recently switched from fire to arcane and my dps is lacking. I am hoping for a few quick recommendations.
Thank you in advance for any help!
Greetings there Frosty9! So, I'm currently at work and can't fully check all the details, but I'll explain what I can and see if it'll help you out. I'll use my phone to check the stats and see how much I can determine from just there.
Ok, so one of the first things i'd suggest is dropping some of the haste you have. It shows you at 24.75% haste. This is a bit excessive as of 7.1-live right now. Utilizing Quickening will offset any lowered amount of haste you have. Not to mention that you're just shy of 40% mastery which is usually the starting point for Arcane.
Goal Set: Lessen your Haste and turn that into Mastery. Aim for about 45-50% mastery (after food buffs at the minimum). This will allow you to have proper amounts of mana regen while in a throttled phase
Notable Item: Now I do see you have the Legendary Kilt, so given that you get Mana back when casting Barrage, your playstyle will change from the standard. Since I don't have the kilt myself, I cannot speak to the rotation you'd ideally want to use. What I would recommend, is checking out the other threads after this, there are a few that go over ideal Kilt rotations to help maximize on the damage output.
As for your Ring that you have, generally, you don't want to be the one casting Hero/Timewarp until AFTER someone else has casted it. That way you get the hero burst from the first person, then YOU can choose when you use the second.
Outside of those noted items, your general stats look pretty good beyond the Haste/Mastery item earlier mentioned.
Logs: So taking a
quick look at your log, I'm reviewing the fights in order. I can't speak to the greater details since i'm on my phone w/ that, and it's hard to see exact details since it's not really mobile friendly if you ask me.
Mythic Nythendra - 300.8k DPS done. You have some good peaks and valleys in there 85 casts of AB, with 241 hits of AM. You had about 21 NT's cast, so you could probably squeeze in a couple more since based on timing, you could at most get about 28, so figure maybe 2-4 more would be ideal, you want to keep that up at all times if at all possible.
You had pretty good up-time on Quickening, but you could get more up-time honestly. About 87% up on it right now for Nyth isn't too shabby, especially with the moving that you have to do on mythic difficulty.
I would recommend instead of using potion of prolonged power, instead use Deadly Grace. it doesn't last as long, but if you pre-pot at 2 seconds earliest (assuming the tanks pull at 0), and you're at maximum range, you get 25 seconds on the duration (less the 2 if you take it early). This thing can pump out damage that off-sets the prolonged power. However, in fights where you may not get the luxury of planting your feet, then prolonged would be better imo.
So yea. I'll end right now with Mythic Nythendra since it's a bit of a pain in the rump to go ahead and look through each on the phone
Anywho. Rotation is a key thing, and as I said earlier, I can't speak to the Kilt rotation, so definitely hit up the other threads, i'll see if I can link one or two of them here for ya.
As for a
normal rotation, you typically want to look at it like this:
>AB til 4 AC
>RoP + AP
>AM/AB to refresh Q
>Blow out your mana w/ spells
>>Refresh RoP along the way
>>>Bank 1 AM when you get near 40% mana
>Evo @ <25% mana ideally (essentially when you cannot afford another AB)
>>Upon Evo completion use the banked AM to refresh Q
>Enter the Conservation/Throttle phase
>Burn to about 60-70% mana
>Maintain around this range by using the following mentality
>>1) If Greater than 3 seconds left on Q, then Refresh NT, SN, or MoA>RoP casting
>>2) If Less than 3 seconds left on Q, then:
>>>>wait til 0.5s remain and cast AM to refresh Q
>>>>wait til 0.5 - 1.0s remain and cast AE at close range to refresh Q
>>>>wait til 2.5s remain and cast AB to ensure it completes fully in time (if you can judge time better then wait til it would complete at 0.5s)
Once you have less than 25 seconds remaining on Evocate, and AP is ready and you're at 65-70% mana minimum, go into another burn phase. You
should be around 35-45 Q stacks at this point. Just blow it out and don't fret about banking AM for the end w/ Evo since @ 50 Q stacks it drops off regardless, and you can repeat the previous Conserve/Throttle and just build Q & Mana during it for a third burn phase.
So yea, I know this is a lot, but I think if you get the higher mastery, it would help out.
Before doing this though, i would check out either of these threads since they go over the Kilt in more detail. ... f=3&t=2735
CU = Charged Up
Oh, and in general, always cast MoA first, THEN RoP/AP since if you do RoP first it
might fall off before the MoA explosion pops.
I hope this all helps! Let us know how you perform after the alterations ^_^