7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

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7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Sosaria Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:56 am

Hi all,

Hard to find info on this particular build, where the fire mage stacks Crit/Haste for ST.

Example, https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... metric=dps

I'm just concerned that raidbots will still give the wrong stat weights/ dps calculations to aim for when you're trying to gear for the Crit/Haste build.

Any pointers please?
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Aggrokalle Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:04 pm

hmm this guy has some rly awesome logs...
i can almost duplicate his stats.

946 ilvl
51% crit
29 % haste
19,4% mastery
same trinkets

when i replicate his goroth fight, 2:54 with two BL on puppy, i got 1,64m dps. So it seems legit, that this build works rly well on this fight.
But his other fights are although pretty amazing. I dont this he goes straight for crit haste. I think he builds around 50% crit and goes mastery / haste afterwards.
But still i´d say he´s just a rly good fire mage with an pretty good guild. Look at these killtimes... They´re pretty sick.

edit: these are my logs, switched back to fire with 7.3
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 4742540/13#

demonic isnt my fight...
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Sunspark Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:22 pm

Im non hardcore fire mage player, i play crit build mostly.

My stats in game are:
69% crit 19k
17% haste 6350
15% mastery 4700
7% versa 3500

Im using wrists, shard and kindling. Didnt test with owl trinket.

simbot output for stats values looks like this:
( Pawn: v1: "sunspark - Fire (Raidbots)": Class=Mage, Spec=Fire, Intellect=17.23, CritRating=25.71, HasteRating=23.92, MasteryRating=24.77, Versatility=21.03 )

and dps looks a bit low. Im simed with 1,1kk but i finished sisters with 1,3kk dps while half of my guild was propably dead...

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Rw ... amage-done

Im not a logs guy, but i guess 7:30 is not best time around.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby gatomon_ca Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:55 pm

I actually have been using this build for 1.5 months now. I pretty much have those stats as well. I'm not a mythic raider though but I can tell you, my dps output has been much better since I changed it.

The higher haste really helps with casting fire balls along with criticals - fishing for bracer procs. I'm enjoying this build so far.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Aggrokalle Fri Oct 13, 2017 8:52 am


with 940+ ilvl you should sim savely around 1,4m, so i guess you´re weights are kinda overboard. 65%+ crit is too much for sure.
Just remember - 100-90% boss hp, this stat gives you NOTHING!

playing with high crit makes the playstyle smoother, but i think its a trap... haste/vers is the go-to for ST (as long as u run belt!)
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Syana Fri Oct 13, 2017 9:01 pm


with 940+ ilvl you should sim savely around 1,4m, so i guess you´re weights are kinda overboard. 65%+ crit is too much for sure.
Just remember - 100-90% boss hp, this stat gives you NOTHING!

playing with high crit makes the playstyle smoother, but i think its a trap... haste/vers is the go-to for ST (as long as u run belt!)
It's not a trap... Your sim dps will be lower but you will generally achieve that dps in raids because the spec becomes a tad bit less random.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Sunspark Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:25 pm

Well dps when using a shard depends on fight lenght. My guild is in trouble when we need 20 players to start a raid. We got like 15 core and 5-7 players change every few weeks. Its a pain in the ass.

And yes, i agree 65% crit is much. Well with my gear im not able to drop it :D
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Edlh Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:03 pm

Hi all,

Hard to find info on this particular build, where the fire mage stacks Crit/Haste for ST.

Example, https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... metric=dps

I'm just concerned that raidbots will still give the wrong stat weights/ dps calculations to aim for when you're trying to gear for the Crit/Haste build.

Any pointers please?
Hello there , seen's you linked my logs i found it the best that i give you some info about it aswell:D
First of all i didnt expect my logs would be linked like this anywhere , so thanks for that.
It was also hard for me to find any info on this build on the forums cause all the mage where playing frost and the ones that play fire are using the belt(now some switch to the ring) so i invented this stat ratio that works for me out of practice.
About raidbots , wouldnt know i never used it.
First il tell you what stat ratio i use and then il go over why i use that amount.

Crit at 56% - 58% Max
Haste 25% - 28% Max
Then all the way mastery and in the case that you cant find mastery gear then use vers , but mastery is BIS for after you reach this crit-haste i mentioned above.

