Raiding spec for end game/ mythic raiding/ high mythic plus and talent choice

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Raiding spec for end game/ mythic raiding/ high mythic plus and talent choice

Unread postby sawbossnl Fri Jul 27, 2018 5:32 pm

So i hope people will be seriues here about helping me out. I was wondering what woult be the best raiding spec for bfa in the beginnen to start with and to go into mythic with it.

Also what woult be the best spec for m+ as i heard mages are tona be the only class with constant slowing.

Than as thirt what talents woult you choose and why ?

Made it early but i hope those who are sicknessly goddlike with simc i hope you can hear my crys :)

Thanks for the feedback

Btw i dont care about what i like best i preffer what does the highest dps and stuff if performed right. ^^
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Re: Raiding spec for end game/ mythic raiding/ high mythic plus and talent choice

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Sat Jul 28, 2018 8:31 pm

This question is basically impossible to answer for a couple of reasons:

* Specs are still being tuned constantly. Since July 19th there have been 6 hotfix patches with class changes. So what looks best today, may no longer be best tomorrow.
* Azerite traits will probably impact what spec is best as well.

However, if you want to minmax your raiding in BfA, you can still prepare for it. If you truly want to minmax, you have to get used to playing all 3 specs, and swapping specs on a per-boss basis, depending on the fight mechanics and how it interacts with the specs.For example, if there's an a big dps check when the boss is low HP, it may be worth going fire for the Searching Touch execute damage 7 mobility. Or if there are big DPS checks where high burst is required, arcane may be the way to go.

So: Try to learn all 3 specs. Learn what specs are good in specific situations. That way you will be prepared when the balance of specs changes or if you need to play a specific spec for a specific boss.
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