Unread postby Blutastic
Fri Jan 15, 2016 10:44 pm
I can strongly recommend ElvUI. I have used it for several years and doubt i will abandon it.
Yes, you can fix more or less the same thing with other addons, but its so much smoother to have one main addon that you can change every setting with, then you dont have to learn how to configure everything in so many addons. Plus, everything looks the same automatically.
Also, i dont think there is anything wrong with not tweaking ElvUI - i think moste people who doesnt tweak it is because the dont want to be UI-nerds like me for example. They want to get a decent UI that works but dont have the need to fix it to show everything that a mythic raider/raidleader need. And if you are one of these persons its very good to have ElvUI when start to get more interested in perfecting the UI, since when you discover one setting you can use it everywhere right away without learning new addons.