Kargath Bladefist
- Bladerush targets one of the three further targets. Iceblock into BoP allows you to "kite" for the fullduration. Without BoP blinking after Iceblock is possible, but requires decent timing.
- Greater Invis/Ice Block can both remove Infesting Spores. Infesting Spores has a 50 sec CD and is roughly delayed by 5 to 10 seconds. Amplify magic can be used every other cast, if you want to delay it slightly on every use. Recommended : every 3. Cast.
- Blinking through waves works.
- Glyph of Counterspell is good for interrupting Spore Shooters.
- You're able to stack flamethrower buffs and burst afterwards. Fixing dps requirements.
Twin Ogron
- Using Greater Invis + Ice Block liberally against Blaze stacks and Pulverize helps a lot.
- You can "dispell" yourself the charge Debuff with Iceblock or Greater Invis.
- Dodging fire behind one of these axes is a lot easier.
- Roughly 1:20 between Quakes. It should be possible to use Amplify Magic every other cast.
- Invisibility does not work on Crystalline Barrage. It will keep chasing you. Ice Block + Blink also doesn't work because Barrage will damage/kill you before you Blink.
- BoP works against Crystalline Barrage. Evanesce should work, too.
- Mage Armor will lead to your Fire debuff expiring earlier than others
- Can Greater Invis when Expel Magic: Frost is cast on you, prevents the spell from being casted. Cast time is ~1 sec so you need to be prepared and react quickly.
- Greater Invis removes Expel Magic Fire but not shadow (not fel I think?). Ice Block removes everything. Fire still explodes when removed. Fire is applied roughly every 90 seconds.
- Alter Time helps with soaking center. If you're not soaking, Flameglow is an option for reducing Fire damage by a little.
- There's the infamous "two mage soak" strategy, where you alternate blinking and using Greater Invis to soak all cleaves. Blessing of Protections makes you immun to charge, too.
- Alter Time is pretty good for healing yourself after he charges you.
- Flameglow is incredibly good for reducing bleed damage from dot, recommended if you're inside a camp.
- Ice Floes to prevent spell interruption from the knockback. You'll still get interrupted if you're channeling.
- Since it's a 4 min fight, delay the second usage of 2 min clickable trinkets to sync up with 3 Min CDs/Prismatic Crystal.
- Greater Invisibility and Ice Block do not remove the bleed from the cleave.
- Evanesce blocks Explosion from Adds, but does not block slow / ticks from voidzones.
- PC gets Dominance Aura from Goblin Warmages during Transition. This has no effect on the damage dealt / received from PC.
- Ice flows recommended due to high movement.
- Iceblock / Greater Invis prevents damage from Arcane Wrath. Evanesce works, as long as you're not casting when it expires.
thanks, komma
- Destructive ressonance has an "arming time" and is applied on cast end.
- You're able to blink through Force Nova. With glyph you're able to blink through all 3 Novas in p3.
thanks, allysonna
- You're able to use Evanescence against Force Novas. On replicated Novas you do not damage other players.
This part is a little bit more detailed. This wall of text roughly handels obvious parts, skip if not necessary.
List of abilities:
Link to Mmochampion in short..
Not listed:
http://www.wowhead.com/spell=176537" target="_blank which just indicates who is targeted.
Not relevant: Edge of the Void.
That phase is a soft enrage. With increasing "raid"-dmg due to Enveloping Night / Glimpse of Madness.
1 Glimpse of Madness spawns every 30 seconds. Soaking the "Gaze" cast results in ~430k dmg over 20 seconds with 4 hits (you'll have 4 stacks - 1 cast / 5 sec). Letting the debuff run out is 280k dmg. Getting stacks is a bit more deadly, then letting them drop.
You'll get 2 Glimpse of Madness before each Enveloping Night. One Enveloping Night per minute, first one roughly 1 minute after Chogall is there. Third Enveloping Night does 600k dmg, you'll die from that one, roughly 3 minutes after chogall appears. No gaze cast after Enveloping Night for roughly 10 seconds, it may still be possible to get 1 hit of "Gaze" at the same time (Would like to see logs about this one).
If you do soak glimpses, I would recommend having a big cooldown for the second Enveloping Night. If not, accumulated absorb from "Infinite Darkness" is enough to be save. Having one spare big cooldown for third Enveloping Night may be usefull.
- It may be possible to block "Infinite Darkness", not sure about effects. Not recommended.
- Evanesce works on Gaze, Dark Star and Enveloping Night. Do not to cast during Evanesce.
thanks, komma.
- Ice block cancels
http://www.wowhead.com/spell=176537" target="_blank but you'll still get the hits, immune hits. Furthermore, it dispells all of your current "Gaze" stacks resulting in the usual small explosion.
- Greater Invis breaks from Gaze hits, you'll get hit even if you're invis. It does reduce the damage of these hits.
- Greater Invis / Iceblock work both against Enveloping Night.