7.2.5 PTR Testing question

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7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Midgert Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:18 am

Hey all, Ive been playing on the PTR and was wondering if anyone else has been playing around with the idea of a 2+2 gear set on ptr besides myself? Im finding that this produces the best results overall and allows us a combination that utilizes the Kilt still.

DPS test i did was a simplae 200 mil on a target dummy and screenshotting the dps when i cross 200 mil

my baseline with just 19 gear was 935k dps


using t20 gear my dps seems to slightly increase but consistency has been an issue with it with an average of about 960k dps which is probably due to not using POM optimally and of cooldown or within CDs correctly.

Here is my best 2+2 set dps

*note that i am not using the new trinkets in that image i am using an 860 arcano and a 905 whispers. also i know the details say like 50 mil damage done and that occurred since i forgot to set it to total damage so during an evo it reset.

My only concern with this setup is that it would require to farm/obtain titanforge tier 19 pieces so that you are not losing to many stats to use it.

Any thoughts or testing from anyone else?
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Tipsey Fri Jun 02, 2017 7:17 pm

Did you test t20 4 set at all? or just t19, and 2+2. I believe the simple fact that it will be easier to obtain high ilvl t20 pieces will outweigh any potential benefits of using old tier with perhaps the exception of some ridiculously titanforged gear obtained in the future from farming old content.
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Midgert Sat Jun 03, 2017 7:13 pm

I did do a 4 set with nighthold trinkets and it feels more mana hungry of a build and didnt seem to generate many more POM to make up for the very noticble lack or missle procs that i was gaining. It could be the more mastery will be needed to take advantage of the set or the rotation/priority with change for our spec but i dont think it will.

Overall the 4 set for t 20 feels underwhelming just like the t19 4 set did as well at least in the current ptr build.
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Spookytooth Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:22 am

sims are agreeing with this even with tier 19 nerfs .. until you have 3 pieces of titanforged tier 20 it seems 2+2 is best and if your tier 19 are already titanforged then it sounds like u have a hard time ever giving them up (of course it could change going into live)
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Midgert Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:32 pm

Could you link me to where i could find those sims or the APL for it, i want to see if what changes are occuring within those sims to see if im possibly doing something wrong?
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Naustis Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:28 pm

If you have Kilt t20 4p is stronger for sure. You can line PoM with most RoP what gives nice dps boost. Moreover, Charged up + PoM returns so much mana that when I was Arcane on PTR I was really hard to burn mana quick enough to time it with Evo.

It is hard to belive that 2x t19 tier pieces with 905ilvl outscales 2 t20 pieces with 935ilvl :)

Ps. Are u sure that APL is correct? Arcane sims are broken. T19 p4 suffered because APL was still entering conserve phase at 60% regardless of Evo cd.
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Midgert Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:39 pm

"My only concern with this setup is that it would require to farm/obtain titanforge tier 19 pieces so that you are not losing to many stats to use it."

i imagine that yes if u had 905 pieces vs the 935 than yes u are losing to many stats to use t19 2 set and t 20 would out pace it by a large margin.

my question i guess is if u can obtain titanforge pieces of t 19 to make up for those stats or to minimize the stat lost is the t19 2 set stronger than the t20 4 set?
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby magictricks Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:21 am

So assuming legs and chest are out of the question for t19 and we are talking about St with occasional cleave/burn target (kilt/ring) that leaves us with head gloves shoulder and cape. Glove stats seem good and the stat difference between 920 and 930 is not that high, same goes for Cape so for me those 2 t19 seem like the best bits, with shoulders next and head being the worst.
Anyone agree disagree?
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Tipsey Sat Jun 10, 2017 4:15 pm

I feel like the t20 2pc just isn't very good without the 4 pc. Mostly because PoM has a 60 second cooldown and AP has a 90 second cooldown. Not sure what the math on this is, but you need essentially 4 AM procs every 45 seconds to reduce the CD of PoM enough to get an extra activation in between each AP and still have it lined up for the next (this would also line up every PoM with a RoP). So I imagine in a hypothetical world where I had every piece of T20 and T19 all at titanforge cap, I would still opt for 4p T20.

I'll just let the sims be the judge of what to do.
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Ianarion Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:07 am

Does the tarnished sentinel medallion proc off each tick of arcane missiles?
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby DeathDefier Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:25 am

Does the tarnished sentinel medallion proc off each tick of arcane missiles?
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Re: 7.2.5 PTR Testing question

Unread postby Froo Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:01 pm

Does the tarnished sentinel medallion proc off each tick of arcane missiles?
Lmao as if they'd commit the same mistake they did with PoF in HFC.

I miss HFC Arcane

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