Now about critical , the amount is not steady and what i mean by that is that for me thats what it feels like a good amount to have to be able to have a 2/3 fireball crit ratio which help a lot putting out your rotation , also critical helps on the hardcast pyroblast a lot ,cause when it crits its game over:D
I would suggest playing with 50-58% crit and checking what you feel is best to be able to put out the rotation and get the criticals you need to be able to move and dps on the run , cause we all know its all about the RNG baby.
Also be careful about putting to much critical also cause like i said reducing the amount of non crit pyroblasts and fireballs is amazingly good but if you over do it on crit you dont gain anything at all , just find that sweet spot where you feel like your pyro-fireball is criting enough for you to get the rotation out.

About haste , here its always good to have 25% + haste so you reduce that GCG on spells which helps a lot when you burst with combustion , it helps with getting fireball out faster and to reduce the CD on fireblast , haste is more reliable and should be always above 25% or 24% even but dont go above 28% for now.

Mastery and vers are just damage increases to be honest thats why you cap the crit-haste and then you go for mastery-vers after , mastery is just insane ,that sweet ignite with the high crit which makes you have a good ignite all the time

Thats all , if you have any more question let me know , and btw this is always a build with Wrist-timewarp ring for legendarys.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby ezekielyo Tue Oct 17, 2017 10:00 pm

I've been running this build for the past 2 weeks during farm.

It's a fun build and feels very "fire magey" while only simming 30-40k less than a non crit build. I know a few players who simply prefer the build so they play it.

I was running:

16.5k Crit
9k Haste
5k Mastery
2k Vers

(https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/JB ... y&source=7) (Heres a Goroth log if anybody as curious.)

Firestarter and Combustion do feel bad since all that crit stat is wasted but even still, the crit build can keep up sicne you are generating so many Bracer procs.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Waddell Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:25 pm

EDLH, your build is what makes me switch to fire (I really dont like no crit build with belt) and I've been trying to copy your build, I am pretty close without the iLVL (938 as of yesterday)

I am just starting to use it since I am pretty new to fire but as of now
57 crit
28 haste
17 mastery
and something like 1 or 2 vers

I dont have any good parse for now but they are already getting better then my arcane old main build.

I like it a lot, Thank you EDLH ! :)
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Edlh Wed Oct 18, 2017 6:01 pm

EDLH, your build is what makes me switch to fire (I really dont like no crit build with belt) and I've been trying to copy your build, I am pretty close without the iLVL (938 as of yesterday)

I am just starting to use it since I am pretty new to fire but as of now
57 crit
28 haste
17 mastery
and something like 1 or 2 vers

I dont have any good parse for now but they are already getting better then my arcane old main build.

I like it a lot, Thank you EDLH ! :)
That's why i made this build , cause i refused to play a fire mage where critical is rare and you have to base your stats around the belt legendary.
Your Critical-haste are awesome just focus on mastery now, and get ready for some insane combustion burst with Tier 21.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Hasufer Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:36 am

Been playing this build for quite some time now (never really used belt low-crit builds) - also experimented with even higher crit and the results just as great(till 66%), as with the ~57crit. Its just amazing overall - your st is competeable with most classes(+frost/arc) and Its great for both cleave/aoe and micromovement, especially handy on progress. Master RoP as well and next tier is gonna be a blast ^^
Did quite a few 7-8 min tries on dummies today, after a bit of optimizing+new relic: around 1.7mil consistently! :) 65%crit, 24%haste, 11%vers and 17.5%mastery, owl, arcano, fs, rop, kind(shard/bracer) - it can be a tad less bursty (naturally, as u have a little extra int, more mast which is more influential during combustion periods. Do remember however, that crit also converts to mast during combust, so it's really not that bad and it all comes down to bracer procs during the opener, regardless of build) than belt build but the amount of bracerprocs/crits u gain outside combust is inzane sustain and shortens combust windows accordingly, due to kind - for 1+ target fights u can further utilize this build with RoP/kind combust timings for inzane on-demand burst for whatever is needed. A great alternative to the belt/bracer setup/build imo! :-)
Last edited by Hasufer on Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Sosaria Thu Oct 19, 2017 5:21 am

Thank you all very much for the replies! I am hoping the shard drops for me so I can make a full switch to the crit-haste build (I don't have belt).

Will be redoing my stats tonight with the current gear and see what numbers I can pull.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Frantik Thu Oct 19, 2017 2:43 pm

do you guys equip lower ilvl items to get these stats or only the higher ilvl drops with the correct stats?
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Edlh Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:16 pm

Thank you all very much for the replies! I am hoping the shard drops for me so I can make a full switch to the crit-haste build (I don't have belt).

