Unread postby Toshirou
Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:52 pm
I'll try to summarize my thoughts and feeling for the move forward into Legion
Lets start with my current raiding spec!
First, I love this spec. The changes from MoP to WoD I felt were pretty good. Managing chages, and the burn/conserve phase coming back into play was really nice. There are some things i'd like to see changed though
Prismatic Crystal and Rune of Power- Do whatever you need to do to murder these spells...I HATED Rune in MoP, and i hate it now. Nothing says boring about being "planted" in one spot and basically an additional thing to worry about during an encounter to limit your mobility to the point where it's detrimental! I enjoy damage buffs, but with the evolution of raiding I feel as though we're going in the opposite direction with this talent.
Arcane Orb- I actually REALLY like this spell. It's great for cleave/AoE but I feel as though it doesn't warrant a spot on the talents list. I'd say Buff the damage about 5-10% and increase the cooldown a bit, possibly to 15 seconds. The utility it provides with the nice AB, AO to 4 stacks to continue your cleave/aoe is REALLY nice.
Supernova- This talent is particularly cool. I really enjoy lining up my novas to hit during my arcane power burst, and hit insanely high numbers. Hopefully, in WoD, we can see nova buffed a bit. Maybe make it baseline? Remove the charges, add a cast time, and maybe increase the CD a tad bit. It'd be REALLY neat to add a sort of buff mechanic that we have to maintain, sort of like the Shaman elemental blast idea
Nether Tempest- Make it base, our AOE isn't amazing. Having a small aoe wouldn't break us. You could nerf the damage a bit, or something along those lines.
Everything about this spec needs to be reworked. The damage is sub par, the RNG is too sporadic, and single target damage is something to be scoffed at.
Meteor- Pathetic damage, and the SPLIT damage is a slap in the face. Buff the damage PLEASE. The times that RNG has been in my favor, Meteor has SERIOUSLY given my ignite a very nice buff. Plus, how can you NOT want to hurl a giant meteor. I feel like a black mage from a Final Fantasy game and its badass. On an encounter based note, even if we weren't using it on the fire "burst" saving it for those CRUCIAL phases with adds that needs to be zerged down, Meteor helps out so much its ridiculous.
Kindling - The only redeeming talent in the tree. It almost always ends up being the best talent near the end/middle of an expansion. Why not make it a baseline bonus/perk/spell already? At the beginning of the expansion it'd be mediocre, but still a GAIN no matter what, and as the tiers went on it'd get progressively stronger. If it was a baseline ability, possibly nerfing it a slight bit would level it out so it wasn't SO overpowered.
Living bomb- SERIOUSLY. Do I even need to explain WHY this needs to be a baseline spell? Its probably the COOLEST fire mage spell next to Pyroblast and Meteor. Make it baseline, make a 5 target limit? (can be debated) and possibly nerf the damage a bit. Stop taking this away from us. Having this dot+HUGE damage helps us out in the long run for our single target damage. Make the splash damage possibly do a little less, but increase the single target damage.
Combustion- This spell is strong, VERY STRONG. The only downside is the potential that it could also be our weakest cooldown by far. One pull it could tick insanely high, another pull we might as well just whack the boss with our staves. Please rework this spell. Also, give fire mages a COOLDOWN of some sorts. Icy veins/arcane power sort of CD. Give us somethign that doubles our ignite for a short duration, or something that infuses us with the power of the molten powers we channel! Make it fun and cool!
Edit* I know i haven't suggested "new" spells, but my thoughts on our current spells/talents. >.<