mythic highmaul or normal-2set in DPS.

Didn't sim for Fire, but the practicality of having 2 Inferno Blast charges seems very much worth it for squeezing in extra Living Bomb spreads on many fights
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Re: Dropping item levels for tier?

Unread postby Wilderness Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:24 am

My gloves are still heroic, but the other 4 slots are all Mythic; I'm about 680 ilvl overall. I swapped in gloves/legs for the 2-piece sets, and shoulders were my off-set piece for the 4-piece sets. These are my results from what I ran today: 300 second length, light movement settings. Arcane was SN/RoP/PC; Fire was LB/IF/Met:

Arcane: Single-target

Fire: Single-target

Fire: 2-targets
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