Mage Gear Help!

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Mage Gear Help!

Unread postby Kaoskreator Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:36 am


here's my armory: ... tor/simple" target="_blank

basicallllllllllly the issue I have is deciding whether to use H 4 piece minus pants (yet to kill paragons) and the heroic pants from Juggernaut OR utilize 3 heroic pieces of tier (shoulders/chest/helm) and 1 non heroic piece of tier (pants) and the HWF gloves from Norushen...

Other things I have to consider are heroic robes from spoils :/ please help !
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Re: Mage Gear Help!

Unread postby Methusula Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:05 pm

I would definitely recommend sticking with the 4 piece. Even though the Jugg pants aren't itemized very well, you are going to lose out if you drop 4 piece without compensating with 3 optimal HWF off set pieces, all fully upgraded. Even then, the jury is still out as to whether that is worthwhile or not.
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Re: Mage Gear Help!

Unread postby Komma Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:16 pm

If your normal tier pants and heroic spoils robes are 2/4 or 4/4, I would stick to using those. Your armory says that IJ pants aren't upgraded, so I wouldn't spend valor on that for now. After killing paragons, you are most likely going to stick with spoils robes + 4pc heroic tier, since that is closest to BiS.
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Re: Mage Gear Help!

Unread postby Kaoskreator Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:56 pm

Sorry, it was late when I wrote that, please allow me to clarify:

Scenario 1
-Heroic Tier Helm
-Heroic Tier Shoulders
-Heroic Tier Gloves
-Normal Tier Pants
-Heroic Spoils Chest

Scenario 2
-Heroic Tier Helm
-Heroic Tier Shoulders
-Heroic Tier Chest
-Heroic Tier Gloves
-Heroic IJ Pants

Scenario 3
-Heroic Tier Helm
-Heroic Tier Shoulders
-Heroic Tier Chest
-Normal Tier Pants
-Heroic Warforged Norushen Gloves

In none of the scenarios will I be sacrificing four piece t16, I just don't know which off piece I should use at the moment.... And we just put our first few attempts into Paragons, so it's going to be a couple weeks yet (hopefully not, but realistically speaking) before we get our first kill, and even then I'm not guaranteed to get pants. Also, I'm not overly worried about the status of upgrades because I'm close to the point where I'll have excess to spend here in the next couple of weeks.

Also, if you can offer a reason as to why you chose said scenario? Is it solely because I'll get more crit out of it? Thanks for the help!


PS, there is a possible 4th scenario involving H WF Nazgrim shoulders, H Tier Helm, H Tier Chest, H Tier Gloves, and Norm Tier Pants.
Last edited by Kaoskreator on Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mage Gear Help!

Unread postby Komma Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:12 pm

The answer I gave you is with the scenario you described. I recommended using heroic Spoils robes, with the expectation of getting heroic tier pants within a reasonable time frame (ie. within 5-8 kills).

All common quoted BiS setups for fire use either one of 3 items: 1. Crit/Mast helm from Immer or 2. Crit/Haste robes from Spoils or 3. Crit/Mast robes fromThok, depending on mastery vs haste build. The reason for that is Helm/Robes/Legs give the highest item budget, and benefit most from being replaced with better itemized off-set items, with the potential of being upgraded with HWF counterparts.

Using heroic IJ legs will net you a advantage in the short term, but doesn't pay off if you get heroic tier pants while working on Garrosh.
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Re: Mage Gear Help!

Unread postby Kaoskreator Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:29 pm

Thanks, Komma.

I appreciate your quick response, and I'll run that set-up this coming Monday.


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