Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby wolsku Sat May 30, 2015 10:15 pm

It never worked on dummies, and it still works on bosses for me, maybe somebody else is "prepulling" (boomkins,hunters,...) You might be messing it up
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Charmander! Sun May 31, 2015 2:26 am

In BRF fruit basket with ice floes works some of the time for me. Sometimes proccing one trinket. Often neither.

Barrage works every time proccing both, same way starsurge does on my boomkin.

The difference is pretty minor so I just go with barrage.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby gameorg Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:46 pm

I doubt that there is a difference between Barrage and Fruit Basket. I think you have taken too little samples or sometimes apply FB at the wrong time.

The main factor for trinkets to preproc is the time you stayed out of fight. For example, if you pulled to reset Bloodlust, right before the real pull, its not likely that both trinkets preproc. If u stayed outfight for a couple of minutes, its very likely that both trinkets proc, no matter what way u chose.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Wilderness Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:17 am

Fruit Basket still works every time for me (with Incanter's Flow). I should have used barrage instead on Gruul though since that's the only fight I use RoP on, I didn't think about that.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby gameorg Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:07 am

iam fairly certain that pot will proc it for you without IF. I have preprocs on Gruul. Flameglow does proc them too.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Wilderness Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:54 am

I don't know if a pot will, I didn't have it work on Gruul with my pot/basket macro.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Ogo Thu Jun 25, 2015 5:52 pm

I'm seeing a drastical change to success chance of getting 2x trinket proc (and ring). Have you guys noticed the same? Has it been changed somehow? New way to do it?

My macro is like this:
/use draenic intellect potion
/use fruit basket
/cast arcane barrage
/cast ice floes

(yes, might be overkill, but I really want em to proc at pull)
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby utrippin Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:12 pm

I'm seeing a drastical change to success chance of getting 2x trinket proc (and ring). Have you guys noticed the same? Has it been changed somehow? New way to do it?
Yeah have noticed the same, i dont think i have ever gotten double ring or weapon enchant proc. My trinkets do still proc, but it feels like i dont get them as often as before.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Bearglove Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:13 am

I'm getting consistent double procs of everything with fruit basket: ... 2&fight=39" target="_blank

/use Fruit Basket
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Ice Floes
/cast Arcane Blast
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Bashlow Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:41 am

I am Double proccing on every pull where my trinkets arent on CD. And I am Not even using ice floes in my macro
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Kadde Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:52 pm

Just use AB a second before pull, nothing else.

Proccing both trinkets pretty much every time, its that simple.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Ogo Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:50 pm

I'm getting consistent double procs of everything with fruit basket: ... 2&fight=39" target="_blank

/use Fruit Basket
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Ice Floes
/cast Arcane Blast

This will make you not able to use a second potion tho.

Anyone able to proc it with Abarr as I was able to pre 6.2?
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Wilderness Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:23 pm

I'm getting consistent double procs of everything with fruit basket: ... 2&fight=39" target="_blank

/use Fruit Basket
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/cast Ice Floes
/cast Arcane Blast

This will make you not able to use a second potion tho.

Anyone able to proc it with Abarr as I was able to pre 6.2?
Yeah, you probably have to have the potion in front of the fruit basket in a macro. I haven't tried Abarr, I've been pretty successful proccing it with the fruit basket so far. I think it hasn't worked once or twice, but I'm also down to 1 proc trinket and there were times in 6.1 where I wouldn't get both of my trinkets to proc pre-pull.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Mevlin Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:09 am

Will Fruit Basket proc Prophecy of Fear and ninja pull the boss because it applies a debuff?
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Mevlin Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:11 am

In BRF fruit basket with ice floes works some of the time for me. Sometimes proccing one trinket. Often neither.

Barrage works every time proccing both, same way starsurge does on my boomkin.

The difference is pretty minor so I just go with barrage.
You need to be 30 yrd instead of the usual 40 in order to utilize the basket. And your dps gain is minimal but it's honestly way more easier (less likely to ninja pull).

Looking at my logs definitely getting double trinket procs.

@ t-1.5
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/use Fruit Basket

then cast AB.

I don't understand why Ice Floes is relevant.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Chiv Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:09 am

Will Fruit Basket proc Prophecy of Fear and ninja pull the boss because it applies a debuff?
Don't think fruit basket counts as a 'direct damage spell'.

Could be wrong, haven't acquired trinket yet
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Ogo Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:39 am

Wilderness, could you please copy&paste your exact macro? And would you be so kind and provide a log where it's actually working
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Naedrim Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:26 am

Wilderness, could you please copy&paste your exact macro? And would you be so kind and provide a log where it's actually working
I'm not Wilderness, but here's a few logs of it working this week. Really any log from the last month or so from me probably has double trinkets, unless I messed up or we reset the boss before the pull. ... amage-done" target="_blank Reaver ... amage-done" target="_blank Gorefiend (forgot to switch from fire gear oops) ... amage-done" target="_blank Zakuun ... amage-done" target="_blank Kormrok

Macro is

#showtooltip Draenic Intellect Potion
/use Draenic Intellect Potion
/use [nocombat] Fruit Basket
/cast [nocombat] Arcane Blast

I use it as both my in combat potion and prepull macro.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Wilderness Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:30 pm

My macro is similar to Naedrim's, except I don't have the [nocombat] part.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Zelendria Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:14 am

/use draenic intellect potion
/cast arcane barrage

Cast it at 1s.. Done.

Worked tonight.

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