6.0 Arcane gear

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6.0 Arcane gear

Unread postby Crabmodem Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:12 pm

I have the 4pc set. AMR is telling me not to wear it. It is also telling me that my flex KTT is better than my mythic PBoI.

So the question is, is AMR wrong and should I still be rocking the 4pc set and the PBoI with my BBoY?
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Re: 6.0 Arcane gear

Unread postby Soggs Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:33 am

PBoI is still good, so is 4 set.

heroic BBoY > flex KTT > normal BBoY
Not completely sure about that though.
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Re: 6.0 Arcane gear

Unread postby Lak Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:14 pm

Is 4 set worth going for even if it means putting 2 wf items in the bank? (in this case thok gloves and jugger legs)
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Re: 6.0 Arcane gear

Unread postby detrex Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:18 pm

idk about you guys but i noticed that the 4pc for arcane isn't working the way it used to. Idk if it's because we get 3 charges now or what but im thinking of just using 2pc as arcane after last nights raid
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Re: 6.0 Arcane gear

Unread postby Jusanthrmage Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:19 am

I have the same quiestion. Our guild ran Mythic SOO last week and I was unsure which way to gear. Stick with my 4 piece or go balls out and got for as much Mastery as possible. I did stick with the four piece and found myself getting a ton of am procs from it. I did find it difficult to complete the burn phase as Arcane as many times it took a very very long time to dip down around the 50 percent mana. Anyone have any suggestions as to which way will probally be better in WOD?. I'm gonna guess and say Sticking with the 4 piece tier is the better way to go but it would be great to hear some info from some more experienced arcane mages.


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