2 set17 fire bonus

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2 set17 fire bonus

Unread postby Tiri Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:28 pm

my question is: what's the point of having 2 charges of inferno blast if I only use it to spread combustion or to get a pyro from a heating up buff?

maybe a second one is used to spread LB to other adds when it's around 3 or less secs?
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Re: 2 set17 fire bonus

Unread postby TLTeo Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:36 pm

Other than for the 2pc trick that's posted in this forum, it makes spreading dots easier; for example, you can save one charge for when adds show up, and use the other one to proc pyro. It's a really nice quality of life change
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Re: 2 set17 fire bonus

Unread postby Darkwraith01 Tue Feb 10, 2015 2:50 pm

my question is: what's the point of having 2 charges of inferno blast if I only use it to spread combustion or to get a pyro from a heating up buff?

maybe a second one is used to spread LB to other adds when it's around 3 or less secs?

Ohh, you should REALLY check this thread:
http://altered-time.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1137" target="_blank

You'll see why 2-pieces is so important :D :D
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Re: 2 set17 fire bonus

Unread postby postilus Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:15 am

The change means that you can cast IB much more often. AT first to get at PB! after heating up. And secondly: After Fireball+Pyro, if only 1 of them crit, immediately use IB to go from "Pyro!" to "Pyro! + Heating Up.
There is just a practical problem, that you have to wait and see if only 1 has critted. It means that you loose time to wait for it. Am I right and is there a nice solution for this?
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Re: 2 set17 fire bonus

Unread postby Valounette Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:13 pm

The change means that you can cast IB much more often. AT first to get at PB! after heating up. And secondly: After Fireball+Pyro, if only 1 of them crit, immediately use IB to go from "Pyro!" to "Pyro! + Heating Up.
There is just a practical problem, that you have to wait and see if only 1 has critted. It means that you loose time to wait for it. Am I right and is there a nice solution for this?
There is no 'waiting time', if you react fast you can decide to Inferno blast or not before the GCD is up.
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Re: 2 set17 fire bonus

Unread postby Vexra Sun Feb 15, 2015 11:34 am

The change means that you can cast IB much more often. AT first to get at PB! after heating up. And secondly: After Fireball+Pyro, if only 1 of them crit, immediately use IB to go from "Pyro!" to "Pyro! + Heating Up.
There is just a practical problem, that you have to wait and see if only 1 has critted. It means that you loose time to wait for it. Am I right and is there a nice solution for this?
There is no 'waiting time', if you react fast you can decide to Inferno blast or not before the GCD is up.
Try standing on max range to the boss and say that again ;) Sure, in melee range there is no waiting time, but the travel time is >GCD on max range.
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Re: 2 set17 fire bonus

Unread postby Frosted Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:50 pm

traveo time of core fire spells is capped at 0.75s. less than GCD
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Re: 2 set17 fire bonus

Unread postby Calo Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:12 pm

Moved to Q&A

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