Haste for the Ray God or Playing Frost in Legion Pre-patch

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Haste for the Ray God or Playing Frost in Legion Pre-patch

Unread postby Architech Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:36 pm

Haste for the Ray God or Playing Frost in Legion Pre-patch

The purpose of this "guide" is to describe one manner in which to play Frost for the Legion pre-patch. This method has potential to be quite good (perhaps even beating Fire) on the clearly most important boss of the tier, Iron Reaver.
  • This guide is not going to tell how play Frost in the pre-patch.
  • This guide will not tell you how to optimally play frost in the pre-patch
  • This guide targeted at player who have a notional grasp of how frost should be played in the pre-patch.
  • This guide is not to be taken all that seriously.
  • This guide will attempt to persuade you that giving haste to the Ray God may allow Frost to smite down the heathen Fire mages.
  • If you are new to mages and would like guide that is better suited to your needs try ->this one<-

Why should I give Haste for the ray god ?

In Legion pre-patch, Blizzard has graciously let us play with the talent Ray of Frost. Ray of Frost, over its 10 second cast, does increasing damage (think SC2 Void Ray). Ray of Frost scales primarily by increasing the number of "ticks" with high Haste.

The combination of high Haste (due to end of expansion gear) and the wonderful legendary ring allows cooldown stacking for tremendous damage via Ray of Frost.

How do I let the Ray God smite my foes? (Fire mages, not bosses)

Step 1: Take the following talents:

Tier 15 - Ray of Frost

But what about Lonely Winter?
Did you even read the title of this post?

Tier 30 - Doesn’t matter
Tier 45 - Rune of Power - No other choices are viable
Tier 60 - Ice Nova - Don’t even THINK about saying “but Frozen Touch!”
Tier 75 - Doesn’t matter
Tier 90 - No math has been completed on what the optimal talent is on this row
Tier 100 - Take Comet Storm and thank Skizz Prophet of DPS

Step 2: Get the following trinkets

http://www.wowhead.com/item=110002/fles ... us=642:757" target="_blank
http://www.wowhead.com/item=128024/ston ... e-elements" target="_blank

These trinkets allow scary scaling of Ray of Frost.

“Meathook? This can’t possibly beat out (random other trinket)!”
Please, don’t blaspheme the sigil of the Ray God.

“But I vendored all my meathooks and cannot use an item restore!”
Other on-use mythic dungeon trinkets are available. Next best option is DSI or Sandman's Pouch.


“If Meathook is good, shouldn’t Shards of Nothing also be good?”
Meathook is what shard of nothing wants to be like when it grows up. Shards have simmed to be inferior to the above.

Step 3: Stack cooldowns and cast Ray of Frost

Play this video on volume 11 over voice com

Know when your guild will ring.

Once ring is down, do the following ->Frozen Orb -> Rune of Power -> Time Warp (if not already) ->Berserking -> Icy Veins -> Ray of Frost -> Ice Nova -> Comet Storm

Use second potion with second IV, second ring, or second Ray of Frost - in that order, depending on fight length.

Use second IV with the third ring (minute 4ish) if the fight length allows.

You will ignore Ice Lance procs from Frozen Orb until after RoF.

Step 4: What do when you’re not casting Ray Of frost?

Well there are a few options here that I will describe. (ret for scale)


Option 1: Take a walk, and hatch your Pokemon eggs.


Option 2: Read or join in Altered Time’s Discord on your second screen by while spamming Frostbolt. (DPS per Effort is off the charts!)


Option 3: Try hard.


This involve the new "Frost rotation" which is described perfectly fine by Icy Veins.

“Can I seriously raid and hatch Pokemon at the same time?”

Quite nearly. 70ish percent of the total damage of this play style comes from the "buttons of limited interactivity". That is to say, RoF, Welly, Nova, Orb, and ring. This also why the talent choices in the last tier tiers generally don’t matter. They both only affect ~30% of your total damage thus the impact of a fully optimal choice is necessarily limited.


“Why does this work?”
All hail the ring, right hand of the Ray God!

“Can this out perform Fire?”
Can Fire approach the multitasking ability of 50/60 seconds being AFK?!
On fights of sufficiently short length, maybe.
See below for comparisons. (note There are slight APL difference between this guide and Rinoa's - so use your judgement)

6 Minute fight

4 Minute Fight

2 Minute Fight

75 second Iron Reaver Bonanza

Please heed the DPS range bars!

“What gear should I use?”
Maximize Haste. Haste for the Ray God.

I used the following profile while simming for this post. The biggest observation is that HFC tier for Frost - at minimum, Robomage has no idea how to play with and, anecdotally, in PTR testing is quite bad.


“Does this work on fights with adds?”
The Ray God will punish you for attempting to play this spec on add fights (most of HFC) by ensuring you do terrible damage.

“Does this work on fights with high movement?”
So long as you can get your 10 second miracle off, your golden

If you want to play optimally - spec Fire (and we will not so secretly judge you).

“Does this work in Legion?”
Ray of Frost? Yes.
This guide? No, it dies with the ring.

special thanks to

and to

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Re: Haste for the Ray God or Playing Frost in Legion Pre-pat

Unread postby Ellerianfan Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:36 pm

On the opener, any reason the 2nd RoP shouldnt go down before ice nova and comet storm?
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Re: Haste for the Ray God or Playing Frost in Legion Pre-pat

Unread postby Architech Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:27 pm

this seems like a good idea
Last edited by Architech on Wed Jul 20, 2016 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Haste for the Ray God or Playing Frost in Legion Pre-pat

Unread postby prateems Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:56 pm

10/10 entertainment factor in the writing
Nuaura || <The Outcasts> || 3/7M EN
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Re: Haste for the Ray God or Playing Frost in Legion Pre-pat

Unread postby kooriaisu Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:37 am

I have been using this guide for pre patch and I gotta say Ray of frost is pretty hilarious. its doing sooo much of my damage.
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Re: Haste for the Ray God or Playing Frost in Legion Pre-pat

Unread postby EmberPFU Fri Jul 22, 2016 11:23 am

Seems like the new 2 set bonus for frost isn't working atm. Casting water jet does not reset the cooldown of frostorb. Blizz pls.
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Re: Haste for the Ray God or Playing Frost in Legion Pre-pat

Unread postby Lahrast Sun Jul 31, 2016 7:30 pm

10/10 entertaining, cynicism is the last resort for all other mage-specs at this point in time sadly. i greatly appreciate this post <3
Seems like the new 2 set bonus for frost isn't working atm. Casting water jet does not reset the cooldown of frostorb. Blizz pls.
yeah, it was designed back when frost was orb-based.. (and we know what a really great idea that was!)
they never fixed it, it does the same thing it did with 6.3 - giving you a brainfreeze proc :D (and increasing the damage of flurry by 20%? didnt test that)

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