Will be redoing my stats tonight with the current gear and see what numbers I can pull.
I wouldn't worry about it too much though with the new raid coming in 1 month and tier 21 i can easily see wrist/hands for BIS legendary and even higher amount of crit.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Canonic Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:54 pm

I'm not sure why everyone keeps saying crit is the way to go with the bracer/glove combo. We are going to have such a high up time on combust that I would think crit is very devalued, whereas haste would be very beneficial.
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Cinderquill Thu Oct 19, 2017 6:15 pm

I'm not sure why everyone keeps saying crit is the way to go with the bracer/glove combo. We are going to have such a high up time on combust that I would think crit is very devalued, whereas haste would be very beneficial.
Crit wont be as devalued as it is now though. It'll be like 50ish percent then other stats because you still want to reduce the cd with kindling to actually make it worth using the talent
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Nareela Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:45 pm

Hello there , seen's you linked my logs i found it the best that i give you some info about it aswell:D
First of all i didnt expect my logs would be linked like this anywhere , so thanks for that.
It was also hard for me to find any info on this build on the forums cause all the mage where playing frost and the ones that play fire are using the belt(now some switch to the ring) so i invented this stat ratio that works for me out of practice.
About raidbots , wouldnt know i never used it.
First il tell you what stat ratio i use and then il go over why i use that amount.

Crit at 56% - 58% Max
Haste 25% - 28% Max
Then all the way mastery and in the case that you cant find mastery gear then use vers , but mastery is BIS for after you reach this crit-haste i mentioned above.

Now about critical , the amount is not steady and what i mean by that is that for me thats what it feels like a good amount to have to be able to have a 2/3 fireball crit ratio which help a lot putting out your rotation , also critical helps on the hardcast pyroblast a lot ,cause when it crits its game over:D
I would suggest playing with 50-58% crit and checking what you feel is best to be able to put out the rotation and get the criticals you need to be able to move and dps on the run , cause we all know its all about the RNG baby.
Also be careful about putting to much critical also cause like i said reducing the amount of non crit pyroblasts and fireballs is amazingly good but if you over do it on crit you dont gain anything at all , just find that sweet spot where you feel like your pyro-fireball is criting enough for you to get the rotation out.

About haste , here its always good to have 25% + haste so you reduce that GCG on spells which helps a lot when you burst with combustion , it helps with getting fireball out faster and to reduce the CD on fireblast , haste is more reliable and should be always above 25% or 24% even but dont go above 28% for now.

Mastery and vers are just damage increases to be honest thats why you cap the crit-haste and then you go for mastery-vers after , mastery is just insane ,that sweet ignite with the high crit which makes you have a good ignite all the time

Thats all , if you have any more question let me know , and btw this is always a build with Wrist-timewarp ring for legendarys.
First of all, you are pulling great numbers with this build man, congratulations. Secondly, I would love to know how your opener looks, what i mean is that when i saw your logs, i noticed you start with combustion and burning all the instant casts, am I wrong? I am not a logs guy so i could be wrong, i dont get much how to read those timelines and such with the logs so would love some help. I am transitioning from frost to fire (honestly because Im really bored of frost, dont really find it fun and i want to swap to fire since it was always fun for me) and would love some insights such as (for example) when to start the first combustion and when to activate the owl trinket with kindling since it makes a cd gap between the trinket and combustion itself.

Thanks in advance for reading! See ya!
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Canonic Thu Oct 19, 2017 11:07 pm

I'm not sure why everyone keeps saying crit is the way to go with the bracer/glove combo. We are going to have such a high up time on combust that I would think crit is very devalued, whereas haste would be very beneficial.
Crit wont be as devalued as it is now though. It'll be like 50ish percent then other stats because you still want to reduce the cd with kindling to actually make it worth using the talent
As it stands now, with a haste heavy build, kindling and gloves, the CD is not much more than a minute anyway. Is there any hard evidence for this, or is it all just supposition at this point?
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Re: 7.3 Fire Mage CRIT HASTE build

Unread postby Sunspark Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:49 pm

I dont use firestarter in this build. You combust at start, so you dont need it. I use pyromaniac all the time. Its not this bad, sometimes it proc 3/4 times in a row which is a huge aoe boost. Also combustion convert crit to mastery, so no, its not a big waste.

Mastery and vers are just damage increases to be honest thats why you cap the crit-haste and then you go for mastery-vers after , mastery is just insane ,that sweet ignite with the high crit which makes you have a good ignite all the time
in non crit build if your not lucky enough, your iginite is a joke between combustions

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