Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Araitik Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:32 pm

Hey guys,

I have the most difficult time replicating this with PC. No problem on multiple targets obviously, but PC is giving me headaches.
No matter where I place it, I cannot spread from or to PC, no matter if it's LB, ignite or Combustion. Doesn't matter if my primary target already has Ignite / LB or not, nothing is working.

Am I doing something really wrong here ? thanks
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Komma Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:15 pm

Are you testing it on low level dummies?
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Araitik Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:08 am

No, on Jin'Rokh. I tested it on Kromog, works flawlessly :/ Hitbox maybe ?
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Skyflow Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:54 pm

Shame on me that i just realized the Trick with 2x Infernoblast and Combust on 2. Target next to the Main one!

Nice trick! But i cant see a single boss where i could play with prismatic crystal. But anyway strong way to get a big big comb.

U will see some ranks next time! :D
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby swoon Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:55 pm

You don't have to use PC to do it, you just need a second target and if you play fire for single target you use crystal so it really isn't that uncommon.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby TLTeo Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:14 pm

PC is also very good on cleave if you do the 2piece trick correctly. The only bosses where i play fire and dont use it are Hanz and Franz (boss movement) and BF (to have higher combustion uptime on Elementalists).
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Araitik Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:59 pm

I think we can confirm that PC spread does not work for MoP bosses, and probably those before too.

Sad day :(
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Mybull Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:39 pm

Hi Komma, Thank you! Love your double ignite trick. Because of this trick i'm top in the server! haha! but heroic mode only thou :( Guild just started Mythic mode.

Now i have an issue and not sure here is the best thread to post my question.

I have 4pc of tier 17 and the procs for Pyromaniac is almost so random!

Question is this, sometimes the 4x bonus can proc continuously one after the other meaning you have a total of 8 secs of free Pyro! From the sound of it i should be getting insane Ignites? But in actual fact i am not, The ignite value actually drops after your 3rd or 4th Pyro! i noticed.

So what should i do with this kind of situation? Have you face this issue before? Please help!
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby indomitus Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:01 am

My prior response was bad and I feel bad." target="_blank
That goes over what you're experiencing in Komma's reference to a leaky bucket.

The way I understand it in execution is that while you are getting instant crit pyros, you aren't getting your pyroblast procs on all of them so its a mix of buffed pyros and crit pyros. So your hardest hitting pyros are falling off as you're casting, so the more you keep loading up the target with varying pyros, you'll still be losing ignite ticks at the same time which causes it to not look as inflated as you'd think it would be.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Mybull Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:46 pm

Thanks, i think i get what you mean. so from this mechanics, what i understand now is even if you have a continuous proc of 4x bonus, you stop spamming it at the 4th Pyro! then Combust and ignore the remaining 4x bonus proc

or Continue with all those free pyros and combust?

I haven't got a log that i can test it out. Anyone has tried of faced this before?
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby Mevlin Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:56 am

Thanks, i think i get what you mean. so from this mechanics, what i understand now is even if you have a continuous proc of 4x bonus, you stop spamming it at the 4th Pyro! then Combust and ignore the remaining 4x bonus proc

or Continue with all those free pyros and combust?

I haven't got a log that i can test it out. Anyone has tried of faced this before?
Try to end on a Pyroblast!-ed pyro before double spreading. If 3rd pyro is unbuffed and you cast it you do get a Pyroblast! buff, but that pyro is no longer a guarateed crit so it's risky.

But if its during hero (or any instance where you have almost 50% haste) then I would spam those pyro's away. Here's a vid or Rikh doing 7 pyros before double spreading" target="_blank.

But in all honesty it's all controlled RNG.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby gameorg Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:03 pm

Very dependend on trinket procs and hast effects. Yesterday i also had a double 4P, and my ignite value kept increasing until the last pyroblast (without bloodlust). So there is no definite answer, especially when you have the multistrike trinket ontop of it.
I was also going to refer Rikh's video, since it shows, that his ignite kept growing.

The best way to deal with it is to learn how big your ignite can get and when you are close to it, trigger combustion.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby wolfman Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:43 am

question on M Maidens. When using the 2p trick for fire do you find having the extra crit from Sandmans on pull is worth it so you don't have to burn an IB? I am using H goren/sandman instead of M talisman/H crucible w/ socket.

I find the crit trinkets give me a string of pyro's w/o using my IB's so the double spread is so much easier and much less RNG and a massive 300k burst. Any ideas on this?

Sorry if something similar was asked, but i couldn't find it.
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Re: Another Combustion Trick? 2T17+PC

Unread postby indomitus Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:30 am

I can't speak to the effectiveness of it specifically on M maidens, but Ive been using goren and sandman and so far have had a much more stable more often than not while holding my IB charges.

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