Simcraft - IF > ROP on elisande or guldan or whatever else is long.
So just so I don't get this wrong, you are comparing IF>RoP with a Patchwerkstyle fight Sim (no movement, no nothing, best case scenario) to "Elisande or Guldan or whatever else is long" that are ANYTHING but a patchwerk fight style right?
You are also writing in the style of IF being a take the talent and forget it kinda way which in no way would sim higher than RoP because for you to reach that, you would again need to perfectly time pretty much any ability based on current stacks of IF which is way harder than simply using RoP when the best scenario for it presents itself and ensuring you never actually cap 2 stacks so long that you would have gotten a 3rd stack.
Personally I don't care about simcraft because quite frankly those aren't people, so I'll stick to Logs.
While I certainly agree there might be good cases for using IF, they way you present it "it's flat out better overall" I cannot agree with. Also, if IF was flat out better, why doesn't every Arcane Mage play it? You would have logs littered with IF if it's that much better, but it's quite the opposite and I'm pretty sure the top mages test everything on every fight.
Just an example: this is not math, but it sure is evidence ... fficulty=4" target="_blank
Likewise I understand the logic of wanting to use IF on progression as you don't yet know when RoP would be best used "yet". At the same time, once you do, after couple of tries, I assume you switch to RoP because exactly in those cases you want the burst window.
Thanks for a non - raging post.
I am not comparing a sim to a boss, I have said it many times before that they cannot be compared and sims do not reflect real life. However, it is pretty hard to judge talents based on logs from a 2 week long raid in which most people parsing (not all) are just beginning to embrace arcane. Also I have not seen it mentioned anywhere that IF outsims RoP so I took it upon myself to point that out.
I haven't said IF is flat out better, I said RoP is clearly better in several scenarios, with Aluriel arcane adds nuke being one example. Jury is out there what fights IF is better on, Tichondrius with constant blood/bat aoe comes to mind. But I don't have answers to those questions, I am here to present another viewpoint. Hence me saying "it is not so simple" multiple times.
As for gaming IF stacks - it is something that Simcraft does not do. I don't know by how much it would make IF superior in a sim, but it would bump it up from the current 0.2-0.3 percent that IF sims higer on 10 a min fight. To be honest, I don't have much problem doing it this way - have a big WA number on my scren showing me stacks, if they are 2_>1 or 1, I try to hardcast AB instead of dumping AM or PoM/AB. Pretty sure the gain is very small but it is there, in the real world.
Listen man, I don't want to bring this to a personal level but I'm going to have to because that's just how hard-headed you are. Mage on Stormrage US in the guild No Big Deal is your character, correct?
No, I am not from US. And this is precisely the reason why I don't like to make stuff public, because it makes discussions more diffucult when people start to go ad hominem.
Your logs are nice, but there is no point drawing conclusions from 2 people's logs because skill and mechanics come into play. You have higher parses than me on 3 of the 10 bosses, on one I died, on 1 you were killing voidlings (Augur) and on one I guess you just outplayed me.
I can share them in a private message so you can analyze stuff if you wish, but I would appreciate it if you didn't bring it on a personal level here on the forums. Let's discuss statistics, not individual performances.