[US] [H] Vortex LF Mage for Mythic WoD! (14/14H)

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[US] [H] Vortex LF Mage for Mythic WoD! (14/14H)

Unread postby Razilon Sat Oct 18, 2014 5:37 pm

Vortex is now recruiting for 20-man Mythic raiding in WoD! We're targeting a 26-27 person roster for WoD with a 66% attendance requirement expected over our 3 day raid week (thus, 2 nights a week at a minimum).

We've had a great deal success recruiting for our WoD roster and are currently looking for the following roles:

- 4x Ranged DPS (Ele. Shaman, Bal. Druid, S.Priest highly preferred)
- 1x Melee DPS (Ret. Paladin, DPS Death Knight, Enh. Shaman highly preferred)
- 2x Healer (Holy Paladin highly preferred)

Please keep in mind that exceptional applicants of any class are always welcome to apply. If you know some of our members and/or think you'd be a great fit for us in terms of personality and skill, we'd always like to hear from you! We archive every application we get and if raiding spots open up, those archived applications that we were unable to accept will likely be the first spot we look for great folks to join us.

About Vortex:

For those who don't know us, Vortex has been specializing in 10-man heroic raiding on Turalyon since 2008 and is making the shift to Mythic raiding in WoD. We're generally an older group (20+ to 40+) of folks, some of whom have kids and most of whom have jobs, so we're good at keeping the balance between the game and real life.

Despite all of these draws on our time, we've always finished expansions in the top 1% of guilds world-wide, so that's hopefully a good indicator that we buckle down well when it's time to focus. Our forums are quite active between strategy discussion/refinement and general chatter about interesting things we've found on the Internet.

We want to stress that the most important things that we're looking for is a personality and skill fit between us and our applicants. We want people who are skilled, fun to be around and willing to work hard to help move the team forward. If you're not the best geared player, don't let that stop you from applying.

Raiding Schedule:

Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday - 7:30 -> 11:30 server time (ET). Invites go out at 7:15.

Interested or have questions?

Our website can be found at: http://www.vortex-guild.com" target="_blank
Our application and instructions can be found here: http://www.vortex-guild.com/index.php/topic,4.0.html" target="_blank

You can also direct questions to the Vortex Officers: Ketheres, Scythe

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