The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

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The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby Komma Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:06 am

Post your funny/epic failures.

Dragon's Breath legendary is a lot of fun and very deadly at the same time.
00:01:32.536 Corrupted Wisp 3 gains Dread Thorns from Environment
00:01:34.116 Komma casts Dragon's Breath
00:01:34.116 Komma Dragon's Breath Cenarius *707431*
00:01:34.116 Komma Dragon's Breath Corrupted Wisp 3 *664702*
00:01:34.116 Komma Dragon's Breath Corrupted Wisp 1 *721221*
00:01:34.116 Komma Dragon's Breath Corrupted Wisp 2 *686478*
00:01:34.635 Cenarius Dread Thorns Komma 349294
00:01:34.635 Corrupted Wisp 3 Dread Thorns Komma 160829 (O: 167367)
00:01:34.678 Komma dies from Corrupted Wisp 3's Dread Thorns
But I guess it's OK, the Warrior used Odyn's Fury and suffered a very similar fate.
00:01:34.427 Bobsal casts Odyn's Fury
<A lot of lines of damage>
00:01:34.931 Cenarius Dread Thorns Bobsal 375686
00:01:34.931 Corrupted Wisp 1 Dread Thorns Bobsal 374611
00:01:34.931 Corrupted Wisp 3 Dread Thorns Bobsal 372704
00:01:34.931 Corrupted Wisp 5 Dread Thorns Bobsal 375468
00:01:34.931 Corrupted Wisp 4 Dread Thorns Bobsal 332011
00:01:34.931 Corrupted Wisp 2 Dread Thorns Bobsal 362139
00:01:34.931 Cenarius Dread Thorns Bobsal 185772
00:01:34.931 Corrupted Wisp 4 Dread Thorns Bobsal 180558
00:01:34.972 Corrupted Wisp 3 Dread Thorns Bobsal 165631 (O: 2758)
00:01:34.972 Bobsal dies from Corrupted Wisp 3's Dread Thorns
Using Ice Block when fixated by Orb of Corrosion on Helya P3 is a bad idea.
Admin of Altered Time.

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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby dewun Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:04 pm

While we are on the topic of Cenarius. I had to quickly learn my limits aswell:

00:00:14.962 Dewn casts Rune of Power
00:00:14.962 Dewn begins casting Pyroblast
00:00:17.685 Dewn casts Fire Blast on Cenarius
00:00:17.999 Dewn casts Pyroblast on Cenarius
00:00:19.255 Cenarius Dread Thorns Dewn 1234455
00:00:19.299 Cenarius Dread Thorns Dewn 308614
00:00:19.654 Cenarius Dread Thorns Dewn 121806 (O: 5250)
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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby Xzaar Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:49 am

I've been using a /stopcasting /cast blink macro for as long as I can remember. Only recently, while reading about the legendary bracers rotation, someone on this forum mentioned you could blink during your pyroblast cast and keep casting.

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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby lowska Thu Nov 17, 2016 3:15 pm

Don't worry guys, no need to stack on me, I can Ice Block the befoulment!

Err... rez anyone?

Ahh, who cares, I can just iceblock nythendra's mechanics during phase two.
25 stacks of infected later on mythic difficulty.

That said, I successfully tanked one of the dragons on LFR (don't... just don't ask).
Tanked the Elerethe on normal for about 30 seconds (blink, shield, heal, blink, heal, iceblock, heal, blink, heal, tank CR and taunt) when our tank died, lived, and finished top DPS. It was a glorious day. People who think mages are squishy have no clue how good a mage tank is!
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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby Rinoa Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:46 am

Roughly half the raiders in my guild got banned for exploiting on the day of mythic progression. The bans last anywhere from 24 hours to 7 days, meaning we can't start mythic progress this reset at all. I think that is the biggest Legion fail I have seen so far, though not one I personally committed.

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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby Forminasage Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:41 pm

Don't worry, at least they'll have all that AP they farmed up when they return!
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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby Zilentification Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:10 pm

So tonight was my guild's first night on Mythic Xavius and we had a pretty glorious sequence of events on one of the pulls.

Phase two, I (Arcane mage) get linked to a Druid. I blink to where he was and he does the same, we have changed positions without getting any closer. Alright easy fix, I'll just displacement back to my original spot. Sadly, before I could, our priest sees our plight and decides to save the day.

He life grips the Druid as I displacement back to my original spot.

I would of been curious to see if we could bungle it up any more, but UNFORTUNATELY the boss grew tired of our shenanigans and decided to just have us die. Turns out those links really hurt if not dealt with.
Arcane is always the correct spec. Always. ... 876761/10/
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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby Tagain Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:43 pm

Don't flamestrike wisps at cenarius when you are not sure if they reflect :D
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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby Maywtf Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:10 pm

So we had a demon hunter (obviously) on our raiding roster. We pull Cenarius, he Fel Rushes through him into the vortex and dies. Unressable. He fought like a hero (for 2 seconds).
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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby Ilmatar Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:21 pm

Many fall of Krosus bridge, when he destroys a part of it, but as a Mage I can just blink forward and jump off it.
See me all too eagerly returning from soaking puddles at 4minutes 10seconds... blink & run into death.
But honestly, who hasn't done this stunt yet? ;)" target="_blank
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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby Vexim Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:16 am" target="_blank

Our druid was asked to brez a healer blown off the platform, landed on the pillar was viable to res.
Walked off the edge!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The FAIL thread: Legion Edition

Unread postby brownin Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:22 am

No logs but still quite funny on my part, definitely NOT for my guildies :lol:

So they took me through Karazhan to do Nightbane and we had to restart the instance 3 times already due to silly wipes, wasting maybe an hour. On the fourth time through we finally get all the crystals bar the last one from the Curator, he goes down. I saw the crystal lying there and though, I would be helpful and collect this for the guys as they'd been so helpful and patient with me and I wasn't sure if we had much time left to collect it. Well the screams and laughter on discord that shortly followed told me I'd done a boo boo and caused us to have to re-run it yet ANOTHER time....won't be doing that again any time soon :P

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