Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
As the title reads, is it worth opening with ABarrage instead of precasting an AB to have a chance at proccing your trinkets prepull (assuming you have double rppm trinkets)? I'm assuming it is so it's what I'm currently doing but I'd love to hear other peoples thoughts on it. I've not seen it mentioned anywhere else, but perhaps I haven't looked eneugh ^^
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
Totally Not understanding what Benefit you want to generate by doing that. Trinket proccs on pull before reaching 4 stacks and popping cristal/ starting burn phase is a dmg loss imo, so why would you prolong your sequenz of getting to 4 stacks and losing even more trinket uptime in that phase?
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
If you make them proc pre-pull they'll proc again as they run out because RPPM trinkets can't overwrite themselves but the moment you pull their "time since last proc" is reset to 120 seconds meaning they proc back to back because the RPPM on the BRF trinkets is high enough for it.
Komma covered the "120 sec since last proc" default on boss pull in his post regarding the Fire 4-piece:
Komma covered the "120 sec since last proc" default on boss pull in his post regarding the Fire 4-piece:
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
Destro locks do it with Incinerate, so i guess it's worth try. I wouldn't know how to sim it though.
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
In what way would it increase the proc-chance? If acane blast land on 0 second or arcane barrage land on 0 second, should result in same chance to proc since it's same ammount of hits. Not sure but I think it's the effect and not the cast which proc trinkets. Why you won't proc a trinket with counterspell on a target that's immune to silence, atleast couldn't.
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
Not exactly because the BRF RPPM trinkets proc off you finishing a cast not dealing damage. the example you gave puts you in combat meaning if they will proc yes but it won't reset the timer since last proc. if you proc the trinkets off pressing ABarrage before going into combat, which you can cause it has a travel time, then they will proc again after the initial procs run out if done properly.
Here's an example of how locks can do the same thing with incinerate since it has travel time:" target="_blank
Here's an example of how locks can do the same thing with incinerate since it has travel time:" target="_blank
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
So basically, casting a spell puts you in combat (but not the raid) and proc RPPM trinkets, a once the boss is pulled RPPM trinkets reset making them guaranteed to proc again, if I understood correctly, right?
It sounds interesting. Have you tested it multiple times to see if it works all the time?
It sounds interesting. Have you tested it multiple times to see if it works all the time?
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
A spell hitting the boss puts you in combat, but ABarrage has a travel time thats the idea, the trinkets can proc before the projectile hits the boss simply off you finishing the spell. I been testing it during progress and it seems pretty reliable. Hasn't worked 100% of the time for me but thats probably cause we reset the boss sometimes depending on his position which makes trinkets proc aswell and when they procced recently they have a lower chance of proccing off the ABarrage.
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
It works, you just have to figure out the travel time of arcane bar based on range so you don't pull too early and get yelled at by everyone in your raid.
You can pull at like 1.2~ seconds @ 30 yards or something like that. (
You can pull at like 1.2~ seconds @ 30 yards or something like that. (
- Valounette
- Posts: 159
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
By simply changing the precombat action Arcane_blast to Arcane_barrage in the combat log I see a DPS loss for both short and long fights. Unsure if this is accurate way of testing though
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
Hmm, doubt this will make sure your RPPM trinkets will proc twice in a row on pull.
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
if you succesfully proc them pre-combat with Barrage your trinkets will proc again after the initial procs run out.
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
I was referring to SimC that Valounette mentioned.
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
Misread in that case, sowwy 

Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
In my opinion this is better, just need to test it myself.
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
The thing with this trick is that not only do you need to precast ABar, but it also needs to occur before combat is initiated and the RPPM reset on engaging the boss is triggered. It promotes early or first pulling, which is kind of a greedy/selfish DPS tactic.
I do wonder why they made this possible by changing proc mechanics to occur on spell cast complete, instead of impact though.
I do wonder why they made this possible by changing proc mechanics to occur on spell cast complete, instead of impact though.
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
If it's the cast and not the hit which proc trinket shouldn't you be able to just spam arcane explosion?
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
It needs to be a cast directed to the boss i think. Spamming AE outside of combat never procced anything
- Wilderness
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
Since seeing this thread I've definitely noticed that I regularly do this as fire because I've been trying to time my pre-cast Pyro to be in flight and starting on FB when the pull timer hits 0. Its worth considering doing with Abarr as well, I'll try to remember to do that this week.
Ashamanxx || <Good Talk> || 13/13M
Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?
Just do this:
/use draenic intellect potion
/use fruit basket
/cast arcane blast
/use draenic intellect potion
/use fruit basket
/cast arcane blast